Dimensions Mods for Minecraft

The Bumblezone (NeoForgeForge)

A mod called The Bumblezone adds a new dimension to the game, which allows you to explore a bee nest consisting of honeycomb blocks. The main rulers of that world are the bees themselves, so

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MES - Moog's End Structures

MES - Moog's End Structures It is a small mod that adds new structures to the End. They are claimed to be dungeons but are virtually just buildings with a small number of mobs and chests. However,

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[Axanthic Studios] Lands of Icaria

Lands of Icaria It is a rather rich mod that adds a new ancient Greek dimension with numerous biomes and more than 30 new creatures. To build a portal, you need to travel through the nether and

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The Forgotten Dimensions

The Forgotten Dimensions The Forgotten Dimensions is – mod that is still in development, but still successful in the game's new realm, with a lot of mobs, blocks and tools. The world's permafrost

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The Twilight Forest

The Twilight Forest mod adds a new storyline to the game, as well as another dimension with new mobs and bosses.</ p> How to get to a new dimension and come back If you want to get into a new

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Eternal Tales

Eternal Tales Eternal Tales is a huge mod that adds a whole lot of new content to the game, beginning with ordinary mobs and ending with full-fledged quests. It is available for versions 1.19.

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  • 51 k
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Ender Trigon

Ender Trigon: A Three-Headed Dragon in Minecraft How often have you managed to kill the ender dragon in the vanilla version of Minecraft? It was necessary to find a portal to the End to get to

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Stargate Journey

Stargate Journey – Stargate with teleportation There are other ways of traveling in Minecraft besides using standard portals to the Hell or to the End. If you feel bored with the standard vanilla

  • 6 k
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The Undergarden

The Undergarden – a dark world mod The Undergarden mod adds various items, weapons, and blocks, but most importantly, it introduces a dark dimension with new creatures and types of items. Catalyst

  • 5 k
  • 221 k
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