Any decoration is impossible without paintings, and this is one of the most popular ways to complement any interior of buildings or premises in Minecraft. However, the vanilla options haven’t changed at all over 10 years, and enthusiastic developers keep adding their own unique options, replacing standard paintings, or developing additional ones. So, if you want to try something new and add paintings to Minecraft, install the Macaw’s Paintings mod by the popular author Macaw, who has often surprised you with his works.
The Macaw’s Paintings mod adds 46 vanilla-style paintings to Minecraft. This is a completely new direction for this developer, but the offered options turned out to be no inferior to the vanilla version of the game, and now each of you will be able to complement the interior and get new design styles. This is one of the most popular mods for changing the game appearance, and if you want to decorate the interior and enhance it, look at the screenshots that we’ve added to the review, both for small and large options.
You can get new paintings in the game in one click by just installing the Macaw’s Paintings mod in your assembly. The developer has done his best to work out each canvas in detail and display something interesting on it, which is not necessarily related to the theme of Minecraft. These can be ghosts, trees, mountains, rocks, bats, flowerpots, Jack’s face, and so one. Each painting looks interesting and unique in its own way. And after playing the vanilla-style game for a long time, any change will be welcome and interesting. And in this is, of course, a huge merit of the Macaw’s Paintings mod developer. He once again managed to make a high-quality product.
The pictures change randomly, depending on the size. For example, it can be 1 by 1 or 2 by 2, 2 by 1, and the picture will differ. A total of 46 new options have been added to the game, but we’ve posted only a part of them for you to show what innovations await you in the game world. It looks cool and unusual, and if you decide to decorate inner rooms of your buildings or make a cool interior, you can add the Macaw’s Paintings mod and use all its benefits. In general, this developer makes and supports many unique add-ons to the game that can diversify any decor style.
Interesting developments include: Macaw’s Fences and Walls (new types of fences, walls, and decor in the game, a large number of additional items), Macaw’s Furniture (a broad selection of all-detailed furniture), Macaw’s Roofs (unique types of roofs that you lack so much in the vanilla game version), Macaw’s Bridges (one of the best mods in Minecraft for adding different types of bridges). And this is not a full list of his achievements. If you have already used add-ons by this developer, then you’ll also want to give the project from this review a try.
The decor is an important part of this game. It’s not just limited to «cubes» and mobs. In Minecraft, you can recreate almost any style, make a high-quality and beautiful house, build interesting versions of castles, towers, and transfer any universes. And we can continue this list forever. In general, this is all we can say about the Macaw’s Paintings add-on, and we tried to make a brief but useful review for you. Install the mod, test different types of paintings, and write your opinion about this product. If you want to get even more different add-ons to change the decor or interior in Minecraft – please let us know in the comments and we’ll tell you which mods will be suitable.
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