Lighting plays an important role in Minecraft, as players have to constantly add more light in houses, large castles, and even open clearings — otherwise, hostile mobs will spawn incessantly. That is quite understandable, but one also wants to get aesthetic pleasure. However, torches and lanterns in Minecraft can often be installed in only one position, and that is not particularly encouraging, especially when it comes to interior design.
That is why we suggest you consider using a mod called Lanterns Belong on Walls, which implements slightly modified lantern installation mechanics in Minecraft. With this add-on, any player will be able to install a lantern on a wall by simply clicking on the latter. That works with almost any lanterns, including modified versions, which are being abundantly released for this game.
How did you install the lanterns before? They could be placed on the ground, but such an approach and the position of this item did not look particularly correct. The designer of the Lanterns Belong on Walls mod has decided to fix this situation, and you will now be able to quickly install lanterns on any wall or surface using a special default mount. Where it is possible, it will be enough just to approach a wall and click the RMB while looking at it. The lighting device will be installed immediately, along with the mount. The latter are added automatically for all the in-game lanterns.
The new mechanics apply to all the vanilla lanterns. Moreover, there are also special mods dedicated to lighting that add even more options and colors, but the Lanterns Belong on Walls mod is perfectly compatible with them, featuring such unique functionality. With the help of such lanterns, any player will be able to create a cozy interior, develop a beautiful design project, decorate the rooms inside, and make colorful screenshots or videos for YouTube. In short, this mod implements a small but highly important tweak for the game.
The Lanterns Belong on Walls mod is already available for Minecraft 1.20.1 but requires Fabric. So you will need to use this library to be able to take advantage of all the features and benefits of this add-on. It works correctly, supports a huge number of similar user mods, and just perfectly serves its task. The Lanterns Belong on Walls add-on is often included in Minecraft builds, both global and usual, so if you have not yet used such a mod, be sure to download and try it.
lanterns-belong-on-walls-1.7.0+1.20.4 | 01.04.2024 | fabric, quilt | R | 120 KB | 1.20.4 | 48 | Download |
lanterns-belong-on-walls-1.6.1+1.20.1 | 13.07.2023 | fabric, quilt | R | 175 KB | 1.20.1 | 378 | Download |
lanterns-belong-on-walls-1.6.0+1.19.4 | 11.07.2023 | fabric, quilt | R | 155 KB | 1.19.4 | 30 | Download |
lanterns-belong-on-walls-1.5.1-1.19.3 | 12.03.2023 | fabric, quilt | R | 73 KB | 1.19.3 | 32 | Download |
lanterns-belong-on-walls-1.5.0-1.19.3 | 04.02.2023 | fabric, quilt | R | 72 KB | 1.19.3 | 0 | Download |
lanterns-belong-on-walls-1.4.1-1.19.3 | 09.01.2023 | fabric | R | 74 KB | 1.19.3 | 21 | Download |
lanterns-belong-on-walls-1.4.0-1.19 | 10.09.2022 | fabric | R | 144 KB | 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19 | 280 | Download |
lanterns-belong-on-walls-1.3.0-1.18.x | 17.07.2022 | fabric | R | 63 KB | 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.18 | 150 | Download |
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