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Terralith is a datapack (packaged as a mod for both Fabric and Forge) designed to fundamentally overhaul the overworld with new biomes and caves. It accomplishes this without adding any new blocks, making it fully compatible with vanilla clients.
Minecraft 1.18 brought a massive overhaul to world generation. Terralith 2.0 takes that overhaul and turns it up to eleven. This mod is the successor to the original Terralith, but it has been rewritten from the ground up to provide a completely new experience.
Terralith adds nearly 100 brand-new biomes, as well as updating almost every vanilla biome with new and improved features. It also includes tons of completely new terrain types - canyons, shattered biomes, floating islands, deep ocean trenches and much, much more.
Caves have been overhauled as well. Terralith's underground is a place with as much variation as the overworld above - there are multiple new cave biomes, new cave shapes, and even caves made completely of the alternative stone types.
Terralith's style is designed to have something for everyone. There are plenty of realistic biomes like Yellowstone, Shield and Highlands - but also fantastical places like Skylands, Moonlight Grove and even the elusive Mirage Isles. You'll never run out of new biomes and new experiences to discover.
Terralith is now compatible with Biomes o' Plenty and Oh the Biomes You'll Go! Most structure mods should work fine too.
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Many thanks to our patrons: Infidel, Cyprezz, SirSlimy, Kai_カイ, Crash Cringle001, Kuma415, cc175586, itouchzombies, itsradiix, co2specter, Desert Fox, bluesteel53430, cyroinferno, chimericdream963, aburaniisan796, sparroet, Mr.Xenthur, OnlyLlamaLiam, mattymateo, thermosity, Nismo6921, alexrolfo, killerantsandcatbug, FusionMasterGames, salixosier, GWDdoS, fumiyo, big papi, dsog001, zuzu.zaza, drblaze,, yazor, banzai___, SvensjaÄrJättebra, mystery_person1, mystame, realstarbuck, rosenfeld, Jerry080801, 2buddy9999, alf4f4r, balou3314, themaxee, zaify, wolfite, foxpodz, sheraxo, .kuroudo, dreifxn, stackofepic, eggknyte, m0thm, idkblaze, brainjury, seedity, ☮Rejdy☯, muskratgg, aerrocks, xtremelyevilgumdrop, boredveon, skidsii, melio_melio, Ghirahimslayer, pusta, koduro, tazmac, Selfless, pikagoku, suscie, kowantify, partlycloudyy,, lunsar, shadowvoids, Friendly Newb, paneedah, spireshield, neuron0723, broseidon911, Stoph2Endless, DerPole, unspraypaint, janepixel, lacronic, lifedreamer24, model505, redzephon, dgreenz, Azam._., hevb, pentastic, __miv__, inco, hatefulbox, valerianbright, echocallingearth, synntix, nicekaleido, BFNPL, triplefca, antiseed, tankerkiller125, QuantumC, yagefudo, lobsterofwisdom, spl1fter, lanbing, xenos1_, topkekistani, dantesinferno, mamawolf2727nick, mangojellyjars, asphyxiamywife, martithewizz, wassabi, omega12008, proksimo, dragonflyo, brett_kirk, .202, neuth, dodgy6, dnsmasq, trainingday, wash_, naj_rago, alaixmc, daleth, monja muncher, puppy._, athornbo, hueycan, MillyzAwesome24, Zhombiez666, tritone sub, Fixier, selune_22, asopticplays, justintimecuber, skullyboness, iridescent.bagel, sixthedollar, candy.xo, bigboibrian, gominjago, eilp, ejz9, xardoniak, Rubikron659, heheatlas, robtherobb, gunnehx, TREVOR, beyondzer, luiso, paragon, xpinn, mendesillo, ISUO, Ziggle, rodnelkes, bomb7723, p_joe, n0mbz001, drjredx, barlug_the_elder, acebeastin, caterpillarbaby, Willow The Opossum, .hamboi, Thatpie04, superstreetcat, omiliuopt, Wozyee, antonioash, msfjarvis, shrigma, ZOPN, Taijai, aleksei404, mvn, nauichzfd, borealblizzard, anaria, cawboo, sett001, hxpers, jhordanpg, RareSnow, KaiExtreme, Xanactus, silentroyal, keon, Robin, yoomtah, oricksandcroat, towkio, iky_max, ljstarlord, caseypurser, delaneyblob, buttscotch, alice_no_karasu, zfemmer, its.bread, Maranthalas669, Electroryx596, OnlyCS, nycturne, Painter879, romain_n, GoatsAreCool502, teshtube, rolands017, ezio18rip, Balloon, deamon, axieum, vispreaderus, novaxciv, jarritojoe, animiert, DarkZero0399, superyohan, dersh4d0w, n1i, mizpablito, 𝕹𝖊𝖜𝖒𝖆𝖓, Det, rickyzarion, Makussu-sama, rcn, syiv, phildo, geneticmedic, samsterjam, shmuel, smolyote, Iamhere, One, nooiisyy, Izinti, kyrinon, Warr, zrm, thatguy420, HowlGoetia, willydee68,, rufus359, Le bearded Leprechaun, SoulLess119, Nickadactyl, Brintons860, cadengv, anttyixx, Helping, smallsansserif, Electro, frost993, Tupsu, .mikezilla, Jackal, GOAT, hungryfox02, Boundless, joemassdsd, ShadowNguyen, flydrcar, TiTAN001, FixingGlobe369,, Encrypted, Jwaffles, Nik665, Cheiranthus1322, moomakai, kyozxd, LKv118, fortis, Razaekel001, theAstra, BlackHawk185, Oogab00ga94, yonderbean, unknownfinder, Rhinorulz, callmedaggy, Humematt19, poleeq, pannekake1, sweatshawp, Lenny, CentralPizze, PETE, Memnir033, BricksOBrian, Defenfiver, SirFluffyPuffs, Charleston, zapdos, DoctorPlasma, and Redhawk!
_1.21.x_v2.5.8 | 15.01.2025 | neoForge, fabric, forge, quilt | R | 3 MB | 1.21.4, 1.21.3, 1.21.2, 1.21.1, 1.21 | 83 k | Download |
_1.21.x_v2.5.7 | 04.12.2024 | neoForge, fabric, forge, quilt | R | 3 MB | 1.21.4, 1.21.3, 1.21.2, 1.21.1, 1.21 | 21 k | Download |
_1.21.x_v2.5.6 | 29.10.2024 | neoForge, fabric, forge, quilt | R | 3 MB | 1.21.3, 1.21.2, 1.21.1, 1.21 | 5 k | Download |
_1.21.x_v2.5.5 | 13.09.2024 | neoForge, fabric, forge, quilt | R | 2 MB | 1.21.1, 1.21 | 37 k | Download |
_1.21_v2.5.4 | 07.07.2024 | neoForge, fabric, forge, quilt | R | 2 MB | 1.21.1, 1.21 | 35 k | Download |
_1.20.x_v2.5.4 | 07.07.2024 | neoForge, fabric, forge, quilt | R | 3 MB | 1.20.6, 1.20.5, 1.20.4, 1.20.3, 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20 | 267 k | Download |
_1.21_v2.5.3 | 14.06.2024 | neoForge, fabric, forge, quilt | R | 2 MB | 1.21 | 18 k | Download |
_1.21_v2.5.2 | 13.06.2024 | neoForge, fabric, forge, quilt | R | 2 MB | 1.21 | 121 | Download |
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