"A person wakes up in a random place amidst a completely abandoned world. Battles with monsters, the search for survival means, farming, and trading with the miraculously survived remnants of human settlements await them ahead…" Such is the legend about Minecraft told to us by the developers and designers. But if Steve, Alex, or another main character wakes up in a ruined world, where are the traces of past civilizations? Indeed, the player comes across only mines, pyramids, and, if they are lucky enough, several jungle ruins along their path. But is that enough?
The small add-on under consideration slightly expands the usual structures of the vanilla Minecraft and corrects that shortcoming of the developers. Various small buildings, sculptures, wells, and other artifacts of the past, will now randomly generate in the game world, enlivening the familiar environment.
The new structures, though, are not full-fledged dungeons filled with various dangers and adventures. They just add what is missing in the vanilla game, namely diverse traces of the past. But, of course, it also makes sense to explore them — indeed, who knows what can be hidden in a small forgotten chest next to an extinct campfire?
At the moment, the mod is still under development and affects only the desert biome.
Note! For the mod to work correctly, you need to manually install an extension called YUNG'S API.
YungsExtras-1.21.1-Fabric-5.1.1 | 14.10.2024 | fabric | R | 325 KB | 1.21.1, 1.21 | 938 | Download |
YungsExtras-1.21.1-Fabric-5.1.0 | 12.10.2024 | fabric | R | 325 KB | 1.21.1 | 1 | Download |
YungsExtras-1.20.4-Fabric-4.4.2 | 17.05.2024 | fabric | R | 323 KB | 1.20.4 | 674 | Download |
YungsExtras-1.20.4-Fabric-4.4.1 | 09.05.2024 | fabric | R | 324 KB | 1.20.4 | 119 | Download |
YungsExtras-1.20.4-Fabric-4.4.0 | 20.02.2024 | fabric | R | 322 KB | 1.20.4 | 979 | Download |
YungsExtras-1.20-Fabric-4.0.3 | 26.09.2023 | fabric | R | 342 KB | 1.20.1, 1.20 | 8 k | Download |
YungsExtras-1.20-Fabric-4.0.2 | 21.09.2023 | fabric | R | 541 KB | 1.20.1, 1.20 | 99 | Download |
YungsExtras-1.20-Fabric-4.0.1 | 06.09.2023 | fabric | R | 541 KB | 1.20.1, 1.20 | 156 | Download |
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