Stackable Stew and Soup for Minecraft

  • Author: lupiiin_ lupiiin_ jason13official
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 10.12.2024
  • Last version 1.21.1

Review Stackable Stew and Soup

Stackable Stew and Soup for Minecraft

There are many different food types in Minecraft so that the player can replenish their health and saturation points, and that is one of the important mechanics in survival, both on servers and in singleplayer mode. Even if you have potions to restore HPs, you will still have to stock up on food: bread, sugar, milk, and different types of meat. Besides, Minecraft features a soup that can be cooked from mushrooms. It restores the satiety of the character well, but in the vanilla game version, there is one problem: by default, you cannot stack plates with this soup, so each one occupies a cell in your inventory. That creates serious difficulties if you decide to go to a new biome or fight a boss.

The designers of the Stackable Stew and Soup mod have solved this problem by implementing the possibility of stacking soup in Minecraft. So you will now be able to put eight stews or soups in one cell, although the mechanics remain basically the same. If you have not yet taken advantage of such a feature before, it is time to install Stackable Stew and Soup and test it right now. In fact, it is a very simple game mod that does not significantly affect the gameplay, but thanks to it, you will be able to quickly replenish the character's health and carry more soups with you.

Going on a long journey and would like to take more food with you to replenish your character's health and saturation points? One does not always have the opportunity to stock up on meat or bread, as that implies a long process of collecting and crafting. However, if you live, say, near a biome with mycelium inhabited by mooshrooms, you can consider yourself forever provided with food, as the Stackable Stew and Soup mod allows you to stack eight soups in one cell at once. Do not forget that one bowl of mushroom soup restores six health points.

Previously, in the game vanilla version, you had to carry wood, mushrooms, and other ingredients with you to cook soups somewhere in the wilderness just to save inventory space. And even the availability of a mooshroom could not be able to change the situation. But now, after installing the Stackable Stew and Soup add-on, you will be able to safely approach the animal, collect bowls of food with eight items in each cell, and calmly enjoy the gameplay. Such a mechanic implies a huge number of advantages without changing the overall approach to survival.

Mushroom stews were also non-stackable in vanilla Minecraft, so you always had to sacrifice inventory and free space when picking mushrooms. But if you needed to stock up on a decent amount of food, you faced serious difficulties. You could create a special shulker box, but 27 soup bowls still filled all your inventory. However, you also needed to put an item on the ground, open the box, take out a dish, use it, and close the box. In short, it is a whole procedure that only creates problems when using stews.

But thanks to the Stackable Stew and Soup mod, many problems were solved, and unique mechanics were added, such as:

· You will now be able to make a huge number of soups in the game and stack eight dishes in one cell.

· If the player crafts a shulker box to carry new food types in it, it will be able to contain eight times more elements, which is a huge stock for survival mode.

· There will be an additional reason to find a mooshoom or an island with mycelium to quickly obtain mushroom soups and use them to restore your character's health.

· The mushroom soup is one of the best dishes to replenish health and saturation points of the main character, which can be cooked manually or simply got from a moosroom.

· The moosrooms can give you such dishes endlessly.

The designers wanted to make it easier to use bowls and soups in Minecraft so that anyone could quickly make this dish and carry them in large quantities, say, when traveling across various locations, dimensions, and biomes. That does not particularly affect the vanilla gameplay, so if you have not yet checked and appreciated all the features of Stackable Stew and Soup, it is time to install this mod and see what it is capable of. It contains no decorative blocks, recipes, or other game improvements. Its purpose is highly special, as its only goal is to add the possibility of carrying more soups in the game.

We recommend installing the Stackable Stew and Soup mod and trying to play in survival mode. Then, you will have more motivation to search for moosrooms and mycelium islands, and the value of these cows on servers will certainly increase. You should take that into account if you are playing on a large Minecraft server, as you can make good money using the "find a cow – raise new ones – sell" scheme. If you have any other custom mods that improve the character's nutrition system, be sure to write their names, what tasks they solve, and why you chose them for your build in the comments below!

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Download Stackable Stew and Soup

Available for next versions: 1.21.1, 1.21, 1.20.4, 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20
Game versions
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stackable_stew_and_soup-merged-1.21.1-2.0.1 11.12.2024 neoForge, fabric R 234 KB 1.21.1, 1.21 34 Download
stackable_stew_and_soup-forge-1.21.1-2.0.1 11.12.2024 forge R 199 KB 1.21.1, 1.21 27 Download
stackable_stew_and_soup-merged-1.20.1-2.0.1 11.12.2024 fabric, forge R 224 KB 1.20.1 184 Download
stackable_stew_and_soup-merged-1.20.1-2.0.0 03.10.2024 fabric, forge R 37 KB 1.20.1 71 Download
stackablestewandsoup-merged-1.20.4-1.3.0 02.03.2024 fabric, forge R 38 KB 1.20.4 132 Download
stackablestewandsoup-neoforge-1.20.4-1.3.0 02.03.2024 neoForge R 17 KB 1.20.4 3 Download
stackablestewandsoup-merged-1.20.2-1.3.0 02.03.2024 fabric, forge R 49 KB 1.20.2 35 Download
stackablestewandsoup-merged-1.20.1-1.3.0 02.03.2024 fabric, forge R 48 KB 1.20.1 649 Download
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