Have you ever wondered what Minecraft would be like with Cyclopes, Satyrs, and Centaurs? Or Gigantes, Geryons, and Gorgons? How about Sirens and Unicorns? Wonder no more - this mod has them all!
Most of the content of this mod revolves around interesting, unique creatures found around your world. Here's a complete list:
Bosses:Bronze Bull
Cretan Minotaur
Giant Boar
Nemean Lion
Baby Spider
Mad Cow
Triton and Tritoness
Golden Ram
Visit the wiki for more detailed information
You now have access to special items and relics from Greek history.
Blocks:Altar - use to improve your favor with a god (only when RPG Gods is installed)
Mysterious Box - probably shouldn't open this, unless you really need to find an Elpis
Palladium - wooden statue that protects against harm by preventing monsters from spawning in a given chunk
Bronze Block - craft with 9 bronze ingots; used to build Automaton, Talos, and Bronze Bull
Ichor-Infused Gearbox - Place this block and a bronze block on top to summon your very own Automaton!
Terracotta Vase - stores a single stack of items
Mob Heads - dropped by Orthus, Gigante, and Cerberus; required to summon some bosses.
Thunderbolt - channels the raw power of lightning
Wand of Circe - magical wand that turns players into pigs
Bident - weapon of the underworld similar to a trident
Avernal Bow - shoots fire arrows
Bow of Apollo - shoots double fire arrows
Bow of Artemis - shoots triple arrows at high speeds
Clubs - wood, stone, and iron clubs pack a powerful punch
Spears - various spears can be thrown for ranged damage
Greek Fire - DIY incendiary grenade that can even light fires on water.
Flint Knife - chosen tool of the treacherous Ara. Faster than a sword but deals less damage.
Bronze Feather - razor-sharp metallic feather that pierces armor when thrown.
Discus - not a great weapon. Careful timing is key to throwing the discus hard enough to do any damage
Ambrosia - magical nectar with the same power as an enchanted golden apple
Horn of Plenty - "cornucopia" overflowing with food
Dragon Tooth - ancient relic used to summon skeleton warriors
Dragon Tooth Rod - damages mobs after hooking them (further distance = more damage)
Staff of Healing - powerful relic that casts healing spells
Thyrsus - a staff flowing with milk and water. Can be used as a weapon in a pinch
Helm of Darkness - legendary helmet that turns the wearer and their items invisible
Conch - use to place water, sneak+use to pick up water
Bag of Wind - use to get a brief speed boost
Winged Sandals - incredible speed and jumping power
Mirror - may be useful to avoid the gaze of the gorgons...
Golden Bridle - required to catch and tame a Unicorn
Unicorn Horn - purifies the user by removing all negative effects
Panflute - musical instrument used by the Satyrs
Lyre - musical instrument
Web Ball - small bundle of web that may contain items... or spider eggs
Olive Oil
Golden Sapling - its leaves may contain golden apples!
Quest - a slip of paper with advice for defeating bosses and summoning creatures.
Hellenic Armor - provides arrow protection from the front but causes the player to be extra-vulnerable to arrow shots from behind
Snakeskin Armor - enchanted with Poisoning, which poisons creatures that attack the wearer
Nemean Lion Hide - provides arrow protection from behind.
Ichor - a small drop of the blood of the gods
Bronze - created by melting bronze scrap that is found in chests around the world; used to make armors and summon bosses. Sometimes dropped by cyclopes.
Horn - dropped by horned creatures (Minotaur, Cerastes, Cyprian); used to create Ambrosia
Avernal Feather - dropped by Harpies (or found in their nests); used to create the Winged Sandals
Snakeskin - dropped by Gorgons; used to make the Staff of Healing or brewed to make a Potion of Mirroring.
Tough Snakeskin - dropped by Pythons and Medusa; required to craft Snakeskin Armor
Deadly Fang - dropped by Pythons; required to craft Snakeskin Armor
Avernal Shards - dropped by Fury; required for the Helm of Darkness.
Talos Heart - dropped by Talos; required for the Palladium
Avernal Claw - dropped by Orthus; can be crafted with a book to get a Sharpness enchantment.
Wild Rose - dropped by Satyrs; when placed, gives Absorption effect; can be crafted with a book to get a Hunting enchantment. Items with Hunting have a chance to instantly kill most animals.
Avernal Hide - dropped by Cerberus; required for the Helm of Darkness; can be crafted with a book to get a Fire Protection enchantment.
Avernal Wing - dropped by Empusa and Fury; used to tame Orthus.
Ichor Infused Gear - dropped by Bronze Bull; used to craft Achilles Armor.
Avernal Hair - dropped by Empusa; used to craft Gold String and Cursed Bow
Olives - dropped from Olive leaves; used to craft Olive Oil and Olive Salve
Scylla Bone - dropped by Scylla; required to craft Dragon Tooth Rod
You may encounter small structures in your travels, some more interesting than others. Here is a complete list:
**NEW** The Gods and Favor system (and statues) have been moved to RPG Gods. You can use Greek Fantasy without RPG Gods, but if you enjoyed the Gods and Favor system previously, you should give it a try!
Potion Effects:
Here is a link to the wiki which has a more information and examples on datapack support. An example datapack can be downloaded from the wiki or the "Additional Files" section of Forge downloads.
The config file for this mod gives modpack creators plenty of control over the mod. Customizable options include special item abilities, potion effects and enchantments, mob spawn chances/biomes, mob special attacks, and structure generation chances/biomes.
Mysterious Box:
The mysterious box uses .mcfunction files to decide what happens when they're opened. This means a datapack can add .mcfunction files and they will be used as well. The files must be located at "data/[namespace]/functions/mysterious_box/[function_name].mcfunction". See the wiki for details.
The songs that can be played on a panflute or lyre are loaded through datapacks. Users can add their own songs in a JSON format and save it as "data/[namespace]/songs/[song_name].json". The JSON file must specify a name and credits (or translation keys), the interval between each beat, the total number of beats, and one or two arrays of notes to play (from 0-24 where 0 means "no note"). See the wiki for details.
The quests that are found in chests or given by Centaurs can use a custom data pack. Users can add their own quests in a JSON format and save it as "data/[namespace]/quests/[quest_name].json". The JSON file must specify the description and components (or translation keys). See the wiki for details.
The radial menu in this mod uses source code originally created by gigaherz. That portion of the mod is licensed under the BSD license. This notice may not be removed from any distribution of Greek Fantasy.
Q: Forge or Fabric?
A: Forge only.
Q: Can I use the mod in a modpack?
A: If at all possible, please link to the CurseForge page instead of redistributing the mod. Modpacks are perfectly fine if they follow this rule.
Q: Can I request a feature?
A: Please do! I have lots of ideas but not always a good way to make them work.
Q: Do you have a Discord?
A: You can find me on the MMD server in the #skyjay-mods channel (under "Community Mods")
greekfantasy-19.2.6 | 04.11.2022 | forge | R | 3 MB | 1.19.2 | 8 k | Download |
greekfantasy-19.2.5 | 21.10.2022 | forge | R | 3 MB | 1.19.2 | 566 | Download |
greekfantasy-18.2.9 | 21.10.2022 | forge | R | 3 MB | 1.18.2 | 5 k | Download |
greekfantasy-18.2.8 | 06.10.2022 | forge | R | 3 MB | 1.18.2 | 133 | Download |
greekfantasy-19.2.4 | 05.10.2022 | forge | R | 3 MB | 1.19.2 | 419 | Download |
19.2.3 | 03.10.2022 | forge | R | 3 MB | 1.19.2 | 52 | Download |
18.2.7 | 03.10.2022 | forge | R | 3 MB | 1.18.2 | 18 | Download |
greekfantasy-19.2.1 | 24.09.2022 | forge | R | 3 MB | 1.19.2 | 289 | Download |
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