Held Item Tooltips [Forge & Fabric] for Minecraft

  • Author: Fuzs Fuzs LunaPixelStudios
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 06.02.2025
  • Last version 1.21.4

Review Held Item Tooltips [Forge & Fabric]

Held Item Tooltips: New Tips in Minecraft

Minecraft provides new players with several tips, thanks to which they can understand how to move around, how to create new items, and what types of crafting are available in the vanilla version, but they are still not enough. Thus, the item durability, enchantments, the contents of shulker boxes, and other points are not covered by them. However, for such a purpose, you can install an add-on called Held Item Tooltips, which gives more information about different in-game blocks and items. Thanks to it, you will be able to promptly see data on the screen.

The Held Item Tooltips mod not only provides you with a large amount of extra information but also has numerous parameters that allow any user to customize the order, fonts, colors, and many other important attributes to create a perfect HUD interface with tips. Moreover, the system supports not only the vanilla items but also the content of other add-ons.

Review of the Held Item Tooltips Mod

The mechanics of the mod are simple — the system will display additional information about a hotbar item or block when the player holds them in their hand. So you will not have to press 'E' to get information about an enchanted book or potion effect anymore. It will be enough to hold it in your hands, and all the information will be shown above it. Thus, if you have a book with the Strength IV effect, after you take it in your hands, the information will be automatically displayed on the screen. Previously, in the vanilla Minecraft, you had to open inventory to get such data.

The same applies to the durability of armor and tools. Holding a pickaxe, axe, or any other weapon or tool in your hands, you will see their characteristics in real time. Such an approach allows you to save valuable tools, say, with many enchantments. And you will understand that this or that item will soon break and needs to be repaired in advance. Even though there are other Minecraft mods that display durability, the Held Item Tooltips add-on copes with this task perfectly and, unlike many other mods for the latest versions, does not require Fabric.

Another important feature of the Held Item Tooltips mod is the display of the contents of the shulker boxes. So you will now not have to place it on the floor and open it to see which blocks and items are inside. It will be enough just to take a shulker box in your hand, and all the information will be displayed above the block. A simple and convenient function, isn't it? Thanks to this mod, you will always be able to see data related to enchantments, potion effects, the contents of different containers, the durability of in-game tools, the duration of fireworks, etc.

The last important feature of the mod to consider is the possibility of finely adjusting it by choosing different types of fonts, text color, size, and many other parameters. Even if you already have other mods, Held Item Tooltips will nicely fit with the game GUI. The mod has proved to be quite a convenient and simple option that solves numerous routine in-game tasks. It is not surprising that this add-on is often included in many Minecraft builds, which we have already reviewed more than once.

So feel free to take full advantage of the Held Item Tooltips mod, download the recent version, and customize it as you see fit. The only thing you should keep in mind is that the data is displayed for about a second and so should be memorized quickly. But you get used to that, and it even becomes impossible to explore the Minecraft world without this mod. Be sure to leave your feedback about Held Item Tooltips and tell us what other tweaks or mods for Minecraft that add not only content, mobs, or biomes but also such narrow functionality to facilitate the gameplay or provide information in a convenient way you would like to see.

This element has no dependencies.

Download Held Item Tooltips [Forge & Fabric]

Available for next versions: 1.21.4, 1.21.3, 1.21.1, 1.20.4, 1.20.1, 1.20, 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2
Game versions
Version type
Show only last mod versions
HeldItemTooltips-v21.4.0-1.21.4-NeoForge 07.02.2025 neoForge R 74 KB 1.21.4 14 Download
HeldItemTooltips-v21.4.0-1.21.4-Fabric 07.02.2025 fabric R 73 KB 1.21.4 89 Download
HeldItemTooltips-v21.3.0-1.21.3-NeoForge 06.12.2024 neoForge R 74 KB 1.21.3 1 Download
HeldItemTooltips-v21.3.0-1.21.3-Fabric 06.12.2024 fabric R 73 KB 1.21.3 10 Download
HeldItemTooltips-v21.1.0-1.21.1-NeoForge 12.09.2024 neoForge R 74 KB 1.21.1 55 Download
HeldItemTooltips-v21.1.0-1.21.1-Fabric 12.09.2024 fabric R 73 KB 1.21.1 97 Download
HeldItemTooltips-v20.4.1-1.20.4-NeoForge 10.02.2024 neoForge R 78 KB 1.20.4 66 Download
HeldItemTooltips-v20.4.1-1.20.4-Forge 10.02.2024 forge R 78 KB 1.20.4 208 Download
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