Obsidian and spawners for Minecraft

  • Author: garenso_ garenso_
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 05.08.2023
  • Last version 1.19.4

Review Obsidian and spawners

Obsidian and Spawners

It is a large-scale and interesting mod that adds a new biome, five new dimensions, new enemies, new weapons, and armor to Minecraft. All the dimensions are harmoniously intertwined, interesting enough to complete, and full of engagements.


The mod adds a new obsidian biome to the game. It is not a biome proper, though, but rather part of the underground biome in the form of massive obsidian and blackstone deposits amidst the blocks of ordinary stone. They look unusual enough to stay there for a long time.

Besides the underground part, the surface of the obsidian biome contains Nether structures, such as Bastions or Fortresses, which is quite strange, given that most Nether mobs cannot live in the Overworld.

In the biome itself, at the depth of the caves, two new mobs live — the obsidian cows and flyers. Both of them will attack you once they see you. They are not that strong mobs, but when there are a lot of them, they can become a real problem. Besides, their health level is much higher than that of the vanilla mobs, which is also worth preparing for in advance.

The obsidian cows drop a mysterious meat, which can be cooked and eaten. In turn, the flyers are extremely useful in terms of loot and thus worth killing on farms. It is them that drop the items necessary for crafting armor, weapons, and blocks to create a portal to one of the new dimensions.

In the depths of the biome, you can also find new ore blocks. When destroyed, they give stones called the cry obsidian, which resemble gray diamonds. This ore can also be found in the Obsidian dimension.


The mod features as many as five new dimensions: Obsidian, Live Obsidian, Live Gold, Nightmare, and Dream. It is quite linear in terms of traveling through the dimensions, so you will not be able to get to them in any other way except in the given order.

Obsidian Dimension

The portal to the Obsidian dimension is created from the cry obsidian and the obsignite.

The latter you will have to create in the crafting table from the cry obsidian gem and the cry obsidian block. Both of them can be found in the obsidian biome.

As for the dimension itself, it is very similar to the vanilla Nether, including in terms of the structures peculiar to it. Indeed, you will find both fortresses and bastions there, and they will even be inhabited by the zombified piglins, blazes, and occasionally spawning withers, which will keep you company in this blackstone and obsidian world.

The already familiar flyers and obsidian cows live there as well, but they are more numerous than one would like for a comfortable and safe exploration of the dimension.

In fact, the Obsidian dimension is not much different not only from the Nether but also from the obsidian biome. Even so, you will still have to visit it, as it is there, in chests or local mobs, that you can get the blocks necessary to build a portal to another new dimension.

Live Obsidian

After you collect enough cry obsidian and live obsidian, you will be able to create a portal to a new dimension called Live Obsidian.

The portal blocks require ten cry obsidian blocks and living obsidian gems.

As for the liveflints, they are not craftable — you can find them with a small chance or get them from mobs.

While the Obsidian dimension virtually doubles the Nether, the Life Obsidian dimension is a copy of the Overworld, including in terms of the structures. A lot of stone, numerous amethysts, ores, and minerals, bone blocks randomly scattered on the surface — all this forms the basis of the dimension.

And as soon as you turn around another amethyst mountain, you will see a village, which will be vanilla and inhabited by villagers. A little further on, you can come across a sunken ship, a witch hut, and even a pillager outpost with mobs. The only thing that has not been transferred from the Overworld there is vegetation. So you will see stone wastelands instead.

The dimension itself is quite beautiful but very dangerous. Besides the vanilla creatures, you will encounter the golden guards there. They are quite strong mobs that will chase you and try to take your life. They will be numerous, be really strong, and have a huge health stock, so it will be very difficult to kill them. The main thing, though, is that they attack in a crowd, so you will simply not have a chance to escape from them. But at least, unlike the obsidian flyers, they do not have ranged weapons.

Even so, you will have to kill mobs, and en masse. It is they that drop what you will need for a portal to the next, even more dangerous, dimension.

Live Gold

A gold dimension requires a gold portal. To create it, you will need the live gold souls dropped by the golden guards in the above dimension and some live gold wood.

Besides, you will need the live gold flint, which is quite easily crafted from the blocks you already have.

The dimension itself consists of wastelands of golden land, standard vanilla structures, usual caves, and slightly unusual opponents in the form of… gold chickens.

Unlike mobs of other dimensions, these chickens will be quite neutral to you until you attack them. They are fighting for their lives on their own, without calling their fellows, but still, funny as it sounds, they are deadly enough. It is quite difficult to kill them due to a huge health stock of 50 hearts, so whether a bloody battle with a chicken is worth getting a pretty useful but still the most ordinary food is an open question.

In this dimension, you will find a new gold ore, from which you will subsequently be able to create the ingots needed to craft armor, weapons, tools, and blocks for the portal to the next dimension.


To create the portal, you will need the nightmare blocks and the nightmare disc. The latter cannot be played and is used only for the portal's activation.

The dimension itself is quite dark and gloomy. It consists of the cobbled deepslate and nightmare grass. There is practically nothing to explore there, as the wastelands, caves, and mountains are just variously arranged blocks of the same type.

The local mobs, the nightmare spiders, are much more noteworthy. They look really scary, but their 150 health points and strength are even more frightening. As usual, you will have to fight them, whether you like it or not, to get the necessary resources. However, contrary to their nature, the spiders will avoid the battle to the last by running away and hiding. But you should not be deceived by such odd behavior, as the spider's blow is such that it can kill a player in the diamond armor with one blow.

The spiders drop the nightmare gems and nightmare ore. Besides, there is a small chance that you get the nightmare wood and other nightmare blocks.

From this stuff, you will subsequently be able to craft armor, weapons, tools, and new blocks necessary to activate the portal to the Dream world.


The idea that dreams are the opposite of nightmares is obviously followed in this mod. Indeed, it is from the nightmare blocks that a snow-white portal and a cute activator cloud are created.

The Dream dimension is not too much like a dream, though, but looks like the ordinary Overworld, only in white. The ordinary cobblestone will generate under the dream grass, caves will contain ordinary ores, and while exploring this world, you will come across the vanilla structures again and again.

The only thing really dangerous about the dream world is its boss, or rather, bosses. The onlookers, as they are called, are incredibly strong mobs capable of flying and teleporting over short distances. They can boast 600 health points and deadly blows that kill the player almost instantly.

If you somehow manage to kill them, they will drop their own eyes, which will be extremely useful to you in the future. It is from them that the most imbalanced armor and the most powerful weapon in the game are crafted.

Armor, Weapons, and Tools

Each biome brings something new to the game, be it food, blocks, or unique armor.

The new armor comes down to five quite strong sets that will be useful to any player who values good protection.

The first one is the obsidian armor, which is similar to the diamond one. It can be crafted quite easily even without visiting the new dimensions. It will be enough just to wander around the new biome added by the mod.

The second in terms of characteristics is the gold armor. Its protection level is better than that of the netherite one by three points. However, you will be able to craft it only after you visit the Live Gold dimension, not before.

The third in terms of values is the living obsidian armor, which exceeds the vanilla characteristics twice. The chestplate alone has 16 defense points. It is crafted from blocks mined in the obsidian biome or Live Obsidian dimension.

The fourth, the nightmare armor, can already be considered imbalanced: its characteristics are extremely advanced, as the chestplate alone can boast 20 defense points.

The nightmare armor would indeed be imbalanced if not for the fifth one — the dream armor. It has 30 defense points, is almost invulnerable, and is super durable. The only problem with this perfect armor is that it is extremely difficult to craft. Indeed, the onlookers — the mobs that drop the eyes necessary for its crafting — are practically unkillable with their 600 health points. So you will have to kill nine such mobs and try not to die yourself for the sake of the chestplate alone.

The new weapons are five types of swords of different strength and durability.

The weakest of them is the obsidian sword with its 11 damage points.

The living obsidian and gold swords are identical in terms of characteristics: both have a damage level of 15.

The nightmare sword inflicts 26 damage.

And the leader is the dream sword, which deals as much as 46 damage. After you obtain it, you will literally have no enemies left that could really harm you — except, perhaps, the onlookers, which are highly troublesome mobs.

From the same items and ores, you can craft five sets of tools. And, to speak frankly, at the end of the day, the most imbalanced item will be not the dream sword at all but the axe. Indeed, it breaks all records and slays all mobs with its 56 damage points.

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Available for next versions: 1.19.4
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OAS v.1.7.9 06.08.2023 forge B 1 MB 1.19.4 31 Download
OAS v.1.4.6 05.08.2023 forge B 867 KB 1.19.4 0 Download
OAS v.1.3.1 04.08.2023 forge B 669 KB 1.19.4 0 Download
OAS v.1.2.9 04.08.2023 forge B 550 KB 1.19.4 0 Download
OAS v.1.2.5 04.08.2023 forge B 533 KB 1.19.4 0 Download
OAS v.1.2 04.08.2023 forge B 441 KB 1.19.4 0 Download
OAS v1.1 03.08.2023 forge B 290 KB 1.19.4 0 Download
Obsidian_and_spawners_1.19.4 02.08.2023 forge B 139 KB 1.19.4 2 Download
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