Supernatural is a small mod that adds three new mobs, unique mechanics, and a structure to the game. For now, it supports three versions: 1.19.2, 1.18.2, and 1.16.5.
It will become much more dangerous to wander across various unexplored areas at night, as the game world will be terrorized by vampire illagers. They are highly dangerous for players who are not properly armed, as besides having a high damage level, they can infect you with vampirism. Besides, they are invisible both at night and during the day. The only thing that betrays them is their red eyes. During the attack, their huge enchanted sword also becomes visible, inflicting more than ten damage points on an unequipped player. Sometimes, though, the vampires assume their normal appearance, becoming just like illagers but with red eyes. Their health level is not that high — only 24 points.
However, besides considerable strength, they have a very high movement speed, making it almost impossible to escape from them. There is a small chance of getting infected with vampirism. Thus, after a few blows from a vampire, you may feel dizzy. That indicates the beginning of the disease. You will get the Vampiris effect for 20 minutes. After that, you will become a vampire yourself. If you manage to overcome a vampire, it will drop a certain amount of experience and the dust. The latter has no application, though.
The mod adds a new structure, namely the graveyard. It consists of a fenced territory, several graves, and the main crypt. You can get into the latter through the doors on its sides. Inside the crypt, there are two chests with valuable loot and a red carpet, along with the two vampires. During the day, a graveyard is completely safe, except for the main crypt. However, at night, this place turns into a battleground. The spooks come out of the graves, and the statues guarding the main crypt turn into living armor trying to kill you.
The main enemy at a night graveyard is spooks. They have 20 health points and inflict four damage points. It is impossible to encounter spooks during the day because, under the scorching sun, they instantly vanish into thin air and do not appear at all. Besides, they can fly, but if you have good weapons, they will not pose a threat to you. After death, the spook drops only a certain amount of experience.
A more serious and dangerous enemy there is the possessed armor. It peacefully stands at the main crypt during the day, but at night, it turns into an evil spirit and begins to hunt you. You can face such a surprise not only at a graveyard but also at home, given you have an armor stand there. The possessed armor has 20 health points but is protected by that very armor. Besides, it is equipped with a sword that inflicts eight damage points on an unprotected player. There are also stronger variants of the possessed armor consisting of other materials.
There are four types of them: iron, gold, diamond, and netherite, the latter being the strongest. Even so, the possessed armor is a kind of ghost, the day is not a hindrance for it, and this mob is quite capable of fighting with you even then. During the battle, it can drop a new helmet, which you can put on your head. After death, it drops all the armor, along with a certain amount of experience.
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