Shroom Dealers!
A vanilla friendly mushroom mod that adds a bunch of mushroom traders, spreading across your world in their shroomy villages, waiting for you to TRADE with them!
Each shroom dealer spawns in shroomy villages scattered across the Surface world. [The villages spawnrate is configurable in the "shroomfig" configuration file!]
These traders are neutral mobs, meaning they won't attack you unless provoked. Trade with these quirky dealers to acquire valuable items, though sometimes you might end up with less desirable goods.
Each dealer also offers a unique special item in exchange for a bunch of vanilla mushrooms (brown or red). Simply right-click on them with shrooms in hand to discover what exclusive treasures they have to offer!
Meat can be exchanged for any other (vanilla) meat, and sugar cane for other green-ish plants! For that though I recommend getting JEI as well.
Deep within the mystical shroomy villages, these quirky yet fierce guardians stand watch. Known as the Rotting Undead Shroomers, these twin protectors ensure the safety of their fungal homes with their unique abilities and charmingly eerie presence.
Swampy Gloop is the brawny melee warrior. With a swift and powerful attack, Gloop is always ready to jump into the fray and defend his village from any intruders.
Swampy Glooper, on the other hand, takes a more tactical approach. Armed with the ability to shoot rotten poisonous vines, Glooper keeps enemies at bay from a distance, ensuring no harm comes to their beloved shroomy abode.
Together, Gloop and Glooper create a dynamic duo that keeps the all the shroomy villages safe and sound. Watch out, adventurers – these twins are not to be underestimated and they WILL attack to defend!
But wait, there's more! After defeating the fearsome Swampy Gloop or the cunning Swampy Glooper, you'll be rewarded with their unique Lasso-like weapon. This special drop lets you shoot poisonous vines just like Glooper, adding a powerful new tool to your arsenal.
Explore the shroomy villages, conquer their guardians, and wield the power of the Rotting Undead Shroomers!
Wanna use this mod to play on a server, but you don't know how to set it up? Click on the image below to set up a new server on Kinetic Hosting, and use my code MARWINEKK to get 15% off for your first month!
You can join me on my server Marwinekk's mods to see how my mods are being developed. Also, if you like my modding style, you can suggest what next QoL mod I could do for you!
Join the discord or donate to support me, so I can improve the mods' quality with more advanced programs!
*** If you wish to use this in a modpack, feel free to do so! ***
shroomDealers-2.0.2-1.21.1_[neoforge] | 13.12.2024 | neoForge | R | 518 KB | 1.21.1 | 11 | Download |
shroom_dealers-2.0.2-neoforge-1.20.6 | 29.07.2024 | neoForge | R | 493 KB | 1.20.6 | 0 | Download |
shroom_dealers-2.0.2-neoforge-1.20.4 | 29.07.2024 | neoForge | R | 495 KB | 1.20.4 | 2 | Download |
shroom_dealers-2.0.1-neoforge-1.20.4 | 13.07.2024 | neoForge | R | 496 KB | 1.20.4 | 0 | Download |
shroom_dealers-2.0.1-forge-1.20.1 | 13.07.2024 | forge | R | 501 KB | 1.20.1 | 412 | Download |
shroom_dealers-2.0.1-forge-1.19.4 | 12.07.2024 | forge | R | 497 KB | 1.19.4 | 27 | Download |
shroom_dealers-2.0.1-forge-1.19.2 | 12.07.2024 | forge | R | 496 KB | 1.19.2 | 163 | Download |
shroom_dealers-2.0.1-forge-1.18.2 | 12.07.2024 | forge | R | 523 KB | 1.18.2 | 58 | Download |
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