Would like to diversify the world generation in Minecraft by adding more unique biomes with unusual landscapes? If so, we suggest you consider using an add-on called World Expansion: Light and Dark, which adds new content that diversifies everyday life in the game. The mod was released very recently, on January 3, 2024, and cannot boast rich content yet, but the player can already visit the new biomes naturally generated in the game world. Besides the latter, the mod adds new blocks and items. The mod was created in the vanilla style, so the innovations will perfectly match the usual content. For now, the players already have three biomes to explore. In the next update, the designer will add three more biomes. You can already learn about them in the game but will not be able to explore them. The main thing is that all the content featured by the mod is unique, and you certainly will not be able to find similar biomes in other add-ons.
It is quite an unusual biome, where ores can sometimes generate on the surface, although that happens extremely rarely. The landscape of the biome is also uncommon: its surface consists of grass blocks and a new block called kabanyt. Its color is red, so the entire biome looks unusual, especially given that it is the main component of this biome. The valley can consist not only of a plain with small hills but also sometimes feature large mountains covered with kabanyt. Another feature of the new biome is the presence of lava pools. In one such biome, the player can come across several places with lava. This biome is, in fact, the updated savanna, so the vanilla villages with inhabitants will also generated there.
Besides the standard plants in the form of grass, you will see new species there, including the tiger aloe vera, yellow astilba, and even dead bushes. But the salient feature of the biome is the baobab trees, which are numerous there. This tree can have different sizes and, most importantly, is completely unlike the vanilla trees in terms of structure. The player can also get a baobab sapling from its leaves for further planting. The baobab wood can be used in the standard way — that is, you will be able to make planks of it and then craft other block variants and use them as building materials.
As you might have noticed, the ore in this biome is also unusual, as it does not consist of stone. Indeed, kabanyt functions as stone here, so it can be considered a new ore type. The new ore is no different from the vanilla one, though, so you will also be able to mine it and smelt it in a furnace to get ingots. The underground world in the baobab valleys consists entirely of kabanyt, and you will find no stone there.
You will also be able to mine the new titanium ore. It can be found not only in the baobab valleys but also in other biomes, where, of course, it is covered with stone or deepslate. You will be able to smelt it to get titanium ingots, but they have no use for now, and the modder promises to add unique items to be crafted from them. The only thing you can create at the moment is a titanium block that requires nine ingots.
It is another biome added by this mod, which is also a variant of savanna. It is completely covered with red sand and so can boast an unusual color. However, there is also grass everywhere and virtually no red sand on which the grass does not grow. That is why the biome looks bright and saturated, and it is a sheer pleasure to travel through it. It cannot boast other features, though: its terrain is standard, and the vegetation is the same as in the familiar biomes.
It is a dark biome completely covered with coarse dirt, but there is also a lot of grass there. The new tumbleweed plant grows there. You will be able to pick it up and use it as a weapon in much the same way as a snowball. It does very little damage, just one point, but knocks the target back. As for other plants, only the acacia grows there.
You will be able to come across new generated structures in the form of destroyed houses built of mud bricks and packed mud. You will be able to see them both in the new biomes and in the vanilla ones. Such houses do not have a roof at all, and going inside them, you will be able to find a barrel with treasures.
Those are all new world-generation features, but do not worry — the designer is already working on new and unique biomes that will surely appeal to you. In the meantime, be sure to install the add-on to enjoy the new variants of the savanna biome and try the new available items. By the way, the mod also features a snowball cannon, which can surprise you with its rate of fire. Besides, you can also put on skates to rapidly move on the ice. These items can be created in the crafting table from the standard resources. The mod also contains rare items, namely music discs and trims.
World Expansion-Light and Dark 0.1.5-1.21.1-NeoForge | 02.02.2025 | neoForge | B | 13 MB | 1.21.1 | 3 | Download |
World Expansion-Light and Dark | 08.01.2025 | neoForge | B | 13 MB | 1.21.1 | 0 | Download |
World Expansion-Light and Dark | 08.01.2025 | forge | B | 13 MB | 1.20.1 | 2 | Download |
World Expansion-Light and Dark 0.1.4-1.21.1-NeoForge | 07.01.2025 | neoForge | B | 13 MB | 1.21.1 | 0 | Download |
World Expansion-Light and Dark 0.1.4-1.20.1-Forge | 07.01.2025 | forge | B | 13 MB | 1.20.1 | 0 | Download |
World Expansion-Light and Dark 0.1.3-1.20.1-Forge | 25.10.2024 | forge | B | 13 MB | 1.20.1 | 3 | Download |
World Expansion-Light and Dark 0.1.2-1.20.1-Forge | 19.10.2024 | forge | B | 12 MB | 1.20.1 | 0 | Download |
World Expansion-Light and Dark 0.1.1-1.20.1-Forge | 13.05.2024 | forge | B | 12 MB | 1.20.1 | 0 | Download |
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