After 10 years, Minecraft has got a huge number of different mobs, both neutral and hostile, and if the player is just starting their journey in this vast world, they may find it interesting to fight different bosses, visit numerous dungeons, locations, and biomes. But many of us have already built dozens of farms, killed all possible creatures, both in the ordinary world and in the Nether, and we want something new. Does it sound familiar? And if you are reading this article, then you are ready to expand the list of robbers in Minecraft. The Leo's Illagers mod will strongly transform these mobs in the game, adding even more options, and these functions can not «but rejoice».
The Leo's Illagers add-on will add about a dozen new types of robbers, which differ not only in their appearance, but in behavior as well. They can make different types of attacks and combat styles, different loot, updated textures, and other equally important details, so in this article we offer a detailed review of the Leo's Illagers mod and tried to tell you and describe its advantages, the mobs available after installing the add-on, and the difference between all the creatures.
The Leo's Villagers mod will change your idea of robbers in Minecraft and in one click diversify the list of mobs that you can fight. Here’s quite an impressive list of robbers, and each of them has certain abilities and skills. They are divided into bosses and ordinary creatures. First, let’s talk about the bosses:
Lightningcaller– a unique-looking mob that looks like a kind of ninja in a robe. It can use charged Creepers to summon lightnings. According to the developer, this type of mobs can use 6 different methods of attack.
Clownager – a clown robber who can create balloons to make the player soar in the sky. At the same time, it will deal damage to players while they are in the air. A unique and cool tactic, and this mob belongs to the boss category as well.
That’s all the «villains» from this category, and there are standard robbers with different looks and slightly different abilities are left. Again, each of them has certain skills and combat tactics, so you need to be careful when fighting such creatures. We’ve added screenshots of each type of robbers especially for you so that you can understand how the mob will attack if it sees you.
Vindicator – A mob with a shield that can block your attack and undo some effects. At the same time, it can cause the «Pushing», effect, causing additional damage to players.
Confuser – this robber teleports all the time around you and shoots arrows. It’s hard to get it, since it always disappears and appears from an unexpected side. It is best to use a sword with enchantments for close combat. These mobs are characterized by a colorful texture (beautiful gradients and transitions, unusual color scheme).
Meteoritecaller – Summons meteorites against the player, which descend on the player and cause tremendous damage. Before, we also told you about the Rain of Hell mod, which adds rain of dynamite and other phenomena to Minecraft that cause a lot of damage to the game world.
Necromancer – another unique and interesting type of robbers in Minecraft, which preserves the soul of dying villagers. When he attacks, he releases the souls of civilians, and these will become zombie residents. Can’t do damage if there are no souls.
Troublemaker – a typical representative of agriculture, harvesting crops from a farm and throwing all of it at the player, causing little damage. This mob can destroy the entire harvest in the game in a matter of seconds. But it has a beautiful texture: it has a pleasant color, clear face, and a small medieval-style backpack on the back.
Snowolager – can summon a snow cloud that will haunt the target. This category of robbers looks a bit like «Santa Claus».
Summoner – according to the mod developer, this is a small boss who has a few abilities to attack players in Minecraft. He has a nice suit with shining edging, and even watching the mob may sometimes be interesting.
You can spawn all the listed creatures from Leo's Villagers, using summoning eggs and the JEI add-on. They spawn in different game biomes and can often be located next to the ordinary robbers’ base. Read the list of mobs and their abilities carefully to understand how to defend yourself in the future and what to expect from another robber. We’re looking forward to your comments explaining what loot you managed to collect from a certain type of mobs, and where you met them. In fact, it’s a really interesting add-on that makes it possible to significantly expand the capabilities of robbers in Minecraft in a couple of clicks, and if you haven’t downloaded Leo's Illagers yet, then be sure to do it right now.
leosillagers-1.1.2-1.20.1 | 18.02.2025 | forge | R | 287 KB | 1.20.1 | 165 | Download |
leosillagers-1.1.2 | 29.01.2023 | forge | R | 289 KB | 1.19.2 | 3 k | Download |
leosillagers-1.1 | 27.01.2023 | forge | R | 288 KB | 1.19.2 | 10 | Download |
leosillagers-1.0 | 17.01.2023 | forge | R | 224 KB | 1.19.2 | 263 | Download |
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