How do you find different types of structures in Minecraft? For example, you need to find a village with civilians, or a treasure trove, or a sunken ship. In the vanilla game version, you have to navigate by biomes and coordinates and certain visual designations roughly understand where to look for it. But you can reduce the search time and install the Explorer’s Compass add-on. With this mod, any of you will be able to quickly find any buildings, dungeons, and structures using a special compass. You won’t be able to teleport, and this is not a cheat, but it will make the search process easier, which is normal for the vanilla version of the game.
The main purpose of the compass in Explorer’s Compass is to add the opportunity to search for certain structures in the game. You specify what exactly you need to look for, and the system helps you with this by showing the approximate coordinates on the compass. If you need a specific biome, then you’d better use another mod called Nature’s Compass. We’ve also prepared a detailed review about it, where we demonstrated all the advantages and features of this add-on, how to use the item, and much more.
The Explorer’s Compass add-on allows you to quickly find any structures and dungeons in Minecraft, without resorting to cheats, creative mode, or other bypasses of standard survival. You can easily mine resources, go down into mines, enchant armor, and at the same time use the Explorer’s Compass mod to quickly find specific game locations. For example, you need to find a temple in the jungle or a portal to the End world. Why run around the map when you can use a ready-made solution? Just select the required item in the list, and the system will show you how far you need to go to this location and where it is.
The operation principle of this add-on is simple: you need to craft a new compass, which differs from the vanilla version. You can find the crafting recipe in our screenshots. The craft kit is unusual, but believe me, it’s worth! And it’s always recommended to take a compass on any trip in Minecraft so that you can quickly find the desired structures, locations, dungeons, and the system works for both the ordinary world and hell, the End. Just imagine how quickly you can find bastions and Shulkers, but the player will have to fight mobs anyway, so, it’s not cheating.
Have you crafted a new compass? Great! Now, take it in your hands and right-click to start using it. On your screen, you’ll see a long list of different locations and dungeons available for this version. Select the structure you need and click on the Search item on the left side of the screen. The system will find the biome and show the coordinates of its locations. While the player is holding the compass, it shows the distance to the selected location. Moreover, you’ll also see the exact coordinates here. You can pin-point on the map if you use some kind of mod for it and reach your goal faster by focusing on these points.
With these functions, you’ll be able to find almost any structures and locations in Minecraft. Keep in mind that there is another mod for biomes, which we have already mentioned in this article. But we also want to tell you about a small option for the «lazy». When selecting a dungeon, you can click Teleport on the right side to quickly teleport to the selected structure. This only works if the player has administrator rights on the map. Ordinary players can’t do it.
If the player wants, they can adjust the search radius, the maximum number of structures in the parameters, add any dungeons and locations to the blacklist or remove them from there. It’s compatible with almost all Minecraft locations, both vanilla and other mods. And this is a significant advantage. Why? For example, you are testing some mod that adds new towers or locations, but they are hard to find, or you don’t have time for it. What can you do? Not every developer adds teleportation with commands. And the Explorer’s Compass mod will come to the rescue, allowing you to quickly find certain dungeons on the game map.
The Explorer’s Compass mod doesn’t actually load your computer, since the HUD interface contains mostly text information. The system displays the data on the left side of the screen, and it doesn’t interfere with comfortable playing. You can easily navigate around the game world, holding a compass in your hands and focusing on the data from this mod. With this add-on, you can now find any location in a matter of minutes, which is useful both for single-player survival and testing other add-ons in Minecraft. It’s up to you to decide how to use the advantages of the Explorer’s Compass mod, but we’d like to see feedback from you in the comments on how this mod helped you, and how can you rate it.
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ExplorersCompass-1.21.4-2.2.6-fabric | 12.01.2025 | fabric | R | 168 KB | 1.21.4 | 1 k | Download |
ExplorersCompass-1.21.4-1.3.9-forge | 12.01.2025 | forge | R | 160 KB | 1.21.4 | 6 k | Download |
ExplorersCompass-1.21.3-3.0.4-neoforge | 17.11.2024 | neoForge | R | 160 KB | 1.21.3 | 44 | Download |
ExplorersCompass-1.21.3-2.2.6-fabric | 17.11.2024 | fabric | R | 166 KB | 1.21.3 | 114 | Download |
ExplorersCompass-1.21.3-1.3.9-forge | 17.11.2024 | forge | R | 159 KB | 1.21.3 | 616 | Download |
ExplorersCompass-1.21.1-3.0.3-neoforge | 25.09.2024 | neoForge | R | 159 KB | 1.21.1 | 1 k | Download |
ExplorersCompass-1.21.1-1.3.8-forge | 05.09.2024 | forge | R | 157 KB | 1.21.1 | 8 k | Download |
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