Miner's Luck for Minecraft

  • Author: spankster206
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 10.11.2023
  • Last version 1.20.1

Review Miner's Luck

Miner's Luck: A New Enchantment for Resource Extraction

Playing Minecraft on a server or solo, you have to extract different types of resources, especially at the start, when you have practically nothing. That is a lot of work for the user. Moreover, Mojang occasionally adds new biomes and functions to the game but has long forgotten about new relevant enchantments. However, that is not a problem given such a huge fan community, as it has long thought through all the points for you and created special mods designed to slightly facilitate the gameplay. In this review, we are going to consider an add-on called Miner's Luck, which brings a new enchantment for resource extraction to Minecraft.

The miners have a reason to rejoice. The effect is called Miner's Luck and allows you to get random in-game minerals when destroying blocks. It will have five levels, which will increase this chance, and each player will be motivated to apply the most powerful enchantment to get as many different minerals as possible.

Review of the Miner's Luck Mod

You will not be able to get the new enchantment by using the enchanting table and will have to trade with villagers or visit dungeons, where these books can also be found. The effect has five levels, each of which gives certain advantages in the game. So that you can roughly understand how they differ, we have described each of them:

· Miner's Luck I: redstone – 1%, lapis lazuli – 1%, raw iron – 1%, raw copper – 1%, coal – 1%.

· Miner's Luck II: raw gold – 1%, coal – 1%.

· Miner's Luck III: diamond – 1%, redstone – 1%, raw copper – 1%, raw iron – 1%, lapis lazuli – 1%.

· Miner's Luck IV: raw gold – 1%, emeralds – 1%.

· Miner's Luck V: gold ingots – 1%, iron ingots – 1%, copper ingots – 1%, coal – 1%, redstone – 1%, lapis lazuli – 1%, raw copper – 1%, raw iron – 1%.

However, you should also understand the overall system of item drops to take full advantage of this mod. Thus, when it comes to coal, you have a total chance of 3% to get one coal, 0.01% to get two coals at once, and about 0.0001% to get three coals. With some bonuses, the chances can double, and the player can get a good amount of loot.

The Miner's Luck mod randomly determines the chance of getting the resources. They can be obtained by breaking deepslate, stones, and cobblestones, and you will not be disappointed even given such small chances. The main thing is to find a book or exchange it with villagers. There are enough ways to do that in Minecraft, including using healing potions, which can significantly reduce the price tags for each effect.

The designer recommends that you apply these effects not only in the Overworld but also in the Nether, as there you can get an extra amount of gold ingots and other materials required by many recipes. You can use the Miner's Luck add-on not only in singleplayer mode but also on a server to diversify the survival and provide players with interesting content and gameplay features. This mod does not particularly affect the balance of vanilla Minecraft but only complements it. If you have any questions about Miner's Luck, feel free to leave them in the comments below, and we will readily help you.

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Download Miner's Luck

Available for next versions: 1.20.1, 1.19.4, 1.19.2, 1.18.2
Game versions
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1.2(1.20.1) 11.11.2023 forge R 10 KB 1.20.1 680 Download
1.2(1.19.4) 11.11.2023 forge R 10 KB 1.19.4 207 Download
1.2(1.19.2) 11.11.2023 forge R 10 KB 1.19.2 189 Download
1.2(1.18.2) 11.11.2023 forge R 9 KB 1.18.2 196 Download
1.1(1.18.2) 13.03.2023 forge R 9 KB 1.18.2 184 Download
1.1(1.19.2) 13.03.2023 forge R 10 KB 1.19.2 286 Download
1.19.2 05.02.2023 forge R 16 KB 1.19.2 3 Download
1.18.2 05.02.2023 forge R 15 KB 1.18.2 0 Download
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