Almost every player knows about skyblock maps, where characters develop on a small and nearly bare floating island, try to make a cobblestone generator, and grow the first seeds and plants. Many maps and mods have been created in such a style, but there are also varieties thereof, such as Moog's Soaring Structures. It is a separate mod for Minecraft that adds a large number of floating islands to the game world, each of which is generated according to a certain pattern. It can be jungles, cherry groves, abandoned houses, and completely bare small islands…
So if you would like to diversify the standard survival in Minecraft or just change the world generation system, you should certainly try the Moog's Soaring Structures mod. It is enough to look at the screenshots to understand how cool and elaborate these islands are and how they differ from each other. We have tried to add as many screenshots as possible, but it is still hard to convey all their beauty, and it is better to go to the game world once and see all that yourself than to stick to the reviews. Are you interested? If so, let us proceed further.
The designers of the Moog's Soaring Structures mod have added a wide range of floating islands that differ in terms of style, content, some unique structures, and loot. Some may have mod spawners near the chests. In total, there are about twenty different islands, and each is generated according to a particular pattern. The mod has proved successful because the designers focused exclusively on these locations and thoroughly elaborated them. It can be called a step forward in the development of skyblock mods, where numerous points were taken into account.
Thus, many floating islands will generate above those biomes that are in the island itself. If it has a cherry grove, it will appear above a cherry grove. The same applies to the jungle: it will be enough just to look up and see a piece of land above a jungle, and you will see the same jungle on it. The style of each island is a separate topic. There are simple options, say, with a lake or a house, and there are also full-fledged locations where the player can kill mobs, collect loot, wander through rooms, explore all the passages, and find secrets.
There are even some islands where you can live constantly. Indeed, why would you build a house in Minecraft when you can take a ready-made island from Moog's Soaring Structures and settle there? In many buildings, there is a bed inside, and it remains only to set a spawn point there to appear in such a house after death. In general, the islands look aesthetically pleasing and beautiful: whenever you look down, you see numerous biomes and occasionally whole land masses, some mobs, and creatures. And you are just staying and witnessing. Particularly beautiful views will be at night, which further encourages players to try to install Moog's Soaring Structures and see what this mod adds to the Minecraft game world.
In fact, players are already bored with numerous different biomes and dungeons featured by Minecraft. And even not every global mod can boast new noteworthy biomes, as they often resemble the vanilla ones and, for the most part, contain the same blocks, resources, and mobs. The mod under consideration is a different story. Say, if you install some custom cyberpunk mod, you can nicely make use of this design. For example, the player can park his air transport on a floating island, jump down with the elytra, and put all the found resources, materials, blocks, and some important artifacts in chests. And if you also find an appropriate texture pack, you will get an altogether new setting.
It is hard to list the specific islands added by Moog's Soaring Structures but you can quickly teleport between them using the /locate console command. Thus, /locate structure mss:jungle will take you to a piece of land with a jungle. And it is really cool when there are such dense green forests somewhere high in the sky. As the developers claim, their mod brings life, fun, and variety, along with a lot of exploration and further ideas for development, to the vanilla Minecraft.
Indeed, having such islands, you can develop whole cities on a server or map where you play with friends. You can create suspension bridges between them, add mobs, tame animals, and try to farm. And each such island can be made bigger. But even the standard generation options in Moog's Soaring Structures please from the first minutes, as everything is perfect here: both the pieces of land and objects on them. We have taken a lot of screenshots so that you can evaluate the appearance of the locations, but they feature not all the available biomes. Moreover, the developers occasionally update their mod and add new floating islands, even though more than twenty variants of them have already been released!
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