The Mutant Mobs Mod for Minecraft

  • Author: megagatus megagatus
  • Downloaded: 19 k
  • Updated: 01.06.2024
  • Last version 1.20.1

Review The Mutant Mobs Mod

The Mutant Mobs

This mod adds a few totally new mobs – Mutants. Technically, these are the very same Zombies, Piglins, and other Ravagers all Minecraft players are familiar with, but … believe it or not, you’ve never seen anything like this before. Because these mutants really can scare, surprise, and kill.


The Mutant Golem. 270 HPs, a positive mutant who stands up for you. It’s especially pleasant that you can craft a summoning egg for the Mutant Golem right on your workbench. And even a few of them. By the way, the recipe for crafting it is quite cheap, considering that this monster can really protect the entire village even from its mutant conspecifics.

The Mutant Zombie Villager. It looks quite harmless, especially if compared with other mutants. 100 HPs, relatively moderate attacks, no special effects, or peculiar attacks. But its animation is highly questionable: when the Mutant Zombie Villager suddenly fell on all fours and crawled to the player, everyone who saw it felt uneasy.

The Mutant Zombie. 50 HPs. Powerful fist attacks, ability to summon lightnings as a support when fighting enemies and zombies. After it runs out of HPs, it falls on the ground and lies for a while. If you don’t finish it off by coming close and cutting it with an axe at this time, it’ll get up with half its health restored in about 4 seconds and continue fighting.

The Mutant Zombie Piglin. 200 HPs, dangerous both from the front and from the back. When fighting, it throws exploding golden cubes at the enemy and stamps its foot, which creates an explosive wave from behind. Spawns the Zombie Piglins in critical numbers. It can jump high, pushing the player quite far away from itself and slightly throwing him up. When fighting, you should aim at its bottom part, because the upper part of its body is immune to attacks.

The Mutant Zoglin. 400 HPs and an abnormally huge model – the only differences between the Mutant Zoglin and the common Zoglin. Well, it inflicts 4 times stronger damage, but in fact, you can always climb higher and just shoot this zombie boar with a bow.

The Mutant Wither. 500 HPs. As always, it’s a hard-to-win, unpleasant, exploding, and flying enemy. Unlike its mini version, it pays no attention to the Wither Skeletons’ heads, striking the player with well-targeted lightnings.

The Mutant Ravager. A really creepy monster with 900 HPs, an abnormally huge body, and the most destroying attacks. Dangerous from all sides. It crushes a player wearing the Netherite Armor with a single attack. Indeed, it’s technically possible to escape from it, but the second problem is more complicated. Due to the size of the mob model, it’s absolutely unclear where exactly to hit it to finally win: the Ravager manages to destroy the village before you point at the right place.

The Mutant Warden. 1024хп. 1024 HPs. For you to understand the damage level – it took the Mutant Warden just one hit to finish off the Mutant Ravager in a test battle. You can’t fight it; you can hardly escape from it. If you run into it, just grab your ankles.

The mod also adds one gun, to the game, which is actually an upgraded model of the vanilla bow and isn’t particularly interesting.

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Available for next versions: 1.20.1, 1.19.2
Game versions
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[MC1.19.2]V1.0.2 01.06.2024 forge R 14 MB 1.19.2 1 k Download
[MC1.20.1]V1.0.1 23.04.2024 forge R 12 MB 1.20.1 7 k Download
THEMUTANTMOBSMOD[MC1.19.2]V1.0.1 23.04.2024 forge R 14 MB 1.19.2 1 k Download
[MC1.20.1]V1.0Release 31.03.2024 forge R 12 MB 1.20.1 3 k Download
[1.20.1]V0.7Beta 26.03.2024 forge B 11 MB 1.20.1 147 Download
.BetaV0.7[1.19.2] 21.03.2024 forge B 11 MB 1.19.2 1 k Download
MutantMobsMod[TheMutantMobs]V0.6Beta[1.19.2] 24.02.2024 forge B 10 MB 1.19.2 447 Download
MutantMobsMod[TheMutantMobs]V0.51Beta[1.19.2] 20.02.2024 forge B 10 MB 1.19.2 32 Download
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