The Afterlight is a rather “fresh” mod that adds a new eerie dimension to your game. This mysterious dimension can amaze you with its dark atmosphere. Here you will find a lot of new and interesting things. This mod can be used in various modpacks since it is compatible with numerous mods. This add-on is designed in the vanilla style and it won’t ruin your regular world in any way. On the contrary, it will add a lot of interesting features to your game world.
When in this dark dimension, you should be extremely careful since it’s full of quite dangerous creatures that can bring you a lot of harm. However, you can also use them for your own purposes. You can create new types of swords, armor, and other items that look vanilla but have different characteristics. So, this add-on won’t make you bored. Feel free to install this mod and use it for your game.
There are some changes in world generation. When you enter the mine, you will find a new ore – the Moon Crystal. It will be located at the same level as diamonds. It has the same value as a diamond and is used in some crafting. It is also an integral part of creating a portal to a new dimension. When mining this ore, you will get moon crystals. You can use them in the future. Sometimes the ore will emit white particles.
You can craft one Moon Crystal Block using 4 moon crystals. You can use it for various purposes, for example, to save some storage space since you can easily create moon crystals back at any time. This block also has a good value, so it can be used as a valuable block. Its main difference from other valuable blocks is that it emits light, which is approximately equal to the light level of a glowstone block.
Then you can create a Mundane Hammer. It can be crafted in two different ways. They differ only in the manufacturing material, but in general, the crafts are identical. The first craft uses the cobblestone, and the second uses a new block added by the mod – the durable moonstone. The moonstone has other uses as well. Once you create a Mundane Hammer, you can use it in only one direction. It can be crafted into moon dust, which is used to create a portal to another dimension. In addition, moon dust can replace red dust. You can use it instead of red dust in all crafts and mechanisms. Maybe this method is not too practical, but you could use it anyway.
The Void Stone is another block generated in the regular world. You can find it at the same levels as the moon crystal ores, i.e. not far from the bedrock. It is the main block for creating the portal and other blocks. You need to use this block to create a void stone brick, which is used in crafting. You can also use this brick to create slabs and steps.
However, it’s mainly used to create a Ritual Altar. To build a ritual altar, you will also need 2 moon crystal blocks and the moon crystal itself. This altar is used to obtain new blocks and items through rituals.
To perform rituals at the altar, you need to wait until nightfall. You cannot perform any rituals during the day. When the night falls, you can perform your first ritual using the obtained material. To perform your rituals, you will need moon crystals, moon dust, and a stick. All this must be placed on the altar, each item in the right cell. By doing so, you will get a moonlight staff, which you can use to activate the portal.
Use a similar ritual to create Strange Obsidian. This block is used to build a portal. This will also require a void stone that must be placed in the middle. You need to place moon dust in the rest of the cells, and you will finally get strange obsidian. To create a portal, you will need to perform this ritual at least 10 times.
Once you’ve obtained the required amount of Strange Obsidian, you can start building a frame for the portal, which is built in the same way as the Nether Portal. And the staff works as a flint to light the portal. This means that it activates the portal. And then you can enter a new dimension.
This dimension is unusual and doesn’t look like the regular world. There is no day-night cycle. The biomes are completely different. They aren’t similar to how they look in the regular world. Besides, there are new caves. These caves are built in much the same way as the upper biomes, meaning they are made up of upper blocks. Sometimes you can find treasures that consist of completely different blocks. The dimension is very dark and has no daytime at all.
The structure of the soil here looks completely different. The top layer is covered with moongrass. Next is a thin layer of moon soil, which is identical to the regular world dirt. This layer is followed by a rather large layer of moonstone. Then comes a layer of hard moonstone. This block is the last.
This dimension has 6 different biomes. One of them is the Shadow Forest. It is a fairly light and spacious biome, which is one of the safest places in this dimension. There will be almost no hostile creatures since the entire area is illuminated. The trees are not that dense, and many clearings aren’t covered by the crowns of trees. The forest looks magical since the leaves of the trees are colored blue.
Almost all the lights in the Shadow Forest come from mushrooms, of which there are plenty. But the most useful are only two types of mushrooms – the Gloomy Cap Mushroom and the Glowing Mushroom. You can eat these two types of mushrooms, and they will slightly replenish your saturation, although their characteristics are very weak. In this case, you won’t get any effects. The mushrooms are safe. Other types of mushrooms serve as decoration and lighting.
Moonspawns are one of those creatures that appear in the moon forest. These creatures can actually appear in any biome. But they only spawn if the nearby lighting is lower than 2. There are usually several spawns in one place, so fighting them will take a little more effort. These creatures look like zombies from the regular world, and they make similar sounds. However, they are much more dangerous than regular zombies. They have 25 health units, and their armor is equal to one diamond chestplate. They deal a lot of damage even if you’re armored. If you’re unarmored, you will lose 5 health units each time this creature hits you. Thus, it can kill you with 4 hits. Killing them will give you Living Essence.
Dark Skeleton is another creature that can appear in the moon forest. But in fact, this creature is very rare. Dark Skeletons prefer to live in a different biome, but you can still meet them here. They are hostile creatures that look similar to regular skeletons, only the textures are slightly different. Unlike regular skeletons, the Dark Skeleton has a slightly bent back and is covered with local plants. These skeletons have no bows, so they will hit you with a melee attack. They are pretty stupid creatures, and they will never stop roaming this world. These creatures are very slow, and sometimes they do not even notice you. If you have no weapon, you can easily run away from them. However, you should avoid being hit by a dark skeleton since it deals 7 units of damage. If you have no armor, it will kill you with 3 hits. Dark Skeletons also have good armor, which is equivalent to 4 iron chestplates. Sometimes you can find a dead skeleton that has 4 health units. They won’t harm you. You will only get bones from them.
The Moon Fox is another creature that spawns in the moon forest. This creature appears only in this biome, and you won’t meet it anywhere else. They are passive mobs and will rarely trust the player. They do not pick up dropped items and cannot be bred. When attacked, they will run away. They only have 10 health units. When killing a moon fox, you won’t get anything other than experience.
Under the Shadow Forest, there are special caves covered with new blocks. There are lots of these caves, so you can easily find them. To a greater extent, these blocks are decorative. This biome is colored dark pink and has certain types of mushrooms and grass. This is where dark skeletons most often appear. There is also another type of cave that is colored green. It is identical to what you can see on the upper layers of the dimension.
Moonlight Peaks are one of the biomes in this dimension. These are rather simple mountains as in the regular world, only with some distinctive features. It is quite dark here, but the ground is slightly illuminated. Glowing mushrooms are quite rare. This biome is peculiar for its great variety of void stones. Besides, it is full of dark skeletons and moonspawns.
The most interesting thing happens in the caves below these mountains. Nearly all of the caves below these mountains are covered in Bloody Blocks. There are also red mushrooms and other plants. There is one more creature – the Bloody Skeleton. It acts like the Dark Skeleton but is covered in red flowers. This skeleton has red mushrooms on its head. Similar to dark skeletons, it has 35 health units of health. This biome has a lot of bloody skeletons, so you should be careful.
Moonlight Lowlands is the third biome you can visit in this dimension. This biome is fairly common, and its terrain is quite smooth. It has a great amount of light, although some places remain dark. It is perhaps the most dangerous biome since it is full of hostile creatures represented by dark skeletons and moonspawns. Here you can find new twisting flowers. You can collect their seeds to eat them, and they will replenish you with 0.5 points of saturation. But if you cook them in a furnace, they will give more saturation. A new crystal aura block is used as lighting in many places. It is only a decorative block that gives a little light.
Moonlight Swamp is the next biome you can visit. It is very easy to distinguish it from other areas because there is water everywhere. It is dominated by water plants. You can find two types of plants. One of them is an alga. It has a beautiful winding stem with a luminous inflorescence on its top. The second type is water irises. They grow right on the surface of the water regardless of the depth. There are no creatures in the water yet, which should be resolved with the release of updates.
Moonlight Forest is the second type of forest, which is slightly less common. This forest can be of different volumes. In some places, you can only meet three trees, but this is still a forest. It is very light here, and there are almost no creatures. Numerous plants are endemic to this area, for example, the moonflower. These plants make this place much lighter.
Geodesic Fields are the last biome that exists in this dimension. It is quite rare but not so difficult to find. The terrain is quite smooth, and there are almost no plants, except for grass. The main feature of this area is that it has a lot of moon crystal blocks colored pink.
Afterlight v2.0 | 12.02.2022 | forge | R | 14 MB | 1.16.5 | 17 k | Download |
v1.5.5 | 21.09.2021 | forge | R | 11 MB | 1.16.5 | 3 k | Download |
v1.5.4.1 | 13.09.2021 | forge | R | 11 MB | 1.16.5 | 157 | Download |
v1.5.4 | 13.09.2021 | forge | R | 9 MB | 1.16.5 | 20 | Download |
v1.5.3 | 01.09.2021 | forge | R | 9 MB | 1.16.5 | 24 | Download |
v1.5.2 | 16.08.2021 | forge | R | 9 MB | 1.16.5 | 1 | Download |
v1.5.1 | 12.08.2021 | forge | R | 9 MB | 1.16.5 | 1 | Download |
Afterlight v1.5 | 11.08.2021 | forge | R | 9 MB | 1.16.5 | 9 | Download |
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