Villages and their inhabitants in Minecraft – are one of the most important components of both single and multiplayer mode gameplay, the second one is relevant if the user plays on the regular server. The fact is that the implementation of the protection of villages was not very detailed, as expected by users. For example, golems will not be able to provide you with a sufficient level of resistance from raiders and different mobs.
In this case, you can install Guard Villagers modification that will add to your game brand new improved defenders of villages and villagers. They have detailed artificial intelligence, so they may well spread out all around this village, use different types of armor, weapons and give a competent repulse to bandits and other mobs. If you are interested in how they will protect the residents and what skills they possess, we advise you to read our review…
The new types of defenders are called «guardians», although they look very much like residents with a profession of «armorer», «archer», but with some unique features and differences. The inhabitants of different biomes differ, including guards, so look pretty cool, especially if you often move to different locations in Minecraft.
By default, all defenders will be equipped with armor and weapons as they have difficulty surviving without uniforms, especially against large numbers of outlaws. There are different types of the armor, such as leather, iron and chain. Swords are always iron and this is the main tool for defense against opponents. Some guards are equipped with crossbows, so they are very useful in long-distance battles, as they attack other mobs and robbers from a particular distance. Also, you should consider the fact that most of these creatures have a shield too.
Spawns guards in groups of six people. At the same time, the developers created a tactic for each defender. We analyzed this and we can say that they have a very good artificial intelligence system. They automatically scatter around the villagers' village and periodically walk and patrol their area. They can also go into people’s homes to see if there are any angry mobs.
If the guard spawns somewhere in the forest or clearing, then he will patrol this place by watching the location from different sides. They move quickly, and if some mobs or bandits attack the village or guard, they will all run to the same group to help their ally. Anyway, the battle is being fought under the clear guidance of artificial intelligence. So, if one bandit attacks you, then several guards can eliminate it, but if many bandits or mobs attack you, then all guards are evenly distributed in this area to deal with their enemies.
The only drawback of the guards – is the lack of protection against drowning. Also, the behavior of artificial intelligence is pretty weak here. They cannot attack the drowned when they are in the water, so their protection is very ineffective here. But such outcomes are extremely rare. If you start attacking civilians or guards, they will be aggressive towards you and attack you as a retaliation.
Guard Villagers mod has one unique feature. So, you can interact with these defenders, however you will need to get «the Village Hero» effect for this. You can get this only if you attack and get raided when bandits raid together. Once your raid is over, you will immediately get «the Village Hero» effect. After that you will be able to change the guards' armor and discover the contents of additional slots.
You need to approach the defender and click on the right mouse button on the character to start interacting with the defender while the village hero effect is in effect. You will immediately see a menu in which its armor will be in the left tab and the weapon and shield will be in the right tab. You can change its armor and weapons after you have put a diamond or an invisible one. There are no any limitations.
Moreover, the most interesting thing – about Guard Villagers is that you can use enchanted types of armor and weapons, as well as options of armor from other modifications. And you don’t have a sword or a crossbow, you can give the guard an ax or any other tool to attack and defend. The axe is its most effective type of weapon. There are two useful rates such as «Health» and «Armour».
Armor indicator shows which guard has the total amount of protection, taking into account all the items of armor and shield. In «Health» section, current experience level of this character is displayed and it is different and for all characters. If you put food in its extra slot, in which the weapon is stored, it will use it to restore health. Moreover, all guards have effective regeneration of experience by default. So, they restore this score just after the fight ends.
Your character takes a fighting tool into the main hand and can hold an additional one in the inventory, such as an arrow for a crossbow with added effect or a sword and shield. At close range, it will fight with a sword, and at long one it will be able to use a crossbow. Then you will be able to choose which weapons you will give to each of your guards so that you can most effectively equip your army. They may even wear elytras. However, there is no use of that, except for the visual effect.
Another important feature is that – you can give each totem guard so that in the event of death it can keep its health. We advise you not to forget that in this case you will have to sacrifice something, such as a shield, so that you can put the totem in a free slot. Also, golden apples and different food options will suit you. As a result, each gamer will choose how it can allocate resources among its army. For example, the ratio of fighters on the far flank and the near. So, this creates an additional interest in the game Minecraft.
Don’t forget that once «the Village Hero» effect ends, interaction with the guards becomes impossible, and even if you press the right mouse button, it will not have any effect on you. In this case, you will need to once again get a raid from bandits to get this effect. Neither in survival mode nor in creative mode, it will not be possible to interact with them without effect.
In this modification, you will be able to control the guards manually, however, you will need the «Village Hero» effect to do this so that you can interact with each of them. You should approach the guard, click on the right mouse button. After that, you will see two buttons in the same tab. By default, they will be crossed out, which means that its functions are not active.
The first button will help them – to follow you always. Just press it and a small cross will disappear. Moreover, this character will always follow you wherever you go. In this way, you can lead a huge army of guards who are always ready to fight for you, and they actively attack other mobs in case they attack you.
The second button is – to stand still. It will stand on the sector that the tab corresponds to which you have pressed in its menu of the character. It can move within a small radius occasionally. If a bandit or any mob attacks you, your guard will attack this creature in the same sector.
Of course, you can ignore the creative mode of Minecraft and play strictly. Then, the spawn mechanics of your guards will change and will be next. There will be about six characters for each village that spread throughout the territory. However, if you want to expand the army, you can use unemployed residents for this, with which you can multiply standard tools of the game.
We advise you to approach an unemployed resident by pressing the right mouse button and Shift simultaneously. In doing so, you should hold a crossbow or sword in your hand, which will automatically turn into a guard. From this point on, its behavior will be the same as that of other characters in the same category. You will be able to continuously expand the army at the expense of unemployed residents with this, and it is quite consistent with vanilla Minecraft.
In Guard Villagers mod has eggs for call of mobs, such as guards, iron golems, snowmen and illusions. The authors of the fashion decided to add this functionality in their addon because vanilla Minecraft does not allow you to use eggs for that.
So we’ve described to you a very unusual mod with unique features that’s already available to you. At the moment, it has almost 12 million downloads only on the official developer page in the mods’ creators community. There are many websites that offer users to download different modifications.
If you want to enhance the features of different NPCs, protect them, fight constant wars with bandits and simply play the role of the leaders of a large army, then we advise you install this Guard Villagers mode so you can get maximum fun from the gameplay.
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guardvillagers-2.3.2-1.21.1 | 08.01.2025 | neoForge | R | 270 KB | 1.21.1 | 2 k | Download |
guardvillagers-1.20.1-1.6.9 | 24.12.2024 | neoForge | R | 199 KB | 1.20.1 | 81 | Download |
guardvillagers-2.3.1-1.21.1 | 24.12.2024 | neoForge | R | 269 KB | 1.21.1 | 327 | Download |
guardvillagers-2.3.0-1.21.1 | 23.12.2024 | neoForge | R | 269 KB | 1.21.1 | 21 | Download |
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guardvillagers-1.20.1-1.6.7 | 11.08.2024 | neoForge, forge | R | 215 KB | 1.20.1 | 77 k | Download |
guardvillagers-2.3.0-1.21 | 07.08.2024 | neoForge | R | 267 KB | 1.21.1, 1.21 | 5 k | Download |
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