At the start of Minecraft, you keep everything in chests, because this is the first item you can craft from wood. But in the future, you craft barrels, Ender’s chest and Shulkers mined in the Edge. And this is probably one of the most convenient storage options in the game, which can be carried with you anywhere in the world, biomes, and dimensions. But the Shulkers have their own clear disadvantages: whenever a player needs to take something from there, they have to put an item on the ground, open it, take the necessary resources, break the box and put it back in the inventory. If there are mobs somewhere at this time, then you’ll either have to run away or fight, and the Creepers will blow up the box!
That’s why there are different types of mods to simplify interaction with Shulkers in Minecraft, and one of the most convenient and popular is Easy Shulker Boxes. Now you will be able to interact with the Shulkers right inside your inventory, regardless of which biome you are in, how many chests you have, and what contents are inside. This is a very convenient and useful mod for any Minecraft build, which allows you to improve the gameplay quality without wasting extra time trying to get a Shulker, open it, and so on. Are you ready to see what the features of Easy Shulker Boxes are?
The Shulker control system will become much more convenient using the Easy Shulker Boxes add-on, as the developer has elaborated almost all the mechanics and implemented them in his project. Unlike before when you had to constantly put Shulkers to get items from there, now you don’t have to do this, because these storages will be controlled through the player interface in Minecraft, which contains all the items. That is, you can open your inventory, right-click on the Shulker there, and throw certain items inside holding them in your hands. At the same time, the system highlights the interface of the Shulker itself so that you can see what’s inside!
In general, this is a convenient and multifunctional mod. You could even say that this is partly a game-changer, as it adds some functions. Easy Shulker Boxes have a number of advantages:
· Quickly transfer of the items inside the character’s inventory by simply right-clicking on the Shulker and transferring all the necessary resources. Moreover, when interacting, the «+» icon is shown so that you can see which mode is currently enabled;
· You can see all the items inside the inventory. No matter how many Shulkers you have in your inventory, you can quickly view the contents for each one, and this is a very useful and convenient feature;
· Fast scrolling. If you are in the Shulker’s inventory, you can turn the mouse wheel to switch between items, blocks, stacks and select the one that you need to transfer back to the character’s inventory;
· Hints. The Easy Shulker Boxes mod implements a system of hints that appear when using Shulkers. This is very convenient and at the same time pop-up windows do not overlap the main interface.;
· Using the CTRL key, you can switch to the «Precision» mode, transferring only one item to the inventory or back. It saves your time again, but you will have to get used to this mechanic a little bit so that you can perform all the actions quickly;
· Capacity indicator. If you can still put something in the Shulker, then when you hover over it with resources in your hands, the «+» icon will appear. If there is no more space, then there will be no indicator;
· If you have several Shulkers in your inventory at once, then when you hover over any of them , the system will show you the «+» icons in all the inventories, where you can put items.
But that’s not all! As most «delicious» piece, we left one option, which is additionally added in the Easy Shulker Boxes mod. Here you can control not only the Shulkers, but also the Enderman’s chest. That is, unlike before you had to constantly put it up and then break, at the same time using only a pickaxe with the «Silk touch» enchantment, so that the item would not break, then after installing this mod, the mechanics will change. You just need to put Ender’s chest into your inventory, and its entire interface will also be available to you by default, just like Shulkers: just hover the cursor with the item on it and put all the resources inside. As a result, thanks to such mechanics, you can quickly save important blocks and resources in the game without even putting the chest on the ground!
Interesting mechanics? Indeed! Vanilla Minecraft doesn’t offer this to us, so we use the best practices of third-party developers and create our own build of the most useful mods. Naturally, Easy Shulker Boxes is in this TOP, and that’s why it has been downloaded over 2.5 million times. It is available for Forge, Fabric, and Neoforce loaders, and is promptly updated by the developer. In general, almost all add-ons created by the author called Fuzz always adapt quickly to new versions of the Minecraft game, so be sure to use his mods and for most of them we do detailed reviews!
EasyShulkerBoxes-v21.4.0-1.21.4-NeoForge | 05.02.2025 | neoForge | R | 230 KB | 1.21.4 | 40 | Download |
EasyShulkerBoxes-v21.4.0-1.21.4-Fabric | 05.02.2025 | fabric | R | 227 KB | 1.21.4 | 395 | Download |
EasyShulkerBoxes-v21.3.1-1.21.3-NeoForge | 28.12.2024 | neoForge | R | 229 KB | 1.21.3 | 9 | Download |
EasyShulkerBoxes-v21.3.1-1.21.3-Fabric | 28.12.2024 | fabric | R | 225 KB | 1.21.3 | 30 | Download |
EasyShulkerBoxes-v21.3.0-1.21.3-NeoForge | 24.12.2024 | neoForge | R | 228 KB | 1.21.3 | 1 | Download |
EasyShulkerBoxes-v21.3.0-1.21.3-Fabric | 24.12.2024 | fabric | R | 225 KB | 1.21.3 | 0 | Download |
EasyShulkerBoxes-v21.1.0-1.21.1-NeoForge | 21.09.2024 | neoForge | R | 214 KB | 1.21.1 | 235 | Download |
EasyShulkerBoxes-v21.1.0-1.21.1-Fabric | 21.09.2024 | fabric | R | 211 KB | 1.21.1 | 774 | Download |
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