Different types of biomes are introduced with about every major update in Minecraft, but many of them look similar, and many players don’t like such changes in the game. Indeed, they’ve added a cherry forest, a jungle, and several other cool options, but, alas, most of them are almost similar. Especially for these players, the developers of third-party mods create their own biomes, which allow you to diversify the game world in a couple of clicks. If you like forests and would like to have more such locations in Minecraft, install the Maple Forest mod, which will add a maple forest to the cubic world!
The Maple Forest add-on stands out from all the others with its special style and elaboration. It’s a bright, contrasting and rich biome, dominated by red and orange colors. No player can miss such a forest, because it vividly stands out compared to other vanilla locations. And it’s not only about new types of trees and leaves, but also different types of wood, which you can use for decoration, interior, construction of newly styled buildings. Just imagine what opportunities one small mod can open for you…
This mod will expand the standard biomes in Minecraft and make the choice of forests more diverse. It adds 4 new biome options, which are similar to each other. These are mostly maple forests, characterized by certain types of trees. You’ve never seen such a dense and beautiful location in the game. It looks colorful and bright, and when you get into such a biome, you don’t want to cut down wood, but the Maple Forest mod adds many different types of foliage, trees, and you’ll have to cut it down if you want to craft items from it.
The trees stand out with their orange shade. Indeed, almost all the wood that you can get from this mod will be orange by default, although there are green, red, and yellow trees. However, the developer of the Maple Forest mod added only one color for the materials. In the forest, you’ll see dense thickets, fallen trees, and clearings. They are of high quality and are generated not fast and cheaply, but in a really elaborate way. At the same time, the standard vanilla biomes of Minecraft are in many ways inferior to these locations, so it will be an additional incentive to install Maple Forest and see how it generally looks in the game world.
The key difference between the maple forest and all the others is high and dense trees. The trunk is about 10-15 blocks high, the foliage is half the tree. When you look from above, you can’t immediately see that these plants are so huge. With this generation, the player will be able to get a large amount of wood if they decide to collect maple blocks. Seedlings fall out here when you cut down trees, as it should be. You can plant them, and they will grow quickly using bone meal. Indeed, the same happens in the standard version of Minecraft, but of a different type and color.
Maple biomes are extremely extended. Most likely, this is a kind of taiga, because no location in vanilla Minecraft stretches for so many chunks. But here, the developer of Maple Forest decided to make a really cool and large-scale biome that would attract the players’ attention and interest. Trees of different shades stand intertwined: red, green, yellow, and orange. Over time, they change the foliage color, and you can collect it to use for decoration in the future. You need scissors for this, as in the standard game version.
Pumpkins will often spawn in such forests, and if you don’t have enough seeds, you’ll definitely find them in the maple biome. There will also be sheep, cows, and other animal species. In general, we have a high-quality, thoroughly elaborate biome, where each tree is generated according to a certain algorithm. The generation of plains and mountains is also pleasing. For example, you may see severe height differences, plains, mountains, and ridges in the maple forest. In the screenshots, you can see a river flowing in Maple Forest, connecting several mountains, on which maple forests grow. It looks really cool, and unfortunately, the vanilla generation of Minecraft will never offer such biomes.
Deep in the forests, you’ll see colorful rivers, lakes, small water reservoirs, caves, and plains perfectly fit into the general landscape. There are certain areas with only a few tree species prevailing, for example, red and green ones. In general, the Maple Forest mod supports several commands via /locate biome, so as for now, you can teleport to 4 different biomes in the latest version that we tested. They look similar to each other and his will generally represent a maple forest, but somewhere plains or similar trees will spawn, and in some areas, you’ll see dense forest, mountains, and rivers between them, and so on.
In general, we can say that the Maple Forest add-on perfectly tackles the task and adds a colorful and detailed forest to Minecraft. The Mojang developers should learn from the owner of this mod how to generate forests in the game. Use new types of wood, explore all the locations, try to construct houses, develop your villages and towns, fit them into the new biome’s general style, and create interesting content, for example, for YouTube or other services. And if you also install additional shaders to improve graphics and add effects, then you can totally transform the entire game! We’ve done our best to take as many screenshots for you as possible so that you can appreciate the high quality of the maple forest in Minecraft, although Maple Forest is still a relatively new mod, which is unpopular among the game’s fan community.
Maple-Forest-1.19.2-2.6.2 | 06.12.2022 | fabric | R | 299 KB | 1.19.2 | 39 | Download |
Maple-Forest-1.18.2-1.6.2 | 06.12.2022 | fabric | R | 290 KB | 1.18.2 | 25 | Download |
Maple-Forest-1.18.2-1.6.1 | 22.11.2022 | fabric | R | 290 KB | 1.18.2 | 2 | Download |
Maple-Forest-1.19.2-2.6.1 | 22.11.2022 | fabric | R | 299 KB | 1.19.2 | 12 | Download |
Maple-Forest-1.19.2-2.6.0 | 20.11.2022 | fabric | R | 299 KB | 1.19.2 | 0 | Download |
Maple-Forest-1.18.2-1.6.0 | 20.11.2022 | fabric | R | 290 KB | 1.18.2 | 1 | Download |
Maple-Forest+1.18.2-1.5.0 | 11.11.2022 | fabric | R | 269 KB | 1.18.2 | 0 | Download |
Maple-Forest+1.19.2-2.5.0 | 11.11.2022 | fabric | R | 277 KB | 1.19.2 | 0 | Download |
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