Tinkers Construct – is a mod that has long been a classic. Players have been playing it and loving it for decades because it gives players a lot of freedom of action. You’ll be able to craft tools not only from the regular ore and sticks. You can make your pickaxe, sword or shovel from cactus, Endermite, paper, or quartz.
All production here is incredibly realistic and once you get used to it, you can craft really useful items for your survival. In addition to tools, a large number of blocks, decorative elements, ores, generations, and so on are added here.
And if that’s not enough for you, you can download numerous add-ons to the mod that add certain aspects to survival. For example, advanced metal production or even magic.
The mod isn’t that difficult to comprehend. However, the developers still took care of the players and added a mod guide. You can find it by opening a special book given to you at the beginning of the game. Here, you’ll see the general principles of the mod, will be shown how to craft the first items, which resources and modifiers to use, and so on.
This book is very important, because you’ll constantly look into it, checking how certain modifiers work. Sometimes you can lose it, but it’s incredibly easy to craft.
In addition, there are many other books that describe other aspects of the mod. But they aren’t so important and you can get all the most important information from the first book.
To craft the first tools, you need to craft two tables. A table for blanks and a table for assembly. The main work will take place on them.
You’ll also need stencils for crafting blanks. They are very easy to craft, so it’s recommended to do as much as possible.
By combining an empty blank, material, and shape, you can craft a part. It’ll have its own characteristics and functions. The cooler the material, the better the part.
All these parts can be combined with each other on another table. Moreover, all parts of the tool can be made of the same material. They can be perfectly combined and complemented with each other.
At the assembly table, you can improve all these items by adding certain modifiers. For example, diamond adds strength to the tool, and Redstone increases the mining speed.
Another important mechanics in the mod is metal production. You also need it to craft tools, but here it’s made of metals. For example, you can see the simplest furnace that can create blanks, pour molds, and make alloys.
To get a part, you need to put the metal in the stove, and the mold of the part on the table. As soon as the metal melts, pour it into the mold. It will freeze hard, and you will be able to pick up the blank.
This is the simplest construction, but you can make furnaces much larger, automate them, and so on. You can find all the necessary tips and instructions in the corresponding book.
There are numerous tools in this mod. Some of them are better versions of the ones we are used to. However, there are new ones with their own functions.
Hammers cause incredibly severe damage to the enemy and throw it away. However, due to their weight, they have a very long impact recharge.
This is a multitool useful for working in the garden. With it, you can plow the earth, dig it, and even chop down trees.
Something between a shovel and a pickaxe. It can replace two tools when working in a mine.
A very cool shovel that digs 3 by 3 blocks. Ideal for digging up large areas.
Cuts animal hair, gets grass, leaves and plows the land.
Simultaneously harvests crops from a large number of blocks, and also causes severe damage to the area.
It causes less damage, but at the same time compensates for this with its incredibly high speed.
It works the same as a regular sword but causes a lot of damage. And also deals even more damage when hit at a run.
To get some resources, namely slime or clay, you’ll have to climb the islands. There, new mobs will spawn, new blocks will appear, and new trees will grow.
Although, somewhere you can find common islands.
You can use the slime you’ve got to craft a slingshot, which causes rather high damage.
You can make a bomb, which is convenient to dig up large areas.
Or shurikens to feel like a real ninja.
TConstruct-1.20.1- | 05.03.2025 | neoForge, forge | B | 18 MB | 1.20.1 | 79 | Download |
TConstruct-1.20.1- | 03.03.2025 | neoForge, forge | B | 18 MB | 1.20.1 | 15 | Download |
TConstruct-1.20.1- | 21.01.2025 | neoForge, forge | R | 18 MB | 1.20.1 | 32 k | Download |
TConstruct-1.20.1- | 20.01.2025 | neoForge, forge | R | 18 MB | 1.20.1 | 792 | Download |
TConstruct-1.19.2- | 02.01.2025 | forge | R | 18 MB | 1.19.2 | 11 k | Download |
TConstruct-1.20.1- | 01.01.2025 | neoForge, forge | R | 18 MB | 1.20.1 | 9 k | Download |
TConstruct-1.18.2- | 23.09.2024 | forge | R | 17 MB | 1.18.2 | 10 k | Download |
TConstruct-1.19.2- | 18.09.2024 | forge | R | 17 MB | 1.19.2 | 8 k | Download |
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