Xtra Arrows for Minecraft

  • Author: jackbusters1
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 25.12.2024
  • Last version 1.21.4

Review Xtra Arrows



The Arrows

There are 94 new arrows are added. The arrows come in 26 new types and 4 new tiers.

The types

Specified types can be disabled in the config

> Atlantean Arrow

Extremely useful for ranged, underwater combat. This arrow has the same inertia underwater as it does on land, meaning water does not slow it down. 

> Ender Arrow

Essentially an ender pearl which can be shot longer distances with bow/crossbow. Take your enemies by surprise.

> Explosive Arrow

Causes an explosion upon impact. These explosions are of lesser size than a TNT explosion.

> Slime Arrow

The slime arrow is a bouncy, unpredictable arrow. It is covered in slime, which causes it to constantly bounce off walls at high speeds and distances.

> Lightning Arrow

The lightning arrow is lined with copper, which calls lightning down upon your foes! The power of Zeus is in your hands.

> Vexing Arrow

The Vexing Arrow has the ability to traverse through solid blocks. It captures the power of the Vex with its Vex Wings, which are obtained by killing Vex. Those annoying little things now have a use!

> Tracking Arrow

Powered by Eyes of Ender, the tracking arrow locks onto your targets and pursues them. This powerful arrow will make your shots count for you (The last mob you hit is the mob which it will track). 

> Torch Arrow

The torch arrow is very much a utility arrow. It will place a torch where it is shot. This can be very useful in dark areas such as caves.

> Redstone Torch Arrow

The redstone torch arrow is very much similar to the torch arrow. The difference lies in its ability to place redstone torches rather than normal torches. This opens up new possibilities for wireless redstone signals.

> Soul Torch Arrow

The soul torch arrow is much like the torch arrow. It will place soul torches rather than regular torches.

> Freezing Arrow

The Freezing Arrow will apply the freezing effect to mobs within a 5x5 area of where it hits, with 3 blocks of height reach. Snow will also be placed in this area.

> Padded Arrow

The padded arrow can be described as a practice arrow. It has no arrowhead, and is instead covered by wool padding at the tip. This will cause the arrow to deal no damage, fall off walls, and bounce off any entities it hits.

> Breeding Arrow

The Breeding Arrow will cause any mobs near where it hits to fall in love. Applicable mobs will begin to breed. This arrow is a variation of the padded arrow, so hit entities will not be harmed. Once it is used, it becomes a regular padded arrow.

> Cupid's Arrow

Tames all tame-able entities near point of impact.

> Leashing Arrow

Leashes any non-villager mob to the shooter. Shift + Right click the entity to unleash. This arrow is a variation of the padded arrow, so hit entities will not be harmed.

> Headless Arrow

These arrows have no arrowhead, do little damage, and fall off walls. Additionally used in several recipes.

> Apple Arrow

The Apple Arrow is a non-tiered arrow, and a variation of the headless arrow. It will feed an apple to any hit mob or player if they are hungry.

> Golden Apple Arrow

The Apple Arrow may be useless, but the Golden Apple Arrow certainly is not! The Golden Apple Arrow will feed a golden apple to any hit mob or player regardless of hunger level. Help your teammates from a distance!

> Enchanted Golden Apple Arrow

Like the Golden Apple Arrow, but the Enchanted Golden Apple version.

> Magnetic Arrow

The Magnetic Arrow pulls nearby entities toward it. If it hits a living entity, that entity will gain the Magnetized effect.

> Life Steal Arrow

The Life Steal Arrow transfers 1/6 of target's health to shooter up to 10 hearts.

> Gravity Arrow

The Gravity Arrow is not affected by gravity for 10 seconds.

> Lantern Arrow

The Lantern Arrow places a lantern at the point of impact.

> Soul Lantern Arrow

The Soul Lantern Arrow places a soul lantern at the point of impact.

> Extinguishing Arrow

The Extinguishing Arrow extinguishes nearby fires, campfires, candles, and entities. It also turns nearby lava to obsidian.

> Incendiary Arrow

The Incendiary Arrows cause fires near the point of impact. Catches blocks, campfires, candles, and entities on fire.

The Tiers

Specified tiers can be disabled in the config

  • Flint: The vanilla tier, no damage difference
  • Iron: 2 Bonus Damage
  • Golden: 3 Bonus Damage in the Nether | Deals 1 less damage while not in the nether
  • Diamond: 4 Bonus Damage
  • Netherite: 6 Bonus Damage


Server Hosting Discount

Follow the link below and use code "JACKBUSTERS" at checkout for 25% off server hosting.



Q: How would I go about making these arrows compatible with infinity?

A: Two options:
All Arrows Infinity Fix [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/all-arrows-infinity-fix]: Will indiscriminately force all arrows to be compatible with infinity. Use this if you just want to plug-and-play without worrying about balance.

Most Arrows Infinity Fix [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/most-arrows-infinity-fix]: Attempts to make arrows compatible with infinity in a more-balanced manner. A pre-made config is included with this mod so you can blacklist certain arrows from working with infinity. All arrows not blacklisted will be made to work with infinity. Use this if you want to tailor a more balanced playthrough.

Q: Is there a way to disable arrow types/tiers I don't want?

A: Yes, located in the xtraarrows-server.toml file. It is server-based, so different servers can set it according to their preferences. This config can usually be found in  /.minecraft/saves/[world name]/serverconfig/ directory, but dependent on some factors may sometimes be found in .minecraft/config/.

Q: I am a modpack creator trying to make my server config the default config for users. How can I do this?

A: If you found the server config in the serverconfig folder, copy the config and paste it in the folder called defaultconfigs in the root. Be sure to ship the defautconfigs folder with your modpack release. If you found it in the regular config folder, just ship it as part of the normal config folder.



Modpack Policy:

 You are free to include this mod in any Modpack hosted on CurseForge.

Images Xtra Arrows

This element has no dependencies.

Download Xtra Arrows

Available for next versions: 1.21.4, 1.21.3, 1.21.1, 1.21, 1.20.6, 1.20.4, 1.20.3, 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19, 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.18, 1.17.1, 1.17, 1.16.5, 1.16.4
Game versions
Version type
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xtraarrows-3.6.5-fabric-mc1.21.4 26.12.2024 fabric, quilt R 1 MB 1.21.4 53 Download
xtraarrows-3.6.5-forge-mc1.21.4 26.12.2024 forge R 1 MB 1.21.4 266 Download
xtraarrows-3.6.5-neoforge-mc1.21.4 26.12.2024 neoForge R 1 MB 1.21.4 17 Download
xtraarrows-3.6.4-neoforge-mc1.21.4 23.12.2024 neoForge R 1 MB 1.21.4 0 Download
xtraarrows-3.6.4-fabric-mc1.21.4 20.12.2024 fabric, quilt R 1 MB 1.21.4 4 Download
xtraarrows-3.6.4-forge-mc1.21.4 20.12.2024 forge R 1 MB 1.21.4 6 Download
xtraarrows-3.6.3-fabric-mc1.21.4 20.12.2024 fabric, quilt B 1 MB 1.21.4 0 Download
xtraarrows-3.6.3-forge-mc1.21.4 20.12.2024 forge B 1 MB 1.21.4 0 Download
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