Most of the Minecraft mods add various types of ores and new types of blocks only for the Overworld, and this is quite normal practice. However, the developers of the Janoeo Foundation mod have decided to approach the matter differently.
Initially, the mod was called Janoeo. It transferred the ores from the Overworld to the Nether and the End. That is, you could go to the End for elytra but find not only them there but also numerous ores among the end stone. The same was true about the Nether, where netherite mainly prevails.
The developers subsequently renamed the Janoeo mod to Janoeo Foundation, adding a large number of additional ores, dust, and various types of blocks. This mod has become quite popular among the English-speaking community.
Please note that in the recent versions of Janoeo Foundation, all the ore types are generated in the Overworld and the Nether. However, we personally checked the End and found that the ores do not generate there.
The Janoeo Foundation mod adds a large number of ores to Minecraft. If we take into account all their varieties, there are about 70 of them. However, their basic material can be identical (for example, tin generates in the form of an ore or a whole nugget, which can later be smelted and used in crafting).
The screenshot below allows one roughly understand what ore types can now be found in the game, both in the Overworld and the Nether. It shows all the tin ore varieties.
Below is an example of different varieties of the diamond ore. As in the case of tin, it can generate in the form of diamonds and nuggets, of which it is possible to make a whole ingot. The screenshots clearly show all the mod's advantages and the new in-game items.
In this section, we have listed the new types of materials added to the game by the Janoeo Foundation mod. Among the new ores, there are:
Each of these ores generates both in the Overworld and the Nether, and there you can get both nuggets and raw metals from them for further processing. The screenshot below shows what you will get after smelting.
Besides, you can quickly get a whole ingot from nuggets. This is also true of the diamond, so that is a real imbalance.
So that you can roughly understand what we have in mind, look at the screenshot below, which shows all types of the new raw materials. They will need to be smelted in a furnace, and each material has its own processing time. After that, you will get a whole ingot for further crafting — although, to be fair, there are not so many crafting recipes in Janoeo Foundation, and they are not particularly useful.
Perhaps you remember that Minecraft featured several types of dust for brewing potions. This list has been gradually expanded, and now redstone, glowstone dust, and gunpowder are also used for that. In this add-on, the designers have also added almost all kinds of dust related to the new ores and expanded the functionality of the vanilla game version. As a result, you will be able to take advantage of the following dust types at the moment:
1. Coal;
2. Aluminium;
3. Copper;
4. Tin;
5. Iron;
6. Lead;
7. Nickel;
8. Silver;
9. Lapis Lazuli;
10. Gold;
11. Uranium;
12. Amethyst;
13. Diamond;
14. Emerald.
In the screenshot above, you can see what all dust types in Minecraft look like and what color they have. In fact, their image is the same, differing only in color.
Even though there are many types of them, they are not used in the game in any way. It is just an idea for future updates, where the modders promise to add a large amount of content.
The mod could not but add new crafting options to Minecraft, so the designers have offered a couple of new items: rods and gears.
The screenshot below shows what the in-game gears of different types look like. These are all the available types at the moment, but in fact, they are not used anywhere.
You may also be interested in the crafting principle of some of them. Here are some examples.
As for the rods, there are exactly as many of them as there are gears because they are the main ingredient for their crafting.
Below, there are some more screenshots so that you can understand how these rods are crafted in the game.
The recent version of the Janoeo Foundation mod is 1.19. It was released not so long ago by the developers. The only thing to keep in mind is that the DiaboloLib library used in all the add-ons by the developers of Janoeo is required for its correct work.
The main useful feature of the Janoeo Foundation mod at the moment is that it enables the ore generation in the Nether. So, you can now go there not only for netherite but also for other types of resources: diamonds, diamond nuggets, different types of metals, and other items.
However, all the new content from the mod, in fact, has no sphere of application, and there is nowhere to use it. Of course, you can craft various blocks from the ingots and use them in the interior and exterior design of your structures, but that is virtually all. We can only hope that the designers of the Janoeo Foundation mod will soon implement all the ideas they wanted to implement.
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janoeo-foundation- | 09.07.2023 | forge | R | 588 KB | 1.20.1 | 3 k | Download |
janoeo-foundation- | 13.06.2023 | forge | R | 590 KB | 1.20 | 1 k | Download |
janoeo-foundation- | 09.06.2023 | forge | R | 590 KB | 1.20 | 4 | Download |
janoeo-foundation- | 09.06.2023 | forge | R | 590 KB | 1.20 | 413 | Download |
Janoeo Foundation- | 08.05.2023 | forge | R | 585 KB | 1.19.4 | 886 | Download |
Janoeo Foundation- | 09.04.2023 | forge | R | 615 KB | 1.18.2 | 910 | Download |
Janoeo Foundation- | 18.02.2023 | forge | R | 725 KB | 1.19.3 | 462 | Download |
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