How do you usually travel in Minecraft? Surely, you use a Nether portal or the elytra for that purpose. However, you can also collect chorus fruits in the game, which allow you to teleport to a certain number of blocks, saving you a little time when overcoming a long distance. Still, only a few players resort to this method because they constantly need to eat chorus, which gets boring. There is another option, though, namely the Teleportation Juice mod. It adds a special teleportation juice to Minecraft, which can be created from certain ingredients. With the help of such a drink, you will be able to teleport in the game many times faster. Are you interested?
The Teleportation Juice mod adds only one unique item to Minecraft — a teleportation juice that can be made from chorus fruits and berries. It is a drink that allows you to teleport to a certain distance. The mechanic here is similar to that of the vanilla version of Minecraft, so you are familiar with it. However, the distance is now way greater, and the approach itself is more interesting. If you often visit the End, it will not be difficult for you to find the chorus fruits to make such a potion, which will be helpful in any dimension.
This add-on will slightly change the standard mechanics in Minecraft. Most likely, you have rarely used chorus fruits in the Overworld. That is sad but understandable, as you need to constantly eat these fruits, and teleportation works only at a short distance. So this method is not particularly effective. Therefore, it is better to install the Teleportation Juice mod and slightly improve this mechanic. You will thus be able to travel long distances without having to lose hunger and health points, as you can take all the items that are in your inventory with you. That indeed helps in many situations, especially in dangerous biomes.
The teleportation juice is created from four chorus fruits, four berries, and one glass bottle. We have taken a detailed screenshot of the crafting recipe so that you can evaluate it and remember how to make this drink in Minecraft. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in that. To use this potion, just drink it while holding it in your hand, and the system will teleport you to a certain number of blocks. By default, the range is 12 times further than that of the ender eye and 48 times further than that of the ordinary chorus fruit. That is indeed a long distance, so thanks to such a drink, any player will now be able to quickly move around the game world. You can stack 64 bottles of it and take such a large stock with you. However, there is a gap between uses of 5–10 seconds.
The new drink from Teleportation Juice works both in the Overworld and other dimensions. There are a lot of ways in which this potion can help you, for example:
· Fast Movement. This is the banal and standard mechanics of exploring new biomes in Minecraft. You will simply move faster while spending the same amount of energy.
· Fleeing From Mobs. Suppose you were attacked by mobs in a bastion remnant and cannot hide. You can just drink this drink, and the system will throw you hundreds of blocks away.
· Resource Transfer. Why waste time going through locations and transferring resources manually when you can use such a drink? Especially given that the probability of encountering mobs is extremely low in this case.
· Escaping From Traps. Suppose you find yourself somewhere in a closed room or area or accidentally fall down far into a mine, and it takes a long time to climb back up. But you can just look in the direction where you need to teleport and drink this juice.
· Moving Across Biomes. There are different types of locations in the Nether, but getting into them is often not an easy task, as you have to break blocks under, above, and in front of yourself. But it will be enough to take such drinks to move faster through the biomes — perhaps, you will even quickly get to some dungeon.
Note! There is a little feature in the Teleportation Juice mod that you need to know about. When you drink this juice, your character gets dizzy, and your head begins to swim. The visual picture will be as if you are drunk. It is a cool effect, but watching it often is not a particularly pleasant activity for players. Just try the juice, and you will see everything yourself. However, you can also look at our screenshots. The effect will end after the scale of the drink disappears completely.
We have to end our review here, as the mod itself is small and adds minimal functionality to the game. If you want to teleport faster, be sure to install Teleportation Juice and try to play with it. You can be sure that chorus fruits will become much in demand on your server if it is large enough. Besides, people will move to the End more often to get more fruits. The price of berries will also rise, although few people use them in the vanilla version. If you have any questions about the Teleportation Juice mod, be sure to write in the comments, and we will help you understand the game's intricacies.
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