The vanilla Minecraft zombies are familiar to every player who ever visited the cubic world, as they make it dangerous to move at night at the initial stages of development. Indeed, they can spawn at any side and simply kill you. Moreover, they can appear even in a closed space if there is no lighting there. Even so, the standard game mechanics do not please users with any changes, and this mob type is, in fact, not dangerous anymore. Players create different types of farms, kill hundreds of mobs in a couple of clicks, and do not treat them as noteworthy enemies at all.
However, this situation can be fixed if you install a mod called The Hordes, which brings numerous changes regarding the zombies. The main task of this add-on is to improve these mobs, change their behavior patterns, and diversify the gameplay of Minecraft so that you have the desire to enter the vanilla game world and fight them, showing how strong and experienced a player you are. And you can be sure that your experience will come in handy, as all these creatures have become much stronger and smarter. Are you ready for that? If so, let us proceed to a detailed description of this add-on.
The first thing to notice after installing this mod is the behavior of the zombies at night. While earlier these mobs attacked you only within a certain radius, now they will spawn in waves and storm the player's base from a random point. Each time, the number of zombies increases, and their power grows, so it will, at times, be not that easy to resist them.
Another important innovation is the infection. Thus, if a zombie touches the player or a horse, they will become infected and inevitably die in five minutes. A new zombie then appears at the place of the player's death, which suggests a kind of transformation. That is a cool mechanic, which has always been lacking in Minecraft, although many different post-apocalypse mods and whole builds continue to be released. Only the golden apple will be able to heal you — however, the config of the mod allows you to set what kind of food will restore your health and normal appearance if you are infected by a zombie.
The villagers will also suffer from the zombies, so after you install The Hordes mod, they will become even more susceptible to attacks from these mobs. As a result, an entire village can turn into a huge army of evil creatures, and it will not be that easy to cure them. In normal survival mode, you will experience numerous problems in such areas, so we recommend you spawn more golems and always have potions to turn the zombies back into villagers. The only advantage of this situation is that after you return a villager to its usual life, it will give you a discount on items.
If a zombie kills you after infecting you, your clone with all your belongings will appear in the place of your death. To get your loot back, you will need to kill this creature — otherwise, all items will be lost. Another noteworthy feature of the infected players is immunity to light. That is, while the ordinary in-game zombies burn up from sunlight, in The Hordes mod, they are not afraid of it at all and calmly endure it without receiving any damage. Such interesting mechanics will allow you to diversify mass fights with mobs and increase the role of the zombies in any environment, be it the vanilla world or a completely different dimension.
If they wish, the player can edit the mod's config file and adjust the behavior of these mobs as they see fit. It contains many different parameters, which can be specified not only for a singleplayer but also for a team game on a server. If you have long lacked add-ons that could diversify the behavior patterns and mechanics of the zombies in Minecraft, it is time to do that with the help of The Hordes add-on.
The-Hordes-1.21-1.6.1b | 25.08.2024 | neoForge | R | 410 KB | 1.21.1 | 597 | Download |
The-Hordes-1.21-1.6.1a | 01.08.2024 | neoForge | R | 411 KB | 1.21 | 119 | Download |
The-Hordes-1.12.2-1.5.3a | 16.07.2024 | forge | R | 1 MB | 1.12.2 | 10 k | Download |
The-Hordes-1.12.2-1.5.3 | 13.07.2024 | forge | R | 1 MB | 1.12.2 | 85 | Download |
The-Hordes-1.18.2-1.5.4 | 09.07.2024 | forge | R | 590 KB | 1.18.2 | 3 k | Download |
The-Hordes-1.19.4-1.5.4 | 09.07.2024 | forge | R | 589 KB | 1.19.4 | 973 | Download |
The-Hordes-1.19.2-1.5.4 | 09.07.2024 | forge | R | 591 KB | 1.19.2 | 7 k | Download |
The-Hordes-1.20.1-1.5.4 | 09.07.2024 | neoForge, forge | R | 585 KB | 1.20.1 | 25 k | Download |
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