A mod called Good Night's Sleep allows the player to go into their unusual dreams. But dreams can be good and bad — this is what this add-on is based on. It also adds two new beds: luxurious and wretched.
The beds created be crafted in the usual crafting table from positive and negative gems, which can be found in caves.
After crafting the beds, you can use them at any time, even during the day. If you lie down in the luxurious bed, you will be transferred to the Good Dream. This dimension is completely harmless and safe, so you will be able to die there only of your own free will. There is not a single hostile mob there, and everything is very bright and beautiful. There is also nighttime in that world, but it is also quite light.
You will see various animals there, both ordinary and of two new kinds — the unicorn and the baby creeper. The latter is completely harmless: after you hit it, it will explode without any consequences.
In this world, you will meet three species of tall plants: candy tree, dream tree, and hope mushroom. Among the low vegetation, there are the lollipop bush, dream grass, and colorful flowers.
The wood of the dream and candy trees can be used as the material of two new colors for construction or crafting.
The water bodies of this unusual world are the habitat for ordinary squids. There are also decorative sponges scattered around.
Two new ores type can be found in the depths of this dimension: candy and rainbow. The candy ore drops candies, which can be eaten or used for crafting a new type of armor — candy armor. It is the same as the ordinary iron armor in terms of characteristics. As for the rainbow ore, you can get useful resources, such as diamonds, emeralds, and so on, from it. Alternatively, you can smelt it in a furnace and get an ingot necessary for crafting the rainbow armor and tools.
To return to the Overworld, you need to fall asleep on a luxurious or ordinary bed. But keep in mind that the latter action can transfer you to the Nightmare, not to the ordinary world. The Nightmare is an eternally dark and extremely dangerous dimension. You will have to be careful, as all the hostile mobs live there. This world is very difficult-to-survive. You will constantly hear scary sounds there and see lava instead of water.
The mod adds new ores, mobs, tools, weapons, vegetation, and armor to the Nightmare. The new ore types include zitrite and the negative ore. By smelting the zitrite ore, you can get the ingots necessary for crafting zitrite tools. By smelting the negative ore, you can get the negative gem necessary for crafting negative armor and tools, as well as the wretched bed.
New types of trees grow in the Nightmare: the blood tree and the dead tree. Their wood can be used for usual purposes.
The Good Night's Sleep mod adds three new unique mobs: the giant zombie, tormentor, and herobrine.
good_nights_sleep-1.20.4-1.3.1 | 14.01.2024 | forge | R | 6 MB | 1.20.4 | 1 k | Download |
good_nights_sleep-1.20.1-1.3.1 | 30.08.2023 | forge | B | 6 MB | 1.20.1 | 5 k | Download |
good_nights_sleep-1.19.4-1.3.1 | 30.08.2023 | forge | B | 6 MB | 1.19.4 | 762 | Download |
good_nights_sleep-1.20.1-1.3.0 | 24.08.2023 | forge | B | 6 MB | 1.20.1 | 56 | Download |
good_nights_sleep-1.19.4-1.3.0 | 24.08.2023 | forge | B | 6 MB | 1.19.4 | 20 | Download |
good-nights-sleep-1.16.5-1.2.14 | 04.03.2021 | forge | R | 6 MB | 1.16.5 | 93 k | Download |
good-nights-sleep-1.16.4-1.2.13 | 18.02.2021 | forge | R | 6 MB | 1.16.5, 1.16.4 | 2 k | Download |
1.16.4-v1.2.12 | 17.02.2021 | forge | R | 6 MB | 1.16.5, 1.16.4 | 1 k | Download |
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