Tap Tab for Minecraft

  • Author: KrLite KrLite
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 29.09.2023
  • Last version 1.20.2

Review Tap Tab

Tap Tab – quick block transportation

How do you manage your Minecraft inventory? You can hold Shift and move stacks or blocks, press Q to quickly drop some of the inventory items, however, if the player has a lot of different materials, it may be somewhat hard to manage them. Here, you can use tweaks from third-party mods that enthusiasts keep developing all the time. One of such add-ons is Tap Tab that allows you to swap your inventory lines with one click. Moreover, it takes very little time, and as soon as the player understands the system, they won’t be able to refuse it.

The main task of the Tap Tab mod is to simplify the process of managing blocks and items in the inventory using a hotkey. You can quickly navigate through the inventory using the quick access bar. All you need is to press Tab twice, and the item location will change. This is convenient not only to manage inventory, but to build something as well. We’ll also tell you about this in our detailed mod review, so that its operation principle becomes clear to you…

The Tap Tab mod review

The Tap Tab mod complements Minecraft with unique functions – the ability to move as many as a few loot lines in your inventory at once. All you need is to quickly press the Tab key in the game, and the lines will change places. For example, your character has 3 inventory lines by default, and 1 line with fast slots. If you press Tab twice, all the lines will move down, including the «hot bar». You just need to press this key again to move all the contents down. As you see, after repeating the procedure four times, the character will have all the inventory in its place again, as it used to be before the first click was made.

The Tap Tab mod has another unique feature – the use of an additional Shift key. If you hold it and press Tab quickly, you will move the inventory in the opposite direction, that is, backwards. Moreover, you can use the Minecraft control settings to select another default key for this mechanic. In general, this system significantly simplifies the process of managing resources in your inventory, and there are many development scenarios. Now, the mod is available for Minecraft version 1.20.2 and needs Fabric as a loader.

So, what’s the right way to use the Tap Tab add-on? Imagine that you are building a house, and you use a lot of masonry. Usually, you put all the resources in the quick access cells and switch to another cell with the mouse wheel after a certain stack ends, right? But gradually, the entire line is depleted, since the blocks are being installed on the surface, the construction is in full swing, and at some point, resources run out. In this case, the player has to reopen the inventory and move all the materials or blocks down. Another thing is the Tap Tab mod. All you need to move the blocks from the next line to the quick access cells is to press the Tab key twice.

You can use the same way to quickly move resources to boxes, sort materials, or just effectively manage the character’s inventory. However, there are plenty of other tweaks that we’ve already discussed in our detailed reviews. If you are interested, leave a comment with options you need a mod for, and we’ll definitely help and tell you about most of them. These are all the functions available at the moment, and the Tap Tab mod can’t boast of many downloads so far, although its potential is high. Be sure to download this add-on and try all its options. If you often have to work with a large volume of blocks, you need to build something from time to time, then the Tap Tab mod will surely be useful for you and save you some time.

This element has no dependencies.

Download Tap Tab

Available for next versions: 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20, 1.19.4
Game versions
Version type
Show only last mod versions
tap_tab-1.20-3.0.1 30.09.2023 fabric, quilt R 47 KB 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20 11 Download
taptab-1.19.4-2.0.0 31.03.2023 fabric, quilt R 75 KB 1.19.4 2 Download
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