Next Update Progress Is At 32% (The Overhaul Update)
If You're Constantly hearing a random blood curdling scream Install This Soundpack to mute it, it will be fixed soon!
HP: 18
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Deserts Fortresses, Nether And Arid Biomes
Pyrologers are the infernal mages of the Illager empire, these illagers cast fire at their enemies and are immune to fire attacks. Pyrologers can also summon infernals, which are a fire variant of the vex that sets you ablaze.
HP: 24
Behavior: Passive
Spawning: Some Places In The Overworld
Rarely Spawning At night, hypnotizers wander around and will try to hypnotize any animal they see. These hypnotized animals are quite deadly to you and your villagers.
The hypnotizer is also a pacifist, so he doesn't attack you or your villagers but will actively flee from them.
HP: 24
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Soul Sand Valley
Wandering in the soul sand valley collecting souls.
These cultists don't like being bothered, as they would try to stab any of their enemies while also summoning the captured lost souls.
HP: 24
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Deserts, Birch Forests, Endstone palaces, Tundras
Stressed? No problem
Hallucinators spawn in certain biomes of the overworld and are ready to stress you out! These illagers make their enemies blind while also staying in place; they don't mess around either, as they can kick enemies that get close.
These illagers drop Shadow Shards Which can be made into dust and brewed into potions, they can also be used for building blocks
HP: 20
Behavior: Neutral
Spawning: Outcast's House
Having been banished from their village and having evil and hatred grow inside them, outcasts are hostile to villagers but are willing to trade with players.
Wandering Traitor:
HP: 20
Behavior: Neutral
Spawning: Like A Wandering Traders But At Night
Having the same punishment as the outcasts, these corrupted villagers attack other villagers but not players, and they are willing to trade with them.
HP: 20
Behavior: Hostile
Drops: Trumpets, Paper, Gold Nuggets, Emeralds
Spawning: Summoned by Conductor, Easterloger, Scavager, or Inquisitor
Trumpeteers are annoying mobs that blow their trumpets dealing a lot of knockback
Also fun fact: Trumpeteers are the most annoying mob in the entire mod
Trumpeteer Villager:
HP: 20
Behavior: Passive
Spawning: Summoned By The Player Using Conductor's Baton
These trumpeteers will aid you in battle with their trumpets (NOT JUST FOR MUSIC)
Leprechaun Illager:
HP: 12
Behavior: Neutral
Drops: Gold Ingots
Spawning: Nowhere
Do not worry! These illagers are neutral, these little mobs will give the player luck when a gold ingot is giving to them
Leprechaun Villager:
HP: 12
Behavior: Passive
Drops: Gold Ingots
Spawning: Nowhere
Doing the exact thing as it's illager friend, these little mobs will give the player luck when a gold ingot is giving to them
They would also flee from monsters
HP: 10
Behavior: Hostile
Drops: Soul Soil
Spawning: Soul sand valley, summoned by a soullager
Dead lives of mobs, these mobs fly and attack the player inflicting blindness
Not only that this mob attacks players and villagers, but they would also attack piglins aswell
HP: 6
Behavior: Hostile
Drops: Fire Charges
Spawning: When a pyrologer dies
The fire vexes that fly and set the player on fire
Hypnotized Animals:
HP: 4
Behavior: Hostile
Drops: Feathers, Chicken
Spawning: Hypnotized by a hypnotizer or player
Rushes the player
HP: 10
Behavior: Hostile
Drops: Raw Pork
Spawning: Hypnotized by a hypnotizer or player
Nothing special about this mob anyways
HP: 10
Behavior: Hostile
Drops: Raw beef, Leather
Spawning: Hypnotized by a hypnotizer or player
Deals Knockback
HP: 26
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Summoned by Inquisitor
Provoker is a support Illager that blows his whistle and gives the target the "Targeted" Debuff.
If you have this effect applied to you any mob that is targeting you will have their speed and strength increased, meaning you can easily get 1-shotted by vindicator if you don't kill the Provoker
HP: 20
Behavior: Passive
Spawning: Forests, Summoned by Inquisitor
The Bard runs away from players, villagers and golems
The Bard isn't as much of a threat to players, but however to your Golems, they can lure them away and end up in places where they will soon meet their demise
HP: 26
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Nowhere
Maullagers are Illagers that are armed with maulers from Minecraft dungeons, these Illagers move faster than the others and makes the target bleed
HP: 40
AP: 20
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Summoned by Inquisitor
Highlander is an Illager with shining armor, it will sometimes stand it's ground making it resistance to damage
HP: 20
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Nowhere
The Illagers have heard that villagers are moving out of their villages to live on their own, so they decided to do the same and impersonate themselves as them When right-clicking of hurting these fake villagers they will take off Thier disguise and start attacking you One of the only ways to tell which one is a real and which one is fake is that the ones that looked employed don't have a stone badge
HP: 6
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Summoned by an easter golem, or when a boulder dies
Small stone golem fragments that will melee attack the player
HP: 12
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Summoned by an easter golem
As chonky as they are, they're still dangerous, they would spawn 1-2 Stoners Upon Death
HP: 2
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Summoned by an easter golem
Small stone golem that will throw rocks dealing a bit of knockback
HP: 30
Armor: 15
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Desert Fortress, Events, Summoned by Inquisitor, Endstone Palaces
These heavily armored illagers chase the player normally, but sometimes they will stand still to charge up their attack and charge at the player moving a lot quicker than before and dealing more damage
After successfully hitting a mob while charging they will stand in place stunned for a few seconds unable to hit you
Marauder (Formerly Champion):
HP: 40
Armor: 20
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Desert Fortress, Events, Summoned by Inquisitor
This heavily armored illager wields a mace that will deal a lot of damage
HP: 6
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Summoned by the Void Cultist
Descendants of the Allay These little creatures fly around and teleport their targets a bit if they manage to land a hit
Key Golem:
HP: 10
Behavior: Passive
Spawning: Haunted House
These adorable familiar faces can be seen running around a house once lived by a sorcerer before they were killed
Once killed they would drop themselves, but be careful they will escape from your inventory if you get hurt
These little golden golems are a key to summon the boss
HP: 24
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Jungle Treehouse
These mages of the overgrown jungles learned how to use plant magic! Entanglers can grow vines on to their enemies, although they seemed to do nothing at first... once you get hurt by something you'll begin to Bleed and inflicted with poison
If these mages are an easy fight they also might summon living vines around him to stab anyone that tries to get close
The Scary Spookers:
These illagers mostly spawn in dead fields, however most of the mobs can spawn outside the dead fields
HP: 20
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Some Places In The Overworld
Vampires are undead and will chase their enemies making them bleed also having a chance to heal themselves whenever they land a bite
Since he's classified as an undead, so smite isn't a bad pick
However vampires cannot survive in the sun but they will sometimes spawn with a hat to survive
HP: 20
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Graveyards, And Haunted House
Candleleers used the candles in her hands to cast soul balls at their opponent, doing loads of knockback and has a chance to make them fly into the air
a shield and a water bucket is recommended to fight this mob
This Mob Is Also A TABS Inspired Mob
HP: 26
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Graveyards, Haunted house, summoned by and Elder Swordcaster
Swordcasters are blindfolded and have a chance to attack (sort of like ghasts) and like ghasts they have the ability to fly. These illagers cast swords at players which deals a lot of damage, not to motion they can spot you from a far distance despite having a blindfold
it is best to fight him with ranged weapons and a shield
This Mob Is Also A TABS Inspired Mob
Skeletal Illager:
HP: 12
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Destroyed House. Destroyed Shack, Haunted House, Summoned By A Boneriser
Illagers that lost their lives, these undead illagers may have low health but they would leave a pile behind, and if the pile isn't destroyed for long enough, they will revive themselves after a short time
HP: 26
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Haunted House
A more scarier relative to the vindicator, frankengers have the ability to scare off enemies weakening them, if I were you I would just run away whenever I see one
HP: 20
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Zombie Lab
These purple mad scientists wield a syringe that inflicts players with and effect that will turn them into a zombie when they die
HP: 16
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Rituals
These Nightmarish villager heads float around around when spawned and jumpscare the living souls from players
Horragers are also a vampiric mob so sunlight and smite can deal with them just fine
HP: 20
AP: 6
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Fake pumpkin patches
With Pyrologer And Friends installed, pumpkins can now spawn more frequently but be careful... some of them may be a pumpkineer in disguise
when trying to get near or harvest these suspicious pumpkins will cause the pumpkineer to pop up and attack you
Trick Or Treater
HP: 20
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Dead Fields, Trick Or Treat Event
These illagers wearing costumes don't do much during the day however at night or during a thunderstorm when these illagers die they will come back as a zombie in a couple of seconds
HP: 4
Behavior: Hostile
Devilogers are simply reskinned Chickagers wearing a devil costume, the only special ability they hold is that they're immune to both fire and lava
The Hunter:
HP: 36
Behavior: Neutral / Tameable
Spawning: Some places in the overworld
You think this friendly face is an animal hunter? no no no this friendly face is a monster hunter! he can rarely be seen throughout the world and you can hire him as your bodyguard for just a few emeralds and you can heal him with baked potatoes
However there is no way to make him sit or stay in place so make sure you use something like a boat
The Tribal Migiteers:
These Illagers mostly spawn in savannas and are hard to fight due to their small sizes
HP: 8
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Savannas
Tiny tribal illagers that wield spears for hunting
HP: 6
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Savannas
ranged illmigers that use blowguns that will have a chance to poison enemies!
HP: 12
AP: 6
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Savannas
A more menacing version of the normal illmiger, these tiny chives wield 2 tiny tomahawks to disable the player's shield
Acacia totem:
HP: 30
Behavior: Hostile / Tameable
Spawning: Savannas, built by the player
These massive turrets can shoot darts at their enemies and are hostile
The player can also built their own acacia totem by placing 2 Stripped Acacia Logs (others will not work), A Dispenser, And a Pumpkin on top to spawn one in, they will do their best to defend your base
HP: 10 - 12
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Savannas
Found naturally in Savannas hyenas are a bit of a pest, although the wild ones are usually neutral towards the player they Attack literally every animal they see
Some hyenas are tamed by Illagers are extremely hostile to the player, they are also hostile to pets and villagers
Dusting Bandits:
These Illagers mostly spawn in deserts, however some can spawn outside of deserts
HP: 24
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Desert fortresses, Events
These illagers are strapped with TNT and are ready to wipe out an entire crowd these illagers wield a boomstick which explodes upon attacking, since it is a suicide attack it will also eliminate itself
If exploders are struck by lightning, they would release a huge explosion which deals a whole lot of damage, you can use this at your advantage if it's in a group of mobs
It is best to deal with this mob with ranged weapons because even on easy mode this illager is very dangerous since it may have a chance to wipe you out in a singe hit
HP: 24
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Desert fortresses
This Illager Is Mean Furious! this illager throws dynamite at their opponent which explodes on impact, when his hip is low, he'll switch for a boomstick and charge which is more deadlier than the exploder's
like the exploder, when struck by lightning, they would release a huge and more devastating explosion, more deadlier than the exploder
HP: 24
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Desert fortresses
These sneaky illager has the ability to turn invisible however it's necklace still remains visible
Unlike other illagers, this illager is dead silent and doesn't make sounds when idle
HP: 20
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Desert Fortresses
This Illager wields a hazardous torch which burns their enemies
HP: 20
Behavior: Neutral
Spawning: Almost every structure
A very common operator which can be found in almost every structure. they're neutral on their own so they don't attack you and your villagers
What does this illager do? ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING
HP: 20
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Almost every structure
An Illager who is stupid quick and runs around if attacked
Even though he has low HP, his ability to run around the player might be a bit tricky
Plague Duster:
HP: 20
Behavior: Hostile
Drops: Poisand, Lily of the valley, pufferfish, poisonous potato, spider eye
Spawning: Desert Fortress, Lab
An illager who loves to play with dangerous and poisonous chemicals
She has also made a weapon which can spray poisand to her enemies inflicting poison, and some of the time Nausea
HP: 20
Behavior: Passive
Spawning: Rarely In Specific Biomes
Rarely Spawning At Night, Looters run away from the player with their precious lootbag that may contain valuable items
HP: 4
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Desert Fortress, War Factories
Sad? these tiny illagers have a surprise for you! it's your meeting with death!
These tiny illagers hold dynamite and leave it right next to the player to explode and the dynamiter will run away, after throwing it away the dynamiter will attack the player like a normally
HP: 26
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Sandcaller Home, Desert Fortresses, Rarely in Deserts
These wise and old illager mastered the arts of sand magic! they summon 3 Dust Devils that send the opponent into the air blinding them in the process
Frostbitten Raiders:
These Illagers only live in cold climates, other than that they also have the ability to walk over and be immune to powdered snow!
HP: 24
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Eksologer settlements, Eskologer Igloos
Regular Eskologers are green, they wield an ice sword which can slow any enemy they hit
It has a chance to drop it's sword, it can slow enemies down but doesn't have that much durability
HP: 20
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Eksologer settlements, Eskologer Igloos
Eskolobbers are blue, Eskolobbers throw snowballs at the player slowing them down
They can also drop their packed snowballs upon death, they act as regular snowballs but deal damage
HP: 20
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Eksologer Fort, Eskologer Tent, Eskologer Campsite
Eskobombers are red, these Illagers have the same behaviour as exploders but any mob caught in it's blast is inflicted with slowness
Eskosummoner & Icicle:
HP: 26 (Illager) 2 (Icicle)
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Eksologer settlements, Eskosummoner Tent
Eskosummoners are purple, these Illagers stand in place and summons 4 icicles around her
Icicles are Vex-like creatures that fly and swarm the player slowing them down in the process
Icicles cannot pass through walls
HP: 26
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Eskologer settlements
Eskoslammers are yellow, Eskoslammers are tanky chiefs of the clan Being able to resist some knockback, they wield a hammer which is able to deal an enormous amounts of damage
HP: 26
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Nowhere
Eskofreezers are light blue, Eskofreezers are a support Illager that freezes it's target for a couple of seconds making it vulnerable to attacks It has 10 hp so you can get rid of him with a single arrow before he freezes you
Eskorider & Amored Polar Bear:
HP: 26 (Illager) 40 (Bear)
Behavior: Hostile
Eskorider is just a reskinned vindicator with a leap attack
While the bear is armoured and does a dash attack
Eskotamer & His Wolves:
HP: 24 (Illager) 10 (Wolf)
Behavior: Hostile
Eskotamers are orange, eskotamers have a whistle for a reason, when it spots a target it will sometimes blow it's whistle, after he blows it 2 hostile wolves will spawn aiding their master
Ice Golem:
HP: 60
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Eskologer settlements
These cold golems are built by the eskologers, these golems have inner frost-walker making them walk on water! this will make other enemies have the advantage to walk across bodies of water
Angry Angry Farmers:
HP: 24
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Windmill, Barn, Herd, Farm, Harvester's Home
These farmers attack the player with their pitchforks, not only that they can eat vegetables to heal while in battle
Upon death these farmers drop a pitchfork which is used as a weapon or a farming tool
HP: 50
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Farm, Harvester's Home
A tall illager that wields a scythe that can easily slice you in half if your not careful, just like the rancher they eat to heal while in battle
HP: 4
Behavior: Hostile
Drops: Feathers
Spawning: Spawned By An Easterloger Or Chickenger, Or Spawned With Easter Eggs
These small
Adorable illagers rush at the player dealing damage also leaping towards them, and being immune to fall damage
HP: 32
Behavior: Hostile
Drops: Feathers Chickager eggs
Spawning: Spawned by an Easterloger, or in Chickenger coops
Chickengers throw eggs that have a chance to hatch chickagers
Although goofy lookin they're not weak
HP: 2
Behavior: Hostile
Drops: Wheat, Hay bales, Leather
Spawning: Harvester's Home, Farm (Both 50% Chance)
This scarecrow stands still in it's position and cannot be pushed around and summons in 4 crop crows to attack, this enemy has a high sight range so keep your eyes peeled
HP: 26
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Wizard Tower, Angry Mob event
Stormcallers are wizards that have studied the arts of lightning! this Illager has two attack patterns
- The Stormcaller will grant the enemy "Thunder Striking" which when the effect expires lightning will strike at that position where it expired, if you're not quick enough you may die by the bolt
- Stormcaller's 2nd attack is summoning an Electrocutor which is a strange plasma-like mob with shoots you
HP: 20
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Nowhere
Tomatologer simply chucks tomatoes at the player
Pillaging Dynasty:
Asian Styled illagers! inspired by cultures from China, Mongolia, Korea, And Japan!
HP: 24
AP: 10
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Most Dynasty Structures
These armored warriors of the sakura forest charge at the Player with their katana, other than that they will also have the ability to deflect projectiles
HP: 24
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Most Dynasty Structures
Ninjas are silent illagers that will throw their shurikens at the player dealing a lot of damage
They will also switch for a sword if taken enough damage
Shadow Walker:
HP: 26
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Shadow Walker's Shrine, Dojos, End Stone Palace, Sumo Arenas
Hidden in plain sight, shadow walker turn invisible like the Ambusher and can randomly teleport around, unlike the Ambusher they have no immersive texture so it might be tricky and very difficult to fight them
HP: 46
AP: 2
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Most Dynasty Structures
Monks are tall staff wielding illagers that deal a lot of knockback
Good luck giving him a taste of his own medicine since you can't knock him back in any way
Upon death they drop a staff and robe if lucky enough
The Monk's Robe can be worn in the chest piece and makes you immune to knockback! however it can barely protect you from incoming damage
The Monk's Staff can be used as a pole vault. the staff also has a secret and special ability which we will get to it later
HP: 24
Behavior: Hostile
Drops: Shards Of Essence, Wood Dagger, Mask Of Suffering
Spawning: Rarely In Sakura Forests
Sufferers are mysterious masked illagers who roam the Sakura Forests at night; once spotted by these unidentified illagers, they begin block the player's screen
Upon death These mysterious illagers will drop their masks, which can prevent other sufferers from blocking your screen. Other than that, it also applies to blindness and jumpscares from both frankengers and horragers
It's pretty easy to defeat the sufferers as long as it's alone, however if that sufferer is wearing a red kimono instead of a blue... Run the opposite direction
HP: 24
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Most Dynasty Structures
Not to be confused with the Windcaller from Minecraft Dungeons, This illager spawns in tornados which send the opponent flying into the air
When attacked they gain slowfalling so they will survive falling from great heights
When defeated there may be a chance that he'll drop his Yukata that grants the wearer Slow Falling when sneaking
Jade Arbiter:
HP: 26
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Dojos, Sumo Arenas
The Jade Arbiter is a really dangerous illager when he casts his spell on you, he will inflict Exploding on the player which when expired creates a massive and devastating explosion, this effect is pretty dangerous unless you have blast protection armor or a totem of undying, without them you're pretty much better off dead
When eliminated he will ALWAYS drop a jade scroll, right clicking mobs with this scroll can grant them the exploding effect, a good artifact for fending off groups
HP: 24
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Summoned by Shogun
A Rare yet weak enemy that uses it's naginata to attack
Ashigarus also hunt down solar kitsunes
HP: 30
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Sumo Arenas
These sumo wrestlers are illager who you don't want to mess with, they deal high damage and knockback and can some times jump high in attempts to squash the player
Villager Monk:
HP: 46
Armor: 2
Behavior: Neutral
Drops: Monk's Staff
Spawning: Villager's Shrine
This villager has built his place far away from noise to pray for Peace, this villager is willing to trade with players like an average villager
But be careful, this mob will panic during raids
Solar Kitsune:
HP: 20
Behavior: Neutral
Spawning: Very rarely in sakura forests
A cute fluffy fox-like creature can be found rarely in the Sakura forerst
It usually hunts for chickens, however if you have chicken, sweet berries, or Sakura cherries, you can feed them directly to gain a special effect called "Kitsune's Blessing", this effect is the direct opposite of the "Targeted" debuff, any mob that is targeting you will have their speed and strength decreased, and as a bonus, it can also reveals invisible enemies that are targeting you! Useful for dealing with Shadow Walkers or Ambushers
Hitting a Solar Kitsune isn't a great idea since if you have the "Kitsune's Blessing" effect on you it will disappear alongside giving you the "Unluck" effect, if you have it you cannot feed the Kitsune to gain the "Kitsune's Blessing" buff back
Solar Kitsunes can set enemies on fire
Echoing Foes:
HP: 24
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Endstone Palace, Summoned by Inquisitor
A familiar looking Illager from Minecraft dungeons
This Illager will melee attack the player also having a chance to teleport the player towards them, taking you off places where other Illagers are unable to reach you
HP: 26
AP: 6
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Endstone Palace
These Shulker shell mage stand in place and make the target levitate making them take fall damage, they will also inflict their targets with a new debuff called "Hydrophobic" which damages you whenever you come in contact with water
Void Cultist & Flutterling:
HP: 24
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Endstone Palace
Cultist of the void, Void Cultist use a bow that inflicts the player with ender related debuffs
Void Cultist also spawn in 2 flutterlings which are descendants of the allay and can randomly teleport the target a bit if they land a hit
These effects include:
- Fading
- Hydrophobic
- Virus
Void Toucher:
HP: 24
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Endstone Palace, Voidmancer Hideouts
Void Touchers are very common and very dangerous Illagers found in the end, once it hits you with it's torch it will inflicts the player with a dangerous Debuff called "Fading" which bypasses through armour and totems of undying
It is recommended to deal with them from a distance
Goofy Jokers:
Literal joke mobs referencing some memes
HP: 24
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Nowhere
The cursed equivalent to the Vindicator, these Illagers throw snowballs at players and villagers just like an eskolobber, however they will also attack animals
HP: 10
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Nowhere
A cursed equivalent to the Pillager, this Illager may not have any arms and a torso but is really aggressive
HP: 10
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Nowhere
Another cursed equivalent to the Pillager, this Illager does absolutely nothing but stare at you from a far distance These Illagers disappear instantly when hurt
Cursed Ravager:
HP: 100
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Nowhere
The cursed equivalent to the Ravager, a Ravager that stands on 2 legs
Most likely was a mistake
HP: 24
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Nowhere
The cursed equivalent to the Witch, which may look like a regular witch, but this when this witch spots you, she'll throw sand which can suffocate you like a sandwich
I tried...
Mini Illagers:
HP: 10
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Nowhere
Cursed equivalent to the Illusioner, duplicators duplicate themselves whenever they die and will keep on doing that
The only way to stop them from duplicating is by splashing a weakness potion onto them
HP: 26
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Nowhere
A pizza tower inspired enemy which randomly taunts to parry incoming attacks
HP: 4
Behavior: Hostile
Spawning: Nowhere
I threw up.
HP: 24
Behavior: Passive
Spawning: Nowhere
These friendly Illagers love hugs! Once this Illager gets to hug you it will heal you by a ton before having a cooldown
These menacing mobs are quite a challenge to fight!
HP: 80
Behavior: Hostile
Rewards: Wand of Necromancy
Spawning: Abandoned Parthenon
Difficulty: Medium
Rumors say that this illager was once a rutheless lich leader and has been tortured in a temple after his defeat
once awoken from his tortured sleep he can casts bones at the player and also summoning loyal skeleton minions to protect him
HP: 120
Behavior: Hostile
Rewards: Conductor's Baton
Spawning: Conductor's Carriage
Difficulty: Medium
A wise illager gentleman who plays music with his contestants for the illager's entertainment
The conductor has the ability to Summon in reinforcements to protect him, these mobs include
> Trumpeteer - Blows It's Trumpet dealing a lot of knockback
> Bassager - Classic Melee Mob that wields a violin (He doesn't know how to play it)
> Fluteneer - Blows his whistle at the target weakening them
> Drummer - Has a chance to drop it's drum which can be in the way
> Cymbalager - Smashes his cymbals at his target dealing a lot of damage before stunning the cymbalager for a couple of seconds
Elder Swordcaster
HP: 80
Armor: 10
Behavior: Hostile
Rewards: Sword of Souls
Spawning: From His spawner
Difficulty: Hard
So you came across a weird block with swords and a keyhole huh? but remember that Key Golem?
The Elder Swordcaster has 4 more swords can a regular Swordcaster and are spinning in high speeds which causes ranged weapons to get blocked rendering them as useless against him
The Elder Swordcaster also has the ability to summon in possessed swords and his fellow swordcasters
Upon death he drops the Sword of Souls
Spinning Evoker:
HP: 200
Behavior: Hostile
Rewards: per cannon
Spawning: Nowhere
Difficulty: Hard
This derpy evoker spins his body like a helicopter and shoot out poop that may spawn mobs
these mobs include:
- Derpager
- Per
- Stalker
- Sand Witch
- Cursed Ravager (Rarely)
- Vex
- Evoker
HP: 180
Armor: 12
Behavior: Hostile
Rewards: Master's Katana
Spawning: Dojo
Difficulty: Hard
Beyond the newly added dojo the player may come across the shogun who rules the sakura forest he will not attack you in it's inactive state until you attack him. Be prepared if you manage to clear all the enemies inside the dojo the shogun will call in reinforcements upon disturbing him making the fight harder!
the shogun has the ability to charge at his target in high speed whist dealing more damage and charging
remember that monk's staff from the monk's page? well it has the ability to stun the shogun while charging
Upon death the shogun will drop it katana
The Master's Katana has twice the attack as a normal katana however it can be used to make the Shogun's dash attack
HP: 150
Armor: 10
Behavior: Hostile
Rewards: Bunny Shoes, Easter eggs
Spawning: Easterloger Egg
Difficulty: Difficult
So you manage to find a large and odd looking egg in the easter springs, what's that you may ask? well let's open it up to see what's inside! the egg can be hatched by a block of eyes which you can get by killing 9 Pyrologers and craft their Eyes into a block (Why does this sound wrong lmao) and then place the egg on top of the block of eyes to gain a not-so-fun prize
An illager in a bunny costume! Think twice before laughing at her, despite her goofy appearance she'll tear you down to shreds if you are not prepared
This illager has 3 attack patterns making her a challenge to fight
- Easterloger will throw the eggs in her basket at her target and will spawn a bunch of mobs (Chickager, Trumpeteer, Chickenger, And Pillager)
- When the Easterloger is hurt the eggs insider her basket breaks hatching 3 Chickagers to attack the player
- The Easterloger will jump into the air and spawn an egg bomb which if ignored would deal enormous amounts of damage, but don't think that this will help you as Chickagers run away to seek cover when the bomb is present
Upon death the easterloger will drop alot of easter eggs including her own so you will get as many easter eggs as you want, she will also drop bunny shoes
The Bunny Shoes can give the wearer permanent Jump boost 2
Easter Golem:
HP: 500
Behavior: Nuetral
Rewards: Stone Gauntlet
Spawning: Easter Springs
Difficulty: Expert
Beyond the easter springs lies a living statue, it is unknown how this majestic being came to life
Unlike the other bosses this one however is friendly unless provoked, you can give the Easter Golem an emerald block to grant various effects
if you manage to attack this beast it will crumble down into tiny stone golems to attack the player (Stoner, Boulder, Pebbler)
When defeated the golem drops a Stone Gauntlet which can be used as both a heavy melee and range weapon that uses cobblestone as ammunition
HP: 350
Armor: 20
Behavior: Hostile
Rewards: Inquisitor's Mace, Ruby Of Resistance, Ring Of Combat
Spawning: No Where ATM
Difficulty: Expert
This illager is the final boss you would (not) encounter in this mod, this illager has 10 attacks and has high health and armor, so be prepared or get turned into ashes by his wrath of thunder!
Classic Slam:
Inquisitor approximately deals 53 per hit and has a 75% chance to heal when landing a hit
When Inquisitor is hurt enough he'll begin to do a shockwave attack dealing a ton of damage to all mobs around him
Inquisitor releases particles and then charges having increased strength, speed and resistance. so... run
Summoning (Mercs):
Inquisitor summons 2 Marauders and 2 Chargers
Summoning (Support):
Inquisitor summons at least 1 Trumpeteer, and occasionally a Hallucinator or Teleporter which can annoy you a lot
Summoning (Electrocutors):
Inquisitor summons 5 Electrocutors which deal loads of damage
Summoning (Stormcallers):
Inquisitor summons 2 Stormcallers which teleport upon spawning, be careful to not get zapped near the inquisitor! why you may ask? that goes to his next attack/ability
Lightning Heal:
- Occasionally, Inquisitor will strike lightning onto himself, healing him a ton
Lightning Strike:
Inquisitor is a god of thunder and occasionally strikes lightning onto his opponent which can easily be avoided (if quick enough)
Play (un)fair!:
Inquisitor can his opponent a potion effect "Inquisitor's rule", Once this effect is applied any beneficial potion effects will be removed or converted into bad ones!
The effects include:
Speed - Slowness
Strength - Weakness
Jump Boost - Effect Removed
Fire Resistance, Fire Fists - Afterburn
Resistance - Bleeding
Thunder Calling - Lightning Striking
Levitation Immunity - Removed
Water Breathing - Hydrophobic
Regeneration - Wither
With this attack it is not advised to bring a beacon along
Eye Of Flame - Used To Make The Wand Of Blaze, Or Rightclick To Gain 30 Seconds Of Fire Resistance
Hypnowatch - Hypnotizes Certain Mobs [Cow, Pig, Chicken, Hypnotized Cow, Hypnotized Pig, Hypnotized Chicken, Outcast, Wandering Traitor, Wandering Trader, Hostile Chickager, Chickager]
Wand Of Blaze - Shoots Fireballs (Inflicts Afterburn)
Daggers For All Materials - Cheaper But Weaker Than Your Average Swords
Vampire Fang - Used For Bonemeal Or Lifesteal Pitchfork
Lifesteal Pitchfork - Works Like A Hoe But Gives You Regeneration If You Hit Something Like Your Sister With It
Broomstick - Kills Silverfish Inside of stone blocks, removes moss from blocks, defuses landmines
Boomstick - Explodes When You Hit An Entity Or Break A Block
Orb Of Ascension - Gives You Levitation
Orb Of Falling - Give You Slowfalling
Ring Of Combat - A Multi Use Golden Apple
Trumpet - Keep Foes Away
Soul Gem - Used To Craft A "Wand Of Arising"
Wand Of Arising - Summons 3 Friendly Losts That Will Defend You ONLY From Monsters
Dynamite - A Ranged Weapon That Can Be Stacked To 3 That Can Blow Up A Small Area
Ice Sword - A Sword That Inflicts Slowness
Packed Snowball - A Ranged Weapon That Inflicts Slowness
Snow Bricks - A New Building Block Made Out Of Snow
Shuriken - A Ranged Weapon That Can Be Thrown Far
Inquisitor's Mace - A Weapon So Heavy That It Gives The Player Slowness, Will Pack A Punch To Any Foe
Vampire's Heart - A Rare Drop From Vampires, Used For "Lifetheft Potion" Or... You Can... Just... Eat It... Why Would You Tho?... Why Did I Make This A Feature?
Easter Egg - Right Click To Get Loot, You Can Either Be Lucky Or Unlucky (10 Variants)
Easterloger's Egg - Spawn The Easterloger With A "Block Of Eyes" Underneath It
Block Of Eyes - A Dangerous Variant Of Magma Block
Chickager's Egg - Hatch To Get A Friend
Bucket Of Hostile Chickager - Transfer Or Trap This Little Foe From Place To Place, Give It A Cookie To Tame It
Bucket Of Chickager - Transfer Your Little Friend From Place To Place, Give It A Poisonous Potato To Make It Go Insane
Katana - An Iron Sword With A Faster Attack Speed
Vindicator's house - Houses 5 illagers (mostly vindicators) (Almost every biome)
Outcast's shack - A shack filled with outcasted villagers (Almost every biome)
Outcast's humble home - A shack filled with an outcasted villager (Almost every biome)
Desert Fortress - A fortress home to many bandits, explosives and loot (Deserts)
Graveyards - Has A ton of loot buried under the graves, but be careful because the undead roams this place every night
Eskologer Igloos - Generating with an eskologer and an eskolobber these have no basement just some usefull ice loot (Snowy areas)
Eskologer Fortress - A fortress/campsite filled with a ton of eskologers (If the mod "Savage And Ravage" Is installed, Iceologers will spawn)(Snowy areas, Except snowy mountains)
Pot O" Gold - A pot filled with precious gold and leprechauns that can give you luck
Moai - Villager statues (Mushroom Fields, Easter Springs)
Illager Moai- Has has spawners that contain hostile chickagers (Easter Springs)
Infested Moai - moais that are infested by silverfish (Easter Springs)
Chickenger coop - Houses A Chickenger And Chickagers (Easter Springs)
Abandoned House - A small house that's been destroyed and filled with skeletal illagers (Dead Fields)
Abandoned Shack - A bigger variant than the other houses, has more loot and skeletons (Dead Fields)
Conductor's Carriage - A carriage with a Conductor going to the theater, you wouldn't mind cancelling the show would ya? (Plains, Meadows)
Illager Monk shrine - Housing an Illager monk along with his friends (Sakura Forest, Bamboo Jungles)
Villager Monk Shrines - Houses a villager monk (Sakura Forest, Bamboo Jungles)
Dojo - Houses the shogun boss (Sakura Forest, Bamboo Jungles)
Shrines - These shrines may house a singular samurai, ninja, windwhirler or rarely even a shadow walker (Sakura Forest, Bamboo Jungles)
Ritual - The only place where Horragers spawn (Dead Fields, Sakura Forest)
Bamboo Village - As innocent as it's named, it's filled with illagers who will rip you apart if you trespass (sakura forest, bamboo jungles)
Fortress Of Grief - Filled with dangerous griefing Illager (If "Savage And Ravage" and "Illage And Spillage" is installed griefers and igniters will spawn)
Eskologer Tent (snowy areas)
Eskologer Campsite (snowy areas)
Eskosummoner Tent (snowy areas)
Sword Column - A column that spawns possesed swords (Dead Fields)
Strange Temple - A strange temple hidden underground and holds a powerful gem that has been stolen (Some places underground)
Barn - Has livestock that's been protected by ranchers (Plains)
Wheat Field - A wheat farm that has alot of plants growing and is protected by ranchers (Plains)
Windmill - A windmill that has alot of wheat and bread and is guarded by... Guess what? ranchers (Plains)
Harvester's Home - Self Explanitory (Plains)
Illmiger Huts - Can Either Spawn As An Illmiger, Illmishooter, Or A Illachief (Savannas)
Illmiger Village - A village inhabited with illmigers with a captured villager (Savannas)
Totem Spawn - Self explanitory (Savannas)
Sumo Arenas - Houses wrestlers and various other illagers
Endstone Hideout - Has 1 singular Voidmancer (Sometimes companied by Shulkers and Void touchers) (Outer End Islands)
Endstone Palace - Has a ton of ender illagers (Outer End Islands)
War Factory - A sandstone factory where the sandstone golem is being held (Deserts)
Dead Fields Biome
Easter Springs Biome
Sakura Woods Biome
Potions Or Resistance
Potion Of Blindness
Potions Of Shadow Brew
Bleeding Effect - Deals damage to entities that try to attack
Fire Fists Effect - Players who are inflicted can set entities on fire
by slapping them like will smith
Afterburn Effect - Burns the player if the effect expires
Lifetheft Effect - Gains regen if upon attcking
Heart Attack - Displays the sufferer's face on your screen
> Overhauling The Bosses
> Balance Loot Tables For Structures
> Some More Balance
> Fix Structures Somehow Crashing The Game
> Fix Structures Failing To Load In Chunks
> Retexture And Remodeling Old Mobs
> Animations???
> Make Them Join/Spawn In Raids
> 1.20.x Support
GasterD - For Suggesting The Easter Golem
TheTrueShockwave - For suggesting stormcaller, entangler, boneriser And scavager, providing the models for several sandstone units and composing the Scavager's Anthem
Iron Dude - For suggesting the Sandstone Golem, Ice Golem, Scarecrow and providing the sounds for the mod
坂上駒子/sakanouenokomako - For suggesting the Ashigaru
DarkSlayer126 - For Suggesting both Villager Rebel and Solar Kitsune
Crystalight1010 - For Suggesting SufferTroll
Q: Is this mod configurable
A: Unfortunately, no since MCreator is very limited of what you can make
Q: This mod keeps crashing/lagging! What should I do?
A: It's simply best to remove the mod, I know there are some issues like Structures lagging or crashing(?) servers but I will look into those issues and deal with them in the future, but it's only for 1.19.2 & Up
This Mod Is Made Possible By Mcreator (NOT AN AD)
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