GUNS RPG for Minecraft

  • Author: toma1o6
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 12.12.2024
  • Last version 1.16.5


GUNS RPG: Collect the Best Weapons and Enjoy Maximum Firepower!

Playing Minecraft for a long time, one cannot but get gradually tired of the usual and already familiar gameplay. Every new day becomes routine, and constructing various structures is no longer fun. In such cases, players often resort to installing mods that completely rethink the approach to the game. Suppose you would like to shoot firearms, but it is not interesting to do it idly, so you need quests as well. And you indeed can find such a mod option on the Internet, as requests of this kind are also addressed by the community. It is called GUNS RPG, where you have to develop from a poor guy with a slingshot to a true soldier with firearms and even more.

This mod is just huge: a large number of various weapons, medicines, ammunition, and much more await you. It is nice that the designers have paid some attention to such a minor feature as animations. Thus, when the drug is injected from a syringe, you will now witness a full-blown action that takes some time. As for the quests, they are numerous here, and you will have to try hard to complete everything. However, as a reward, you will get the opportunity to fight a boss!

The mod requires the following additional library:

· Configuration

Review of the GUNS RPG Mod

Let us start with the main thing you will have to do in the game, namely character leveling. If you think that you would pick up an assault rifle and start shooting everyone in a row right from the start, you are dead wrong. As in any RPG game, there is a skill tree here.

The main requirement here is the number of kills, which is indicated at the bottom of the screen. As we already have the highest-level character, we can see 'Level: 100' in our screenshots. Please note that this indicator is also displayed during the game at the bottom right corner. Besides, you will be able to develop your skills for experience points. There are four of them: Weapon, Survival, Mining, and Resistance. And, by the way, you will get your first weapon at the 5th level! Such a system is essentially not difficult and quite familiar.

Quest System

It is also quite usual. Traveling around the game world, you will eventually come across a village with a special building called the mayor's house. It is this NPC that will give you all the quests. We usually found these structures in desert and plain villages. Thus, during our flight through three snowy biomes, we did not see any, but in a desert village, we found three at once! Its design is the same regardless of the materials it is made of and looks as follows:

Its interior is very rich. Along the walls, you will see special functional blocks added by the same mod, using which you will have to craft or repair all of your weapons. However, given that there are also such blocks as the lectern and the grindstone, other villagers will always be there, as these are their tools. So we recommend destroying these blocks. As for the mayor, it looks like a reworked wandering trader.

Right-click on it, and a quest selection GUI will open. It is quite intuitive.

At the top left, you can see a list of five possible tasks. Unfortunately, you will be able to accept only one. To do that, select the quest you are interested in and click the Choose Quest button. After that, your active task will be displayed in the lower left corner, and additional information will be shown on the main screen.

The latter reminds you what needs to be done and in what radius from the mayor. The first quests are extremely easy. That is how the quest system works. Please note that different mayors still give you the tasks that are synchronized. So you will not be able to take the same quest from everyone and complete it repeatedly!


They are numerous, and there is not much point in considering each separately, as you can do that yourself in the game. Let us consider only one model of each type. The first of them is the M1911 pistol.

It must be noted from the outset that the designers have implemented a quite elaborate aiming system. As we played as the highest-level character, we got a pistol with a silencer, which is not available at start. To load ammo into a weapon, press Shift + R, or just R if you are doing this for the first time. A radial menu will be shown, which will be replenished with different ammo types as you progress. But initially, only wooden bullets are available.

As for the pistol itself, it does not cause much damage and is unlocked at the beginning of your journey when you reach level 5. It requires 9 mm bullets. However, it is easier to open the radial menu and see the icons than to remember all that.

Rocket Launcher

It is a highly powerful weapon that causes enormous damage to a particular area.

However, as the game cannot boast any ballistics, its rocket flies exclusively in a straight line without deviating downwards. Accordingly, hitting a target through its sight is a piece of cake. Besides, it features a reload animation, which is a bit simplistic but still quite smooth and realistic.

As for the ammo, it requires rockets, which come in different types that you should learn about yourself.


This highly widespread assault rifle could not but appear in this mod. It can boast an eye-pleasing model and is capable of shooting bursts.

It lacks a front sight for some reason, but it is quite possible to do without it. However, it also features a nice reload animation.

It should also be noted that the mod allows you to shoot both single shots and bursts. The B button is responsible for that by default, but we strongly recommend you look in the settings and bind a convenient key. You should also take into account that you should be careful with bursts as your sight will shift.


It is a typical sniper rifle with a scope. Zooming is implemented quite decently, although not perfectly.

However, this rifle utilizes pistol ammo, which means that you should not expect much damage from it. Only netherite ammo will be powerful enough. Its reload animation is quite standard and not particularly remarkable.

Winchester Rifle

This weapon can boast a very high firepower, which means it will cause quite a lot of damage. However, it can hit one target only. It has a nice design and a scope.

It requires a special rifle ammo. Its reload animation is quite elaborate and smooth in every respect.


It is a kind of pump-action shotgun, which means that it has a low range but a very high damage level in close combat. Its reloading animation is typical for such guns and can be seen in more than a dozen games.

It goes without saying that it requires shotgun shells, which come in many different variants.

Wooden Crossbow

It is another famous weapon, which gained popularity thanks to PUBG. It has a scope and causes high, even enormous, damage.

Its reload animation is elaborate and realistic, as you see how your character pulls the string.

It utilizes bolts of various kinds.

Grenade Launcher

It is quite standard and can shoot at a not particularly long distance only.

However, it can boast a wonderful reload animation that features even a separate cylinder.

Its ammo types are not particularly diverse but include some special variants, such as sticky grenades.

Healing Means

Finally, it remains only to consider various healing means. They all work on the same principle, restoring your health immediately or gradually. More advanced means restore more health and give some extra effects.

As you can see, they include pills, injections, bandages, splints, and so on. As for what a particular drug does inside the game, you can learn about that from the hint. Some of these items have animations, including syringes and pill bottles.

It is time to end our review. Even though we have not been able to examine everything, we have highlighted the most significant features and content elements. This mod also features debuff mechanics, say, when you get a wound after a spider bite, death mechanics, when a character is given only six health points for five minutes after respawning, and much more. The designers have done a great job, and it is a sheer pleasure to complete quests and develop your character, especially given that conditions are not particularly hard to satisfy. So you should necessarily try the GUNS RPG mod.


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Download GUNS RPG

Available for next versions: 1.16.5, 1.12.2
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gunsrpg-1.16.5-1.5.6 13.12.2024 forge R 6 MB 1.16.5 6 k Download
gunsrpg-1.16.5-1.5.5 07.12.2024 forge R 6 MB 1.16.5 79 Download
gunsrpg-1.16.5-1.5.4 02.12.2024 forge R 6 MB 1.16.5 42 Download
gunsrpg-1.16.5-1.5.3 30.11.2024 forge R 6 MB 1.16.5 13 Download
gunsrpg-1.16.5-1.5.2 21.11.2024 forge R 6 MB 1.16.5 195 Download
gunsrpg-1.16.5-1.5.1 16.11.2024 forge R 6 MB 1.16.5 4 Download
gunsrpg-1.16.5-1.5.0 10.11.2024 forge R 6 MB 1.16.5 2 Download
gunsrpg-1.16.5-1.4.5 22.07.2024 forge R 6 MB 1.16.5 6 k Download
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