Civilians are the first friendly mobs you meet most often in Minecraft after starting your new survival on a map. You can exchange various types of goods, ask for discounts (if you infect and cure a zombie resident), and just enjoy the gameplay even if you play solo. Unfortunately, all villages in the vanilla version are depersonalized. That is, they don’t have any names. But if there are a lot of residents in a village, or, for example, you often move from location to location, you can get puzzled with the settlements. The only way is to identify them by coordinates.
Is the situation familiar? For this, you can use the Random Village Names add-on, which randomly assigns different names to all villages. In addition, you’ll be able to see this area on a separate map, which will allow you to move faster between different settlements and interact with NPCs. Even if you are playing solo, you can add a small zest to the game world by installing Random Village Names, which randomly assigns names for villages, and the player will be able to see them on the map. The idea is interesting, and currently the mod has already been downloaded more than 1 million times!
Now, a small element from urban planning simulators will be available in Minecraft. Unlike the vanilla version where all villages were depersonalized, now you’ll be able to understand where you got to. Moreover, you won’t have to install mini-maps or other third-party mods for this. In fact, this is a great option for a vanilla-style game, and if you like surviving in Minecraft with a minimum set of options, then the Random Village Names mod is your must-have. But remember to re-generate the map if you installed the add-on after generating a new world in Minecraft.
In each village, a sign with its name will be automatically installed in the center of the settlement. The system takes all this data from a pre-set list, and you can change it if you want, for example, to Russian, Kazakh, or Chinese cities. Here, everything depends on your wishes and certain ideas. But there are a lot of cool default names to diversify the usual rhythm of survival in Minecraft. But that’s not all! As soon as you approach a new village in the game world, the current name will be displayed at the top of the screen. The system will show a plate for a few seconds, and after that the name will disappear.
The plate with a name is displayed whenever the player approaches a certain border with civilians’ village, but you need to get as close as possible. Additionally, you can find the name on a plate installed in the center of the settlement. In fact, these are convenient and elaborate mechanics. Now, you won’t have to carry maps or install third-party mods. Even if you don’t know where you are, the Random Village Names mod will show you a notification with the settlement name. Thus, you’ll be able to understand, where exactly you are. This is a perfect add-on option for the vanilla version of Minecraft, bringing something new to the gameplay!
If the player leaves the village area, then they’ll see «Leave + the village name». So, you can immediately understand that you are moving away from the village. Even if you accidentally bump into a certain region at night, you’ll see a notification on the screen and won’t pass by. Moreover, you can set a certain color and style for displaying messages on the screen in the settings. In general, the developer of these mods has always taken into account the possibility of «customization» for each user and added several important parameters so that each player could customize the appearance and some important options in Minecraft.
Another important option is the usage of the /areas command. It shows complete information about the village next to the player. For example, if you want to find out if there is a settlement nearby, you can enter this combination and check. You’ll see detailed information about the coordinates and the village name. A very convenient system that covers all peaceful villages in Minecraft, both in common biomes and in the savannah and winter ones. Generally speaking, it’s a convenient system. If you want to install your own sign, you need to delete the automatically generated option and put your own one in about the same radius. Then the system will show the installed name. Cool, isn’t it?
With this unique system, you can quickly navigate between different villages, even if they are in the same biomes. You can install the mod both in single player mode and on the server, which is especially important in various urban planning simulators, where players create their own settlements, cities, and exchange various goods. Despite the simplicity of Random Village Names, this add-on is in demand and is included in many Minecraft builds. Try it, and if you don’t like the standard list, you can change it in a few clicks!
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