Paragliders for Minecraft

  • Author: Tictim
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 18.01.2024
  • Last version 1.20.1

Review Paragliders

Paragliders – paragliders in Minecraft

Have you tried flying in Minecraft? You can do it like this: jump from a great height and try to «spread your wings». Did you believe me? I’m kidding, of course! The only way to fly in Minecraft is to use Elytras and fireworks, which allow you to «add speed» at the expense of your strength. Accordingly, the better your fireworks are, the faster the player flies. But you’ll be able to get this item only in the middle of survival, so you need to find a portal to the Edge world, for which you should collect the Ender Eye, then defeat the Edge dragon, get to Shulkers, find Elytras, and at the same time you still need to return home alive… Another way is to add a paraglider to the game, and the Paragliders mod will help you with it.

The Paragliders mod adds just one unique item to Minecraft – a paraglider that you can fly with. You can use it to fly in the sky, and you’ll need no Elytras anymore, however, you can, of course, get them to combine these methods. Simple crafting, interesting mechanics, unique flight system. This is just a part of the options and features of the Paragliders mod that you’ll get after installing the add-on.

The Paragliders mod review

Paragliding is a cool gameplay that many players are hunting for. And if you are «bumped into» this review, then you are very lucky. The Paragliders mod will add only one vehicle to Minecraft. You can fly now, but with the help of fireworks and other devices. Here, the mechanics are slightly different, which is significantly different from Elytras. How do you usually fly Elytras? Take fireworks, jump up and fly, and keep «warming up» your flight in the sky by activating more and more fireworks. As soon as you run out of them, all you have to do is «soar» and gradually descend. Am I right?

A paraglider has a different mechanic and physics. It’s a simple object crafted from sticks and leather. In fact, everything looks logical, since in real life they are also quite easy to make. Next, you take this aircraft and look for a high place that you could jump from. The higher the better, since the power reserve largely depends on the height in Minecraft. Have you found it? Great! Now, take this unique object in our hand and jump. Just hold the paraglider in your hands and don’t switch to other slots, otherwise you’ll fall into the abyss and crash, and then you’ll have to collect all your loot…

Jumped from a height? Great! The Paragliders mod automatically opens your paraglider, and the player somehow «holds it in his hands» over himself. All you have to do is fly in the right direction without slowing down. You’ll gradually decrease, and this is elementary physics, the force of gravity, so, alas, you won’t be able to fly far. When flying, the player still consumes energy, but the developer of this add-on has come up with unique improvements that allow you to «upgrade» your character and get additional characteristics and skills. Actually, this is also a good reason to download Paragliders and give the mod a try.

In the game, you get additional «Statues», which are spawned mainly by villagers in a settlement. Here, you can exchange one resource for another. You can wander around mines and find «Spirit Orbs» in chests, but not only there. You can also break a spawner (players have never been more motivated to break spawners in Minecraft). Then you can exchange them at these very statues. Go to any of them and right-click to get access. There are several unique products here:

· Heart Container – an extra life for the player that overlaps the rest of the hearts. In total, you can add 20 points, and your character will significantly «increase» his HPs;

· Stamina Vessel – increase your stamina and get stronger;

· Anti-Vessel – returns all the heart containers and stamina vessels you’ve used.

The system applies the changes immediately, so you won’t be able to buy a heart container or other components and apply them later. The statues are scattered around the game world, but most often you’ll find them in civilians’ villages, and if you want to increase your health indicators and just become «stronger», be sure to collect the «Spirit Orbs». In general, such resources become a real treasure in multiplayer mode, which significantly raises the economy on the server. That’s why many administrators install the Paragliders mod in their projects to diversify the users’ gameplay.

These are all functions that the Paragliders mod adds. As you can see, here we are talking mainly about one aircraft, but there are a few more unique features that significantly affect the gameplay in Minecraft. And if you want to diversify your usual survival rhythm, be sure to install the Paragliders add-on, which is already available for Minecraft 1.20.1 and supports almost all popular loaders, both Forge and Fabric. But you’ll still have to look for Elytras, because full-fledged survival in Minecraft is simply impossible without them…

Images Paragliders

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Download Paragliders

Available for next versions: 1.20.1, 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.18, 1.17.1, 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3, 1.16.2, 1.16.1, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.12.2, 1.11.2, 1.10.2
Game versions
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Show only last mod versions
Paraglider-fabric-20.1.3 19.01.2024 fabric R 581 KB 1.20.1 11 k Download
Paraglider-forge-20.1.3 19.01.2024 forge R 589 KB 1.20.1 131 k Download
Paraglider-fabric-20.1.2 04.12.2023 fabric R 571 KB 1.20.1 1 k Download
Paraglider-forge-20.1.2 04.12.2023 forge R 578 KB 1.20.1 10 k Download
Paraglider-fabric-20.1.1 30.08.2023 fabric, quilt R 588 KB 1.20.1 3 k Download
Paraglider-forge-20.1.1 30.08.2023 forge R 598 KB 1.20.1 22 k Download
Paraglider-fabric-20.1.0 30.08.2023 fabric R 587 KB 1.20.1 68 Download
Paraglider-forge-20.1.0 30.08.2023 forge R 596 KB 1.20.1 82 Download
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edge dragon xD
плохо сделан.. 2 провлема то что он не совместим с модом на новую боевую систему
В чём смысл листьевого параглайдера если он крафтится из обычного параглайдера и листвы? При этом они одинаковые...
zelda mod lol.
how we craft it?
how we craft it?
use jei mod