Zombie Mobs adds dangerous zombified versions of vanilla mobs, which will attack their non-zombified version of animal, players and villagers. They spawn naturally in the dark, like vanilla zombies, or whenever animal dies during the night with 50% chance (by default). This kind of spawning can be prevented, if you kill the animal with item enchanted with Smite. Zombie animals will burn in sun light (by default). Below you can see full list of current zombie variants:
You already know what to do: one splash potion of weakness + one golden apple, then wait 100 seconds (by default). Everything works same as with vanilla zombie villagers. Since minecraft animals are not naturally respawning, you can make almost any animal renewable, by capturing and curing zombie animals!
Mod configuration can be done via gamerules upon world creation, or in-game (in example: /gamerule zomobsTurnChance 27). Currently the mod has these game rules:
Permissions & FAQ:
nocube's_zombie_mobs_1.4.0_forge_1.19.2 | 20.12.2022 | forge | R | 326 KB | 1.19.2 | 5 k | Download |
nocube's_zombie_mobs_1.4.0_forge_1.18.2 | 20.12.2022 | forge | R | 327 KB | 1.18.2 | 4 k | Download |
nocube's_zombie_mobs_1.3.3_forge_1.18.2 | 26.08.2022 | forge | R | 280 KB | 1.18.2 | 722 | Download |
nocube's_zombie_mobs_1.3.2_forge_1.18.2 | 12.08.2022 | forge | R | 268 KB | 1.18.2 | 39 | Download |
nocube's_zombie_mobs_1.3.1_forge_1.18.2 | 11.08.2022 | forge | R | 237 KB | 1.18.2 | 12 | Download |
nocube's_zombie_mobs_1.3.0_forge_1.18.2 | 03.08.2022 | forge | R | 473 KB | 1.18.2 | 38 | Download |
nocube's_zombie_mobs_1.2.1_forge_1.18.2 | 24.07.2022 | forge | R | 177 KB | 1.18.2 | 0 | Download |
nocube's_zombie_mobs_1.2.0_forge_1.18.2 | 18.07.2022 | forge | R | 166 KB | 1.18.2 | 42 | Download |
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