Here are the three dungeons. They are all generable using an item in the creative inventory.
I'm French and this mod was done with Mcreator (Sorry if I make mistakes in English 😅)
Nether Dungeons :
Keeping Castle (spawn in Nether Waste and Crimson Forest) and Awful Dungeon (Soul Sand Valley and Warped Forest)
End Dungeons :
Hammers :
There are several hammers in our mod: wood, stone, iron, gold, diamond and tungsten, and the nether hammer. Hammers are useful in combat, can be enchanted to throw lightning bolts (when you sneak and swing the Hammer) and the nether hammer melts ores it mines.
Items :
Tungsten makes better tools and armor than netherite, but with less durability.
The tungsten armor resists to the burning effect.
Blaze Armor Scraps are dropped by reinforces blazes, and we use them to make the tungsten armor.
The Awful Crystals are dropped by the Awful Ghast and can be use to tame the Nether Keeper
The Awful Crystals are dropped by the Awful Ghast and can be use to tame the Nether Keeper. Uses fire charges
The Teleporter Core is used to save the coordinates of a teleporter in order to give them to another, so that he knows or teleport the player
Void Crystal are looted by the end boss and are used to craft Teleporter Core and Chorundum armor
Chorundum is present in the structure of the end, and is used to make resistant tools and armor
There are several hammers in our mod: wood, stone, iron, gold, diamond, netherite, tungsten, and the nether hammer. Hammers are useful in combat, can be enchanted to throw lightning bolts (when you sneak and hit an entity with the Hammer) and the nether hammer melts ores it mines(but it has a stone mining level).
Gives the spore effect.
Used to smelt item in offhand(when ancient fire right clicked in main hand) and to make the nether hammer, the transcient block and the igniter
When a player/a mob is hit by it, it loses all his potion effects. Does 4 damage and have a 0.5s cooldown. Has a really bad enchantability(chance of getting good enchants)
Blocks :
decoration block
decoration block
The igniter sets any entity walking on it on fire and gives the Burning effect which damages randomly the player
Tungsten ore is found in the awful dungeon. Once melted, it gives the tungsten ingots (see Tungsten)
The Awful Ghast Altar is used to summon the Awful Ghast by right clicking with a nether star
Le Nether Keeper Altar sert a summon l'Awful Ghast par le clic droit avec une Nether Star
The Teleporter Block is used to save a position with the Teleporter Core, and if a Teleporter Core marked with a position is placed in its GUI, and a player shifts on the Teleporter Block, then it will be teleported to the coordinates marked in the Teleporter Core
The Shruster jumps several meters to the player and gives him a levitation effect for 2secs when positioned on it
Cracked End Stone Bricks can be found in the End Dungeon or can be obtained by baking End Stone Bricks. It is a decoration block
The Chiseled End Stone Bricks can be found in the end dungeon or are the result of crafting four End Stone Bricks. It is a decoration block
The Purpur Bricks can be found in the end dungeon or are the result of crafting four Purpur Blocks. It is a decoration block
Chorundum Ore can be found in the End Dungeon. Once melted, it gives the crystals of Chorundum (see Chorundum)
The Shelterer Altar is used to summon the boss of the end dungeon by right-clicking with a Nether Star
decoration block
Pushes the player
decoration block
acts like magma block
Vaporizes spore effect
When right-clicked, it opens and the player can pass through
When the player approaches, it transforms into a Giddy Blaze entity
when right-clicked with tnt, does an explosion nine blocks upper
Entities :
The Reinforced Blaze is a blaze which has an armor: It loots blaze armor scraps. She has a big weigh so it attacks at close range. It spawns in awful dungeons
The Incomplete Wither is a wither skeleton with two heads. It spawns in awful dungeons
The Awful Ghast is a boss, being a massive ghast with lots of heads. It is summoned in the awful dungeon. During the first phase, it throws projectiles which cooldowns player's items. During the second, it fights at close range. Il loots an Awful Gun and Awful Crystals.
The Nether Keeper is a little boss, who protects the Keeping Castle from the nether. He has 80 hp and 15 points of armor. It mainly loots an Ancient Fire
The Propulk is like a flying shulker, it spawns in end dungeons
The Shelterer, Boss of the end dungeon, is totally invincible except to explosions.
The Giddy Blaze spawns when a player approaches the giddy statue
You can put Stalwart Dungeons in your modpack
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