New Slab Variants +300 New Slabs! for Minecraft

  • Author: lupiiin_ lupiiin_ jason13official
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 21.09.2024
  • Last version 1.21.1

Review New Slab Variants +300 New Slabs!

New Slab Variants for Minecraft

The cubic world of Minecraft and its vast expanses feature many different blocks from which you can recreate almost any design, be it interior or exterior. That applies to modern, medieval, fantasy, and sci-fi buildings alike. Whole teams often create entire cities from different epochs and make cool spawn points for numerous servers even for the vanilla version of Minecraft. However, besides the blocks, the game also includes slabs, which are separate elements two times smaller than a block. They are used as a decoration, various frames, steps, and makeshift furniture.

Still, the vanilla game version cannot boast a rich selection of such slabs, and they are way fewer than other blocks. To fix this situation, the developer of New Slab Variants decided to create a separate mod with about 300 different types of slabs made of different materials. You have certainly never seen such a variety in the game: it is not surprising that this set is highly popular among players and already has more than 1.2 million downloads on the official webpage. Our screenshots show only some of the new options, as they are numerous. So we recommend you download New Slab Variants right now and add this mod to your build to check the new content yourself.

In total, the add-on brings more than 300 new slab variants of different materials and their combinations to Minecraft. They include both reduced copies of blocks or completely new options made of several materials at once. Given that the appearance of each slab is elaborate, we now have a huge range of new elements for the decorative design, which will surely appeal to you. If you have never played with such a set before, you should necessarily try it, as the potential of New Slab Variants is truly limitless. Let us now consider how exactly you can use the slabs from this mod:

· To create beautiful frames for buildings and as additional architectural solutions, bulges, and minor details.

· To create some types of blocks from two slabs: such options are few, but such an alternative idea is still noteworthy.

· To create new types of steps, to complement blocks in terms of style, color scheme, and durability. By the way, the durability of all the slabs added by New Slab Variants is the same as that of the original blocks. Thus, if we take obsidian, it is impact- and blast-resistant.

· Saving materials. While earlier you had to put a whole block to fill some space, now you will be able to create a slabe and save the required resources.

The applications are numerous. Just look at how many new wooden slabs of different shades have been added! It is a true gift for players who often build various structures, and if you also use some custom mods to expand the number of blocks, you will be able to use them together after finding a common color scheme and style. The mod allows you to make new types of slabs from wool, stone bricks, glazed terracotta, TNTs, ore, glass, ice, and many materials from the Nether and the End. In short, the range is wide, and all that is available after installing a single mod.

You will be able to craft slabs from almost all wood types available in Minecraft, which are quite numerous. You will also be able to create highly valuable options from obsidian, lapis lazuli, diamonds, and netherite. Only those players who have developed a lot on a server and have a huge amount of valuable materials can afford that, but such a possibility is still open. In short, everything is up to you. The New Slab Variants mod is present in many builds, as it is among the top decoration add-ons. So if you often build something, it is certainly worth adding it to your collection.

New Slab Variants is perfectly compatible with other add-ons, so you can safely use the new slabs with other materials and elements, creating some unitary style and design. They function in the same way as in the standard game version and can be safely placed on top of other blocks and combined with each other, say, in the making of a kind of sandwich panels and cakes. Such solutions are also used in the decorative design — here, everything depends on the player's vision. The designer also points out that New Slab Variants is used in many modpacks made by well-known game fans.

Summing it up, we can say that the add-on under consideration has a nice design, elaborate textures, a huge selection of different materials, and the same mechanics of using slabs as in the vanilla version of Minecraft. It remains only to install New Slab Variants and enjoy such a wide range. Erect colorful structures, combine different types of materials, and create true masterpieces you will be proud of. At the moment, this mod is available for Minecraft 1.21.1 and for Forge, Fabric, and NeoForge.

Images New Slab Variants +300 New Slabs!

This element has no dependencies.

Download New Slab Variants +300 New Slabs!

Available for next versions: 1.21.1, 1.21, 1.20.6, 1.20.4, 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20
Game versions
Version type
Show only last mod versions
new_slab_variants-merged-1.21.1-3.0.1 22.09.2024 neoForge, fabric R 1 MB 1.21.1, 1.21 180 Download
new_slab_variants-forge-1.21.1-3.0.1 22.09.2024 forge R 762 KB 1.21.1 339 Download
new_slab_variants-merged-1.20.1-3.0.1 15.09.2024 fabric, forge R 880 KB 1.20.1 473 Download
new_slab_variants-merged-1.20.1-3.0.0 13.09.2024 fabric, forge R 847 KB 1.20.1 32 Download
new_slab_variants-merged-1.21-2.1.0 09.08.2024 neoForge, fabric R 563 KB 1.21.1 462 Download
new_slab_variants-merged-1.21-2.1.0 15.07.2024 neoForge, fabric R 563 KB 1.21 383 Download
new_slab_variants-forge-1.21-2.1.0 15.07.2024 forge R 495 KB 1.21.1, 1.21 3 k Download
newslabvariants-merged-1.20.6-2.1.0 30.05.2024 neoForge, fabric R 645 KB 1.20.6 80 Download
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