The mod adds only one mob to the game, but believe me, this is the one that you would never want to cross paths with. The thing is that the new mobs are tarantulas, venomous spiders that destroy all living things that they can only catch in spider webs.
For a convenient start of the game, you’ll receive a book with a set of knowledge that you’ll need to survive in this now-difficult world. It keeps recipes, traps, and various poisons that you can now make using tarantula parts.
Tarantulas live in various dungeons named after themselves and scattered around the territory in great quantities. Now, it’s not enough to just find and destroy the mob’s spawner, because spiders don’t have any spawners. But there are certain signs of approaching the spider’s lair – you’ll see cobwebs and new spider blocks on the trees and surrounding terrain. Be careful when approaching such places – first, spiders also live inside these clutches, and even if they’ll be glad to see you, their welcome will have a very gastronomic sense. And second, the more such clutches you see around, the closer the main lair is, and the more dangerous it becomes to stay nearby.
On the surface, you can identify the dungeon only by specific blocks around it and new carved stone blocks with the spider image. In other respects, these are usually rather monotonous piles of stones and bricks that you need to destroy to find the entrance to the dungeon.
Don’t be afraid of falling when going down – despite the depth of the dungeon, a spider web will gently greet you at the bottom and won’t let you smash. But the further adventure is entirely up to you, because inside there is water, traps, and those very tarantulas who don’t like that you hunting their treasures.
The tarantulas themselves can significantly differ from each other in color, but their main characteristics are similar to the smallest detail. They can jump, climb high on any blocks, and generally behave like well-animated, large, but rather vanilla spiders. They also don’t have too much health, just like vanilla spiders. The only difference is that you may get a «Poisoning», effect when they bite you, although vanilla cave spiders also inflict a similar effect.
You can use tarantula mandibles to craft an interesting sword with a rather high efficiency. It gives +7 damage and can be enhanced with spider venom. The second sword gives +9 damage, but you can’t craft it, only find it in the dungeon.
You can craft a special antidote from spider venom that removes the tarantula poisoning effect.
Besides, in the dungeons you can also find two top amulets. The use of the first one gives Level 2 Regeneration for 15 seconds, and the second one gives Level 2 Strength, also for 15 second. The amulets need time to be used again, so keep this in mind when using them in combat.
tarantula-1.1.2-1.20.1 | 11.11.2023 | forge | R | 12 MB | 1.20.1 | 118 | Download |
tarantula-1.1.2-1.19.4 | 04.11.2023 | forge | R | 12 MB | 1.19.4 | 31 | Download |
tarantula-1.1.2-1.19.3 | 04.11.2023 | forge | R | 12 MB | 1.19.3 | 6 | Download |
tarantula-1.1.2-1.19.2 | 02.11.2023 | forge | R | 12 MB | 1.19.2 | 51 | Download |
tarantula-1.1.2-1.19.1 | 02.11.2023 | forge | R | 12 MB | 1.19.1 | 2 | Download |
tarantula-1.1.2-1.19 | 02.11.2023 | forge | R | 12 MB | 1.19 | 5 | Download |
tarantula-1.1.1-1.19.2 | 21.01.2023 | forge | R | 9 MB | 1.19.2 | 48 | Download |
tarantula-1.1.1-1.19.1 | 21.01.2023 | forge | R | 9 MB | 1.19.1 | 8 | Download |
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