Storage Labels for Minecraft

  • Author: mehvahdjukaar
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 16.05.2024
  • Last version 1.21.1

Review Storage Labels

Storage Labels

One of the largest drawbacks of the game, which we can see in vanilla Minecraft, is the difficulties that a gamer faces when creating a warehouse with items. Especially when it comes to very hard survival modes or a situation of limited resources and when the game continues for a long time and a lot of Minecraft days and real-time hours have passed. Indeed, it’s a pity­ when you can’t find the desired and hard-won items among the numerous collected boxes and barrels, and you have to open each container to find out what is stored inside. Moreover, the next time you need the item, you’ll also have to search for it again, going through everything in a row.

It’s quite logical that by this stage the player doesn’t lack either the available storage areas or the material for making containers and tries to put items of the same class or even one type of consumables in each box. What do we do in real life when the storage container is opaque? That’s right, we make signatures on the storage container. «Why not do it in Minecraft as well?», the developer of the Storage Labels mod thought (which means «warehouse labels»), and crafted a small, but very convenient and functional add-on to the game.

The Storage Labels mod review

The gist of the mod is simple. It contains a single object – a paper label that you can attach to almost any block. The label can be glued to all Minecraft blocks designed for manual installation on the surface and to all natural soil blocks.

The most useful and obvious application of this improvement is to label containers where you store one item type. Thus, it will be a good idea to put an image of this item on the label and even sign it.

By default, the label is an empty piece of paper, whose color is intended to imitate the surface of coarse wrapping paper or cardboard. In the Storage Labels mod, it’s crafted from four sheets of ordinary Minecraft paper.

Right-click to glue the label to the block surface on any of its sides, not only on the sides, but also on the top (and even on the bottom).

Select the item you need in the inventory, whose image you want to see on the label, and drag it to one of the action slots at the bottom of the inventory.

Select this item in the action slot, making it active.
Now, hover the cursor over the selected and pasted label. Press the Shift button, right-clicking at the same time. The image of the selected item will be transferred to the label.

The mod’s features aren’t limited by it. The pen will interact with the label in an extremely useful way. After installing the required image, select the pen in the slot, hover over the label and right-click on the label, and the name of the selected item will appear in addition to the image!

The images of some items are clear without a name, but a signature on the label is simply necessary for most of them.

it’s interesting that the names on the signature depend on the language of mod’s interface, the same as in the inventory. But it’s not recommended changing the language during the game, after the names have already been applied to the labels, as it can cause an error, spoiling the save when the file is triggered in two languages at the same time. If you are playing with an English-language interface, it’s a great opportunity to study English Minecraft terms.

It looks interesting, but this should not be allowed. The inscription in two languages at once leads to the crash of the save.

Such labels can be used to mark, for example, chests, boxes, barrels, glass containers where the items depicted on the label will be stored. Now, you won’t have to waste time searching for the right thing.
It will be convenient to store 2 or 4 types of items in double chests.

The mod’s algorithm is designed so that you can glue the block from all sides, that is, 6 labels can be attached to a cube hanging in the air, and 5 on a cube located on the surface. And you have the opportunity to make different signatures on each side. It’s up to you to decide how to use this opportunity. It’s hard to say why you may need it, most likely, this opportunity was simply built-in in the interaction algorithm without any specific purpose. So, nothing prevents you from making a sticker on a workbench with the inscription «Crafting Table», in case the user has forgotten the name of this item or confuses it with a soil block.

You can label any surface except snow, water, foliage, and the like, which are not designed for such interactivity. On stripped-down blocks, such as steps, the label will protrude beyond the item surface. Also you can label not the containers themselves, but, say, the walls of the room above them.

Logic suggests that now you can create something like a museum or an exhibition of Minecraft items in the game. – put blocks in stacks, glue labels with names, and admire and remember the appearance and names of geological rocks, found and hand-made rarities.

Of course, you can experience the full value of the Storage Labels mod in survival mode only, when each replenishment of the inventory with a new type of items is a result of significant efforts andluck.

The Storage Labels add-on «cooperates» with texture packs installed on the vanilla basis, while the image of the object on the label and the text signature will also be in higher resolution with the texture pack installed.

The Storage Labels mod helps gamers smartly organize the storage of items in Minecraft, and spend less time searching for the right equipment and item; it does not interfere with access to storage tanks and fits into the atmosphere of the game in quite a stylish and «old school» way.

Images Storage Labels

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Download Storage Labels

Available for next versions: 1.21.1, 1.21, 1.20.1, 1.19.4, 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19, 1.18.2, 1.18.1
Game versions
Version type
Show only last mod versions
labels-1.21-2.0.1-neoforge 07.03.2025 neoForge R 93 KB 1.21.1, 1.21 4 Download
labels-1.21-2.0.0-neoforge 17.02.2025 neoForge R 92 KB 1.21.1, 1.21 7 Download
labels-1.21-2.0.0-fabric 17.02.2025 fabric R 105 KB 1.21.1, 1.21 7 Download
labels-1.20-2.0.0 17.02.2025 forge R 252 KB 1.20.1 117 Download
labels-1.20-2.0.0-fabric 17.02.2025 fabric R 261 KB 1.20.1 63 Download
labels-1.20-1.20.2-fabric 16.05.2024 fabric R 105 KB 1.20.1 141 Download
labels-1.20-1.20.1 26.02.2024 forge R 93 KB 1.20.1 738 Download
labels-1.20-1.20.1-fabric 26.02.2024 fabric R 105 KB 1.20.1 36 Download
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