Winter Addon is a mod aiming at having a bit more of winter spirit inside of the game.
- 3 winter biomes
- 1 Christmas dimension (portal available)
- 7 new ores of higher-end than Netherite and many new blocks
- Corresponding tools, armors and more (like TNTs)
- New ranged weapons
- 3 new tree types
- New winter mobs (since 1.1.5)
- Rank system for servers (since 1.1)
- Temperature system (since 1.1)
- Cold Protection system (1.1.5)
- Cold Wave random events (since 1.1)
- Snow accumulation (since 1.1.2)
- 2 music discs (since 1.0.3)
- Configurable with a config file (need server shutdown, then edit, then restart server on servers)
Designed to work inside the following mod pack: Winter Addon Modpack
This mod is part of my YouTube (French-speaking but English is okay) community server for Christmas 2023. Feel free to join our Discord.
Current version: 1.19.4-v1.1.5 (the version you should use)
License: All rights reserved but feel free to use it inside any modpack inside Curseforge, you do not even need to mention this page but if you want to thank me, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel (free) or join it here :)
More details about the features:
Biomes: (v1.0+)
- Winterium Forest: Big blue glowing spruce biome (closely related to Winterium)
- Black Forest: Big black spruce biome (closely related to Black Winterium)
- White Forest: Big white spruce biome (closely related to White Winterium)
- Christmas Forest: snowy and Christmas-themed biome. Only available in the Christmas Land dimension.
Dimension: (v1.0+)
- Christmas Land: a dimension that is supposed to remind us of the snowy Christmas times. It is composed exclusively of the Christmas Forest biome (v1.0)
Mobs: (v1.1.5+)
- Winter Zombie: one-leg zombie throwing snowballs, only Winter Addon biomes. They drop blue ice, which is extensively used in the mod.
- Winter Creeper: slow creeper casting ice when dying, only in Winter Addon biomes. They drop blue ice, which is extensively used in the mod.
- Reinforced Winter Zombie: Winter Zombie with Winterium armor, only in Christmas Land Dimension. They can drop Winterium Armor parts.
- Cold Spirit: slow gast generating ice to protect itself. They can drop raw Winteriums but will appear only in the Christmas Land dimension during Cold Waves.
- Blue Fox: spawn in Winter Addon biomes in the overworld, at night. They give blue fur that can be used to craft blue fox coats.
- Red Fox: spawn in Christmas Land dimension, at night.
- Rudolf: Christmas flying reindeer. They can be ridden and will give brown fur that can be used to craft Rudolf coats.
- Winterium Piglin: brute force Piglin (in the nether) but will not fight you back if you wear winterium. Drop winterium.
- Christmas Blaze: a blaze that can transform the area into netherice. It gives all the necessary ingredients to craft the netherice scepter.
- Wixmas Skeleton: a white wither skeleton spawning only during cold waves in the nether. It will drop a special skeleton skull that can be transformed into a wither skull by placing it near a soul campfire.
Ores: (v1.1.5+)
- Winterium: the lowest-ended ore of this mod (still better than netherite). Like its black and white brothers, it can be found in any biome from layer 315 to -64, it is the least rare ore of this mod. Notice that it can only be mined by a netherite pickaxe.
- Black Winterium: similar to the winterium but rarer and it can only be mined with a winterium pickaxe or above.
- White Winterium: similar the the winterium but rarer and it can only be mined with a black winterium pickaxe or above.
- Xmasium: this ore can only be found in the Christmas Land dimension (v1.1.2). Also, only white winterium pickaxe or above can mine it. This is the strongest ore of this mod (v1.1.2).
- Christmas Spirit Block: it must be used together with xmasium to craft some of the available tools in the mod. It is only present in the Christmas Land dimension.
- Elfwigothium: In the Nether. It can be used to craft cookies (Elfy Cookie) that can warm you up.
- Wenderium: it can be found in the end, and can only be mined with a white winterium pickaxe or higher. This one will be extensively used inside the incoming 5th dimension.
Ore Blocks: (v.1.1.5+)
- Winterium Blocks can only be placed inside of a Winterium Forest biome, otherwise, they will release their freezing power and disappear.
- Black Winterium Blocks can only be placed inside of a Black Forest biome, otherwise, they will release their freezing power and disappear.
- White Winterium Blocks can only be placed inside of a White Forest biome, otherwise, they will release their freezing power and disappear.
- Xmasium Blocks can only be placed inside a Christmas Forest biome, otherwise, they will ignite the Christmas fire, which is probably the only one you do not want to try.
- Wenderium Blocks will be used to craft the portal of the 5th dimension. For now, the mod does not contain the portal igniter, so it is impossible to access this dimension without cheating; it will come soon.
Special Blocks: (v1.1.5+):
- Netherice: an almost unbreakable type of ice that will apply wither effect to anyone touching it except if sneaking (press shift). It can be broken by any pickaxe above netherite.
Tools: (v1.0+)
Pickaxes, swords and axes are available in every of the above-mentioned ores except the Christmas Spirit Block which is more like a companion to Xmasium ore. In terms of "power", the tools can be ascendingly classified as follows:
1. Winterium
2. Black Winterium
3. White Winterium
4. Xmasium
Scepters: (v1.1.5+)
Scepters are ranged weapons working with special types of ammo. We have the following scepters:
- Winterium scepter: if the target is a block, it will spawn some ice for a predefined amount of time, otherwise it will draw an ice barrier around the target.
- Black winterium scepter: same as winterium scepter but with amplified effects.
- White winterium scepter: same as black winterium scepter but with amplified effects.
- Netherice scepter: if the target is a netherrack block, it will transform the area into netherice, otherwise it will ignite fire in a small area.
TNTs: (v1.0+)
3 additional TNTs are available in this mod, in ascending power order:
1. Winterium TNT
2. Black Winterium TNT
3. White Winterium TNT
Ranks: (v1.1+)
This mod contains a basic rank system, that can be used in both solo and servers. There are 12 ranks for now:
These are displayed in the top left corner of the screen while playing. Also, let us assume you have the rank Snow III (third rank), then every one of your messages will be suffixed by [Snow III]. To grind the ranks, you should try to obtain as much Minecraft standard XP as possible.
Temperature System: (v1.1+)
The mod will keep track of the world temperature (all dimensions are the same for now) and the body temperature of each player.
What increases your body temperature:
- Being in an insulating structure (like over 2 layers of wood or one layer of wood and one layer of air with a roof over your head)
- Being near the fire block
- Being near a campfire (the best)
- Eat an Elfy Cookie.
What decreases your body temperature:
- Being outside or in a poor insulating structure (the lower the temperature, the quicker you get cold
The colder the outside, the faster your body temperature decreases.
The temperature effects are as follows in the most recent version:
- More than 35 -> Nothing
- Between 30.1 and 35 -> Mining fatigue added (you lose your strength when cold)
- Between 29.1 and 30 -> Slowness added (you might have difficulties staying awake and move quickly when cold)
- Between 28.1 and 30 -> Darkness added (you are in a critical state; you cannot see anymore)
- 28 -> You die from the cold (simulated with wither effect for now)
I would advise using GUI scale 3 to display temperatures properly.
Cold Protection system: (v.1.1.5+)
All vanilla and Winter Addon armors give you Cold Protection points that will slow down the freezing process of entities. It goes from 0 to 100%; 100% means your temperature does not decrease any more. Another example would be: imagine that you need 2 minutes to be cold at a given outside temperature. With 50% Cold Protection, you now need 4 minutes to be cold at this same outside temperature.
Severe Weather events: (v.1.1+)
Sometimes, cold waves hit the world. Their intensity and duration are random, and they will decrease the outside temperature accordingly. They are announced in the chat.
Snow accumulation: (v1.1.2+)
This mod contains a snow accumulation mechanic that will make the snow accumulate up to 1 block high.
JSON Config File: (v1.1.2+)
Called winter_addon_config.json, it contains the following entries:
# Probability that a cold wave starts at each tick. Can be any number smaller than 1.0
"cold_wave_frequency": 1.0E-5,
# Minimal duration in ticks of each cold wave (max is double this value). 20 ticks = 1sec.
"cold_wave_base_duration": 20000,
# Defines how the cold decreases your temperature, the larger this value, the quicker you die from the cold
# 0 means almost no effect from the cold on your temperature.
"cold_strength": 1.7,
# The maximal strength of a cold wave. 1 more here means, -15°C during Cold Waves.
"cold_wave_max_force": 5,
# Do the special Cold Spirit mob spawn in Christmas Land.
"spawn_cold_spirit": true,
# Spawn probability of Cold Spirits (better not to touch it)
"cold_spirit_spawn_rate": 0.2,
# Do the embedded snow accumulation be executed
"snow_accumulates": true,
# Radius considered around each player to make the snow accumulate
"snow_accumulates_dist_to_player": 32,
# How quickly the snow accumulates when snowing (better not to touch it)
"snow_accumulates_strength": 1,
# Not implemented yet (hopefully soon)
"snow_melting_rate": 0.5
This mod is under development and might rapidly grow (or not). It was designed mainly for my French-speaking community but I am happy to share it here :)
My first mod ever; do not hesitate to criticize heavily.
winter_addon_MC1.19.4_Forge45.1.0_v1.1.8 | 17.12.2024 | forge | R | 13 MB | 1.19.4 | 4 | Download |
winter_addon_MC1.19.4_Forge45.1.0_v1.1.8 | 16.12.2024 | forge | R | 13 MB | 1.19.4 | 0 | Download |
winter_addon_MC1.19.4_Forge45.1.0_v1.1.7 | 29.02.2024 | forge | R | 13 MB | 1.19.4 | 0 | Download |
winter_addon_MC1.19.4_Forge45.1.0_v1.1.6 | 27.01.2024 | forge | R | 12 MB | 1.19.4 | 0 | Download |
winter_addon_MC1.19.4_Forge45.1.0_v1.1.5 | 18.12.2023 | forge | R | 11 MB | 1.19.4 | 26 | Download |
winter_addon_MC1.19.4_Forge45.1.0_v1.1.2 | 08.12.2023 | forge | R | 10 MB | 1.19.4 | 1 | Download |
winter_addon_MC1.19.4_Forge45.1.0_v1.1.1 | 04.12.2023 | forge | R | 9 MB | 1.19.4 | 1 | Download |
winter_addon_MC1.19.4_Forge45.1.0_v1.1.0 | 03.12.2023 | forge | R | 9 MB | 1.19.4 | 2 | Download |
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