Nasty Mobs for Minecraft

  • Author: mactso
  • Downloaded: 11 k
  • Updated: 31.01.2024
  • Last version 1.20.4

Review Nasty Mobs

Nasty Mobs: New Skeleton Types for Minecraft

There are not that many skeletons in Minecraft if we take only the usual vanilla options. Moreover, they seem boring and too simple when you play Minecraft for a long time, and you want something new, don't you? However, not all players want to install global mods, as they will have to learn the subtleties and content of each of them. It is much more rational to use something highly specialized, like, for example, a mod called Nasty Mobs. It adds several unique and intelligent skeletons to the game, which are ready to kill you and fight to the end, applying their AI, special characteristics, and abilities.

Nasty Mobs mod adds six new types of skeletons that differ in terms of appearance, behavior, characteristics, and other important parameters. The main task of this add-on is to diversify the skeletons. Not only visually, though, but to make them smart so that they can follow on the heels of the player, take revenge, and drop valuable items. Such content raises additional interest in players, diversifies the mechanics of Minecraft, improves the gameplay, and gives maximum pleasure.

Review of the Nasty Mobs Mod

The salient feature of the Nasty Mobs mod is not only a large selection of skeletons, albeit differing only in appearance, but also their intelligence and behavior. We have tried to highlight the main peculiarities of these mobs so that you can understand what the advantage of the add-on lies in.

Six new skeleton types. These mobs differ in the color of their helmets. They can be, say, in a blue, red, or orange helmet, and all this has an impact on their characteristics. They have become smarter and more revengeful, so the old tactics, when you could run away for several blocks, and the mob simply forgot about you, will not work anymore.

Revenge. All the skeletons will now be vindictive. That is, they will now try to hunt down the player as quickly and efficiently as possible to inflict damage on them. Besides, they shoot from a greater distance and cause more damage, but that is not the worst thing added by the Nasty Mobs mod. The skeletons can now control other skeletons by converting them. However, a mob must come as close to the skeleton as possible.

Loot. These skeletons drop more different resources than ordinary mobs. We recommend that you download the Nasty Mobs mod and see what interesting things the developer has added yourself. More advanced Minecraft players can try to edit a config file and specify different spawn and loot parameters for these creatures.

Diverse parameters. The skeletons of different colors have different characteristics, so they will all spawn in random biomes, have different parameters, require a certain climate, and so on.

The helmet of each skeleton glows in any biome, whether it is the ordinary desert or some forest. They can wander either in groups or solo, but almost all of them spawn having some effects. By the way, we have already reviewed a mod called TslatEntityStatus, with which you can determine not only the health status of a mob but also the characteristics of its armor, imposed effects, and many other attributes hidden from the eyes of users by default.

Summing it up, we have a unique and quite balanced mod that allows one to diversify the in-game skeletons and adds other unique features. So we recommend you try to install Nasty Mobs and see how cool this add-on for Minecraft is for yourself. By the way, it also adds unique types of wolves that may also have different parameters and appearances. In the vanilla game version, you certainly have not seen such creatures, as their eyes suggest.

The Nasty Mobs mod adds two summon eggs: one for the skeletons and the other for the new types of wolves. You can spawn any number of creatures, but they will appear randomly, say, first the blue skeleton, then the red one, and so on. If you click on a particular mob, you will not be able to summon a baby skeleton, and so it remains only to simply click on the egg, trying to get it with a certain probability. You can encounter such creatures in almost any biome, but they will usually spawn at night, no matter what location the player is currently in.

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Available for next versions: 1.20.4, 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20, 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19, 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.18, 1.17.1, 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3, 1.16.1, 1.15.2, 1.15.1, 1.14.4
Game versions
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1.20.4-1.0.11 01.02.2024 forge R 136 KB 1.20.4 155 Download
1.20.2-1.0.11 30.09.2023 forge R 133 KB 1.20.2 340 Download
1.20-1.0.11 12.09.2023 forge R 133 KB 1.20.1, 1.20 239 Download
1.19.4-1.0.11 16.05.2023 forge R 132 KB 1.19.4 186 Download
1.19-1.0.11 25.01.2023 forge R 132 KB 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19 260 Download
1.19.3-1.0.11 25.01.2023 forge R 132 KB 1.19.3 191 Download
1.18-1.0.11 25.01.2023 forge R 128 KB 1.18.1, 1.18 68 Download
1.18.2-1.0.11 25.01.2023 forge R 128 KB 1.18.2 101 Download
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