A mod called The Bumblezone adds a new dimension to the game, which allows you to explore a bee nest consisting of honeycomb blocks. The main rulers of that world are the bees themselves, so be careful, as you are not welcome there. The mod also adds several blocks and items peculiar to this dimension.
To get to this dimension, you need to find a bee nest in the Overworld. Just throw an ender pearl into it, and you will be transferred inside.
In this dimension, you can visit three biomes: the hive wall, in which there are small caves, the hive pillar, consisting mainly of honeycombs, and the sugar water floor. You will find not only bees there, though, but also other ordinary mobs such as slimes, endermen, and spiders. If you look at long distances, you can see yellow fog there.
This dimension is huge and consists of various honey blocks. The movement there is very interesting, as one step there is equal to ten blocks in terms of the Overworld. The bees here will initially not attack you, but if you take some honey block, they will become aggressive. With each new block extracted, the aggressiveness of the bees will begin to increase, and you will finally get the Wrath of the Hive effect. The fog inside will turn red in that case. So it is better not to meddle in this dimension unprepared.
However, if you decide to get out of this dimension, it is quite an easy task. Just dig down until you fall down, or the hive ends. You will not die in any case but will be just teleported back to the place near the bee nest.
The porous honeycomb block is the most common in this dimension. You can find it at every step. It is also the top layer of small honey caves. If you use a honey bottle on a porous honeycomb block, it will turn into a filled porous honeycomb block. Having broken a porous block, you will get the block itself, but with a delay of about five seconds.
The filled porous honeycomb block is found in bee caves. It slows the player's movement by ten percent, but this is not particularly noticeable. If you use a bottle on a filled block, it will turn into an empty porous cellular block, and you will have a honey bottle in your hands. To get a filled porous honeycomb block, you need a pickaxe with the silk touch enchantment; otherwise, you will get just a honeycomb and empty porous blocks.
The empty honeycomb brood block is found in some bee caves. It has no application and serves only as decoration. It is the first stage of the appearance of a bee larva.
The honeycomb brood block is the rarest in this dimension. It can be found in some bee caves. It contains bee larvae that grow in four stages. For a bee to finally appear at the fourth stage, some conditions must be satisfied. There must be a passage for a bee and other bees next to the larva. Otherwise, the little bee will not appear. If everything is fine, the block returns to the first stage of the larva's growth. A bee's head in the hole indicates that the block is in the final stage. Besides, this block can be taken to the Overworld, where the process will continue. However, here the larva grows faster than in other dimensions. The bee growth rate can be increased by using bottles of honey or sugar water. After you break a honeycomb brood block, an empty honeycomb brood block and a honeycomb is dropped, and the Wrath of the Hive effect appears. But if you use a pickaxe with the silk touch enchantment, you will get the block itself and will not suffer the above effect.
The honey crystal can be found in the sugar waters or the caves of this dimension. It can turn the nearby water into sugar water. It can be placed only on solid blocks, so you will not be able to put it, say, on a honey block. It drops honey crystal shards. To increase their number, you need to use a pickaxe with the fortune enchantment. If you use the silk touch instead, you will get the block itself.
The sticky honey residue is a block that dramatically slows your movement speed. If you smelt honey crystals, you can get four sticky honey residue blocks. If you smelt just a honey crystal shard, you will get one such block. It can be located both on the walls and below a block. In the first case, it can be used as a ladder, but your climbing speed will be very slow.
The sticky honey redstone performs the same functions as the usual sticky honey residue, but when you step on this block, the redstone is activated, so it can be used to create mechanisms.
The sugar infused cobblestone and stone are decorative blocks. When you destroy them, a stone or a cobblestone, along with sugar, is dropped. But if you use a pickaxe with the silk touch enchantment, you can get the entire block.
Honey crystal shards can be obtained from honey crystals. They are edible and restore two hunger points. They are used for repairing honey crystal shields.
The honey crystal shield is crafted from seven honey crystal shards. By default, this shield is not particularly effective but can be improved. However, fire and explosion will quickly destroy it. The shield can be repaired using honey crystal shards. It imposes the Slowness effect on attacking mobs.
The sugar water bottle is used as a drink replenishing one hunger point and giving you the Speed effect. To get this item, you need to collect sugar water with a bottle using the RMB. In the same way, you can fill the sugar water bucket.
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