Utility Belt for Minecraft

  • Author: jamalam360
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 17.12.2024
  • Last version 1.21.4

Review Utility Belt

A Belt for Tools and Weapons

The resource storage system and the character's GUI are the most significant components of Minecraft players have to interact with constantly. That is why modders are trying to implement various features to improve the hotbar and introduce some new devices with new slots. Users have to choose the best options from this variety. So if you would like to slightly diversify the vanilla approach to survival in Minecraft and add a few new cells for storing tools, we recommend taking a closer look at the Utility Belt add-on, which we have done a detailed review of.

The Utility Belt mod adds a special belt where you can store various types of tools and weapons to Minecraft. As you know, much free space is left in your hotbar if you put a sword, bow, shovel, and pickaxe there. They will already occupy at least four cells, but by default, there are only nine of them. However, you also have to use health potions, food, blocks to cover yourself against lava or mobs, and torches to install in dark areas and rooms. As a result, the entire hotbar is full, and that is not particularly convenient, right? It is here where the unique belt that does not particularly affect the vanilla gameplay but allows you to free up the hotbar a bit comes to the rescue.

The utility belt is a special bag added by the mod under consideration. It can be crafted from four strings, three pieces of leather, and one diamond. So you will have to fork up a little, but such an accessory is well worth its cost, as it saves a lot of hotbar slots, which you will be able to use for additional blocks or ores. Thus, even if you go to the desert to collect sand, you will be able to gather four more stacks, which is a significant saving of space in your hotbar. Let us now see how to use this belt.

How to Use the Utility Belt in Minecraft

If you install the Utility Belt add-on via TLauncher, the necessary library will also be installed and slightly change the standard character's GUI. After that, you will be able to use the belt in the following way:

· Once you have crafted this item, open your character's inventory.

· Click on a small icon next to Steve's head to open an extra GUI with controls.

· The system will ask you to choose between two options: experimental or original. You can select the second one.

· Then, you need to put the crafted belt in a special slot in the upper-left corner, and this item will immediately appear on your character visually.

· In the left corner, you will see four new slots where you can put tools. That is precisely a special GUI added by the Utility Belt mod, designed exclusively for various types of tools and weapons.

· To arrange all the items in a convenient order, press the apostrophe key.

· A separate menu will appear, which will have four slots, along with the character's inventory. You will need to put the tools and weapons you want to use in the desired order there.

· Fill the slots and exit this menu. You will see a sidebar that displays all those items.

· To switch between the items, hold down the default N key.

· After that, you just scroll the mouse wheel and select an element to take in your hand. If you need to change the tool or weapon, press 'N' again and scroll the wheel.

As a result, we have got quite a convenient system. Everything is extremely simple and clear, and we can say that the designer of the Utility Belt mod has implemented a truly helpful extra inventory function. Thanks to such a belt, you will be able to transfer way more resources in the game, no matter what biome you are in. So we recommend you necessarily add Utility Belt to your build, as it is a highly important and convenient tool for the vanilla game version. It does not change the gameplay much but perfectly complements and facilitates it.

The Utility Belt mod is suitable for both ordinary survival and playing with numerous mods — say, if you have an industrial or military build. Here, each player uses add-ons that suit their needs, but such mods will always be useful, including on servers, if you are an admin and would like to add more helpful functions for players. It is available for almost all popular loaders, including Forge, Fabric, NeoForge, and Quilt, is actively refined by the designer, and is promptly updated to support the latest versions of Minecraft!

This element has no dependencies.

Download Utility Belt

Available for next versions: 1.21.4, 1.21.1, 1.21, 1.20.6, 1.20.4, 1.20.1, 1.20, 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19
Game versions
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utility-belt-fabric-2.6.0+1.21.4 18.12.2024 fabric, quilt R 257 KB 1.21.4 75 Download
utility-belt-neoforge-2.6.0+1.21.4 18.12.2024 neoForge R 259 KB 1.21.4 18 Download
utility-belt-fabric-2.6.0+1.21.1 17.12.2024 fabric, quilt R 260 KB 1.21.1, 1.21 57 Download
utility-belt-neoforge-2.6.0+1.21.1 17.12.2024 neoForge R 259 KB 1.21.1, 1.21 13 Download
utility-belt-fabric-2.5.0+1.21.1 26.10.2024 fabric, quilt R 255 KB 1.21.1, 1.21 8 Download
utility-belt-neoforge-2.5.0+1.21.1 26.10.2024 neoForge R 254 KB 1.21.1, 1.21 2 Download
utility-belt-fabric-2.4.3+1.21 05.08.2024 fabric, quilt R 248 KB 1.21.1, 1.21 176 Download
utility-belt-neoforge-2.4.3+1.21 05.08.2024 neoForge R 250 KB 1.21.1, 1.21 34 Download
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