Old Mutant More for Minecraft

  • Author: alexandersfunandgames
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 02.03.2023
  • Last version 1.16.5

Review Old Mutant More

Mutant More – New types of mutants in Minecraft

Do you like the mobs and bosses currently available in vanilla Minecraft? In version 1.19, there are plenty of different creatures, both peaceful and hostile. However, it still lacks some kind of authenticity and complexity, doesn’t it? Yes, the Warden is added to all sorts of ender dragons and withers. But over time, such bosses may get boring, don’t they?

Minecraft has a large number of modifications that add different mobs. However, there are not so many truly high-quality creatures with well-developed mechanics. In this regard, we invite you to install Mutant More, which introduces some huge vanilla-styled mutants. At the same time, each boss has its unique characteristics, appearance, different battle tactics, and most importantly, loot, which is the motivation for killing these mobs.

Mutant Bosses Overview

In total, there will be 5 different types of vanilla-styled mutants. We will examine in detail their features and abilities.

Mutant «Wither Skeleton»

The Mutant «Wither Skeleton» is very large and looks formidable, especially when you see this creature for the first time. It is hard not to notice it since this dark mob is tall and has a large and scary head. You can see right through its body since it has only ribs. There are big horns on its head and huge swords in its hands.

This mob spawns in almost the same places as the standard Minecraft wither. So, you know where to find it if you want to fight this big and scary boss. It is extremely hard to kill it, especially given the large swords it holds in both hands. However, this mutant uses only a few attacks.

Types of attacks

1. Mutant lunge. The mutant’s main tactic is hitting the player while lunging left or right. First, it lunges at a high speed toward its target, and then it hits you hard, thus dealing you a lot of damage.

2. Bites. Oddly enough, this mob will sometimes bite you with its chest in close combat. If you come closer to it, it can take away more than half of your HP in one bite, which may cause some disastrous consequences. In general, this mutant can kill the player with only two hits. Therefore, it is recommended to wear enchanted sets and use a good enchanted sword.

Along with these types of attacks, the player is regularly afflicted with the wither effect, which makes it difficult to fight this boss. But it is quite possible to defeat it.


Once you manage to defeat the mutant, it will fall apart into a large number of pieces. You can pick up all of them by clicking RMB on each part of the body. In total, there may be 7 body parts:

  • Head;
  • Shoulder;
  • Shoulder pad;
  • Ribs;

· Chest;

· Pelvic bone;

  • Arms.

You can use these body parts to further create full-fledged items for your set. So, be sure to collect all the body parts that will come in handy. If you play on the server, remember that these items are in great demand, since it is extremely difficult to defeat this boss.

Another unique drop is the mob’s crystal sword. Firstly, it is many times longer than the standard swords in Minecraft. Secondly, it is extremely effective in combat. One hit allows you to deal 9 damage at once, which is quite good for a word.

Crafting items

Look what you need to craft set items.

  • Helmet– use the mutant’s head, which will be the helmet. No crafting is needed, but you can enchant it;

  • Chestplate– you need to collect 6 mutant’s ribs and one arm, as shown in the screenshots below;

  • Leggings– two limbs and one pelvis;

  • Boots– two limbs.

In general, the craft is pretty simple. But to be honest, the characteristics of the armor here aren’t the best ones. It will be somewhat between the iron and diamond armor. For example, the chestplate gives +6 of defense, the helmet – +2, and the leggings and the boots both provide +5. These resources can be crafted into armor to gain more diversity rather than for effective use in battle. For combat, it is better to use the sword, which you can enchant for all types of spells. In this case, you will get the «killer» of all mobs.

Mutant «Blaze»

Next on our list is Mutant Blaze, which looks stunning and has cool animations. We can say that this is perhaps the most interesting mob in terms of appearance and textures since the developers have done their best. The Blaze is similar to its vanilla counterpart, but it also has some obvious differences.

This is a larger version of the standard mob with fire rods constantly moving around it. It is accompanied by a tornado animation and a quite familiar sound. In general, the creature occupies a large area, so it will be very difficult to approach it, although by default they are not aggressive towards the player. You can meet the Blaze only in the nether fortress.

Types of attacks

Of course, the first thing we are interested in is how the mutant attacks the player and if it is possible to escape from it. In total, there are 3 different attacks:

1. Standard shot. As soon as the creature is ready to attack you, the first thing it will do is release a fireball. It is not the same fireball as its standard counterpart. This fireball deals massive amounts of damage and knocks the player far back. The environment around you will be destroyed as if it is dynamite. Besides, no armor can save you from this kind of damage;

2. «Swirl» tactics. At certain intervals in battle, the Mutant Blaze can suddenly attack the player while spinning around its axis. At the same time, it clings to you with its particles, thus causing a large amount of damage. It is difficult to predict this moment. Therefore, such tactics can unsettle you;

3. «Tornado». Well, that’s the last type of attack, which is the most intense and difficult for most players. The Blaze flies up to you while spinning around its axis. The mutant looks like some kind of massive «tornado» and literally sucks you into its storm. Besides, you can still take fire damage. Thus, you need to be careful and try not to get close to the mutant. Otherwise, there is no chance to survive at all.

But that’s not all! The Mutant Blaze has a unique ability: they can attract additional mobs – Rodlings to aid the Mutant Blaze in combat. These creatures are «relatives» of the standard Blaze, but they do not look the same.


The Rodling is a reduced copy of the standard Blaze in Minecraft. It has only a head and one fire rod, which is its body. It is several times smaller than the standard mob. However, it has its unique features and characteristics.

These are quite «harmless» mobs that you can kill with a single arrow or a sword blow. At the same time, they shoot well and often hit the player. And if there are a lot of them, then you have very few chances to survive in this unequal battle. The fireballs launched by the rodling cannot be repelled, and it is also difficult to dodge them. In this case, you have to wear «fireproof» armor to better protect yourself both from these mobs and the boss.

Rodlings can be tamed. If you kill the mutant and stay alive, there will be a mutant blaze core (we will talk about it below), as well as blaze rods, some of which may be rodlings (we will also talk about this in the «Drop» section). By the way, these mobs are completely immune to lava. So, it is great to use them when visiting the nether world and fighting various hostile creatures.

Rodling control

They will follow you everywhere. They can protect you from various mobs, and they also have their unique control menu. Kill the mutant and click on a fire rod on the ground. If a rodling will appear, you will be its «master». Or you can spawn it with a summon egg.

These creatures will follow you everywhere, causing a large amount of damage to your enemies. If you click RMB on this mob, it will stand in the same place. If you click again, it will continue to follow you. But that’s not all. They can be tamed in another way: you can use the mutant blaze core. It drops from the boss if you stay alive after its death. This item has its unique abilities.

Drop: Mutant Blaze Core

Once you kill the boss, it will drop a certain amount of experience and a mutant blaze core. We would like to remind you that this is only possible if you stay alive when the mutant dies. A few seconds before its death, it rises high, begins to twist sharply as with the «tactics» tactics, and then explodes. It leaves a huge crater and often hits the player, as a result of which it is almost impossible to survive.

Along with this drop, there is a certain probability of rods scattered on the ground. Approach them carefully. If you click RMB on any of the rods, it can explode, drop a real blaze rod, or spawn a rodling.

If you’re lucky and survive, you will also get a core as a drop. You will not be able to craft this item, so you will have either to kill the mutant or take it from the admin panel. You can use the core to craft a new item: the rodling checker.

Rodling checker

To craft this device, you will need a mutant blaze core, 7 cobblestones, and 1 redstone. This item is designed for additional customization of all rodlings tamed by players in Minecraft. Moreover, you can use this item to tame even those creatures that are wild by default and can attack you.

Approach any of these mobs and click RMB to open the checker. There will be a separate menu with several tabs with characteristics and buttons to control this creature.

Let’s start with the characteristics:

  • Health– the default is 2.5 points. However, you can upgrade to 12.5 points by using blaze powder. Feel free to right-click on the rodling to increase the number of hearts in its health bar. Click again to open the checker and check the bar;
  • Fireball strength– by default, it is equal to 1. However, this amount can be increased to 10 by feeding the mob a fire charge. Open the checker to see the current characteristics of this creature.

The checker also has three tabs with settings, which by default apply to all mobs from this category:

1. Setting fire to blocks and causing damage to the player – if you do not want these mobs to damage you or set fire to buildings, just disable this ability in the settings;

2. Showing rodling names – it is shown by default if you use a tag. But you can disable this feature in the settings;

3. Putting a rodling on your shoulder – if you enable this attribute, the rodling will sit on your shoulder like a parrot. It looks very cool. At the moment of danger, they will get off your shoulder and start attacking other mobs.

That’s all you need to know about the Mutant Blaze and Rodlings in Mutant More. They look cool. Besides, defeating the boss gives you some great benefits, doesn’t it?

Mutant «Husk»

The Mutant Husk is a very dangerous and evil mob, which looks scary and unusual. However, they are in many ways similar to their standard counterpart from vanilla Minecraft. The creature is quite massive and large, and it will be difficult to approach it. It does not burn under the sun, but it is not so easy to deal with it. To attack it, you can use swords in close combat, crossbows, bows, and splash potions of «healing».

We recommend that you use the enchanted crystal sword in close combat. We talked about it earlier. It drops from the Mutant Wither Skeleton. There is no point in fighting with a husk without armor. And here it is best to enchant all the items. You also need to have a bow or crossbow since sometimes you will have to change tactics.

Types of attacks

The husk has three types of attacks, which can change depending on the type of battle, your behavior, and the environment in general.

1. Summon helpers. The mutant raises its head and begins to spread its huge arms in different directions, after which it hits the ground. It summons standard husks, which attack the player or surrounding mobs. This process can last for a long time;

2. Sand throw. The husk boss bends down and scoops up sand blocks, after which it throws them at the player. To dodge these blocks, you need to constantly be on the move;

3. Powerful ground slams. This can be compared to a meteorite fall: the husk will sometimes hit the ground with great force, thus causing a shock wave that will damage the player. The closer you stand to this mutant, the more damage you will take. In this case, it is best to move back and try to kill the mutant from a distance.

The Mutant Husk has its own peculiarity: you cannot kill it right away. As soon as the mob’s HP drops to zero, it falls on the ground, sprawling over its entire surface, but after a while, it revives with 50% of its HP indicators. This must be repeated 3 times before the mutant is finally gone. Of course, it will leave a drop.

Secret ! If you want to kill the husk faster, try to burn it with lava or fire arrows after its first fall. In this case, it will die many times faster and will not be able to recover. You can also use a «fire enchanted» sword.


The most interesting thing about mutants is, of course, their drop. This boss drops a unique item, which is the cactus jug that can be filled up when used on a cactus. Just walk up to any cactus, right-click on it, and the jug will fill up.

After that, drink the jug to take on the effects of Regeneration, Saturation, and «Absorption». You can use this jug an unlimited number of times and collect liquid for quick recovery. You cannot craft the jug but only take it from the mob. Besides, you cannot stack these items: you will have to allocate 1 slot for each item if you want to take this set with you.

Mutant «Hoglin»

The Mutant Hoglin looks like a truly fearsome beast, which is several times larger than regular hoglins in Minecraft. Besides, the developers have upgraded it with some unique animations: the mutant can turn its head and slightly woggle its body. Of course, it cannot be compared with the Blaze, but it also looks interesting.

They appear exclusively in the nether and by default are set to be hostile to all mobs and players, especially to piglins. One such boss can scatter a large number of piglins. It makes no sense to fight this mutant without armor since will kill you in a matter of seconds.

Types of attacks

Like any other mutant, it has a large number of different tactics and uses them depending on the situation in the nether.

1. Hog charge. First, the hoglin warns you in a couple of seconds that it will attack, after which it runs up and hits you with its tusks. It deals a large amount of damage, and you also take additional damage due to hitting the ceiling or after falling;

2. Headbutt– when close to its target, it just walks on you and attacks you with its massive head and tusks, thus dealing you much damage. However, there are more chances to survive;

3. Ground smash– it is a unique battle tactic in which the hoglin smashes the ground very hard, thus creating a «shock wave». It hits the player, as well as all the surrounding mobs who fall within its radius.</ p>

You can kill the mutant with fire arrows and a good bow or enchanted sword. It is also worth considering that the mutant is afraid of lava, which deals it a lot of damage.


If you manage to kill the boss, you will receive a unique item, which is a hoglin tusk. You can use it for brewing «Hog Power» potions. The potion has many benefits: it gives you additional 2 hearts of health and also allows you to increase your speed. But that’s not all. When moving around any world, you can knock back nearby mobs for a short amount of time.

It is a cool effect that is certainly useful when in a crowd of mobs. It works against all mobs, including regular hoglins. By default, the potion only gives the effect for 10 seconds, but you can extend it by using some glowing dust or redstone. In general, all types of potions are still available. They include explosive, foggy, and regular ones.

Mutant «Shulker»

Last on the list of mutants is the Mutant Shulker. However, there is one difference from all other bosses. You cannot find the Shulker Mutant in the end dimension or any other world, but you can only spawn it in the administrator mode.

According to the author, they do not add natural spawning since the end world does not have enough space for mutants to mutate and appear in a standard way.

Types of attacks and defenses

Like all bosses, the Mutant Shulker also has unique tactics, each of which has its pros and cons. But among all these creatures, it can be considered the most passive. It has the following types of attacks and defenses:

1. In shell. It is the standard defensive tactic, in which the mob completely hides in its «shell» that does not take any damage, be it a sword, crossbow, lava, or any other type of attack;

2. Shulker peek. The Mutant Shulker will occasionally open its shell to look for incoming threats. Once a target is spotted, it launches its attack. If one of its bullets hits you, you will simply levitate, as is the case with standard mobs;

3. Fast attack. In this case, the mutant also shoots bullets. However, these bullets are highly intense. So, they will rather kill you than send you into space;

4. Bites. Sometimes the Mutant Shulker can turn into a real spider and bite its opponent. It crawls halfway out of its «shell» and moves around trying to attack nearby creatures and throw them up. While you are levitating, the mutant approaches the place where you will fall to continue its attack;

5. Bullet hover. One of the mutant’s features is the ability to leap into the air and spin around like a helicopter by spreading all its limbs in different directions. During this time, it slowly follows you and launches a large number of bullets. Some of them take away your health, while others cause the effect of levitation.

Defeating the Mutant Shulker is hard, but you can use an enchanted bow or crossbow, as well as potions for health regeneration.


After defeating the Mutant Shulker, it drops a certain amount of experience and a unique item, which is a shulker box. It looks quite unusual and has some great «features». It can help you move different types of mobs in any world. Although in earlier versions it was a shell to protect the player.

Using the shulker box is simple: go to the mob you want to transfer in the box and click the right mouse button. It will automatically be pushed inside. To make the box move, you have to right-click on it again to make it fly up. If you need to return the item to its place and pull the mob out of the box, just hold down Shift + RMB.

The main feature of this box is that the mob inside it will not receive any damage even if you shoot fire arrows, throw potions, pour lava, or hit it with a sword. However, you won’t be able to use it for moving endermen.

Additional types of mutants

You can also create additional types of mutants. So, there are 2 types of potions with formulas:

  • Formula Y– this is the cheapest type of potion that allows you to create mutants. All you need is to approach the mob and right-click on it. If it can mutate, then it will probably turn into a completely different type. If the mutation does not work or this mob does not have a mutant variant, it will simply die;

  • Formula Z– this is a more complex version of the potion that turns mobs into mutants faster and has an increased chance of a positive result. The probability is about 50%.

That’s all the functionality available in Mutant More. In general, it is one of the best-designed and most exciting mod packs for vanilla-styled mutants. The developers regularly update their mod, fix numerous bugs, and communicate with the users that download this add-on. We also recommend that you install Mutant Beats, which can be perfectly combined with Mutant More and allows you to create mutants using various potions. There is also an X formula that extends the mutation functionality even more.

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Available for next versions: 1.16.5
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It says that i dont have the right forge. How to chance it???
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