GeoSmelt (Neoforge 1.21.1+) for Minecraft

  • Author: thewitherlord
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 10.03.2025
  • Last version 1.21.1

Review GeoSmelt (Neoforge 1.21.1+)

GeoSmelt (Forge Mod): Everything for Lovers of Valuable Metals

GeoSmelt (Forge Mod) is a small add-on that increases the number of in-game metals and brings new ores, ingots, and so on. Besides, new blocks, weapons, and much more will appear as well.

Each of these ores will have unique characteristics and applications. With their help, you will be able to craft amazing magic artifacts that can be used both in battle and in survival.

Moreover, you will be able to use the new blocks for decoration and construction. They can boast bright appearances and a wide variety. In addition, you will encounter some new hostile mobs.


It is one of the most widespread metals. However, not much stuff can be crafted of it, just a few types of blocks, tools, and weapons.

The latter are not particularly powerful and are roughly the same as the iron ones. Thus, the sword inflicts six damage, and the axe does nine.


This truly cosmic metal looks incredibly futuristic. Bright pink and blue colors create an unusual atmosphere and are perfect for a neon-style decorative design.

You will be able to craft a special multitool from it and starcinium. This is a special means that is equally effective at destroying any kind of block, be it stone, wood, dirt, etc. So it can replace several tools.


This resource is somewhat similar to diamonds. It is the same bright blue color and is quite rare.

The comparison is quite relevant also because all the tools and weapons made of it are of about the same efficiency level as their diamond counterparts.


This ore resembles classic emeralds. However, unlike them, it has a large number of applications.

Most importantly, it can be used for crafting a pistol. With its help, you will be able to inflict significant damage on your enemies from afar without the risk of dying from their blows.


It is one of the most useful metals brought by the mod. All the most helpful things can be made from it, which can be seen even by the number of craftable blocks. They include not only ordinary and cut metal blocks but also stairs, doors, lamps, lanterns, and even bombs!

You will even be able to create a whole golem from it.

As for the weapons and tools, they can be compared with the netherite ones. You will be able to craft a complete set thereof, including horse armor and even super-strong enchanted apples.

The Galaxy Champion

It is the main boss here. It is quite difficult to fight it, as you first need to summon it.

To do that, you will need two blocks of the starcinium and the boss's head, which must be placed on top.

Once it spawns, the game world will immediately get immersed in darkness, and it will begin the attack. Raising its hands up, it will begin to summon flying spheres. They will hit you and inflict damage.

It also has a giant sword with which it does a lot of damage. So it is worth staying away from it as well.

After you defeat it, it begins to emit particles. However, you should be careful, as the flying spheres still remain and can kill you.

It drops one of the most valuable in-game items — the Core of Galaxius. You will be able to craft incredibly powerful weapons and tools from it.


It is worth exploring this mod not only because of the beautiful blocks or armor and tools. One of the most important goals here is to craft ultra-powerful weapons that will allow you to easily defeat any opponent.


This weapon cannot be created and can only be used in creative mode. It is added more for fun, as it has the incredible 777 damage points.


It is quite a standard sword with twelve damage points, a purple texture, and a lightning flash animation.

Viradium Galaxius

To craft this sword, you will need to add a viradium ingot and a special template to the ordinary galaxius. It will also inflict twelve damage but have a green texture.

Ultra Galaxius

This sword not only has an increased damage level of 18 points but also can emit fire. By clicking on the RMB, you will shoot a fireball, which will cause nine damage when hit.

Ultimate Galaxius

It is the coolest galaxius sword in the mod. It also has 18 damage points, the function of shooting projectiles, and an awesome animated design.


The ores added by this mod can also be used to craft ranged weapons. These are magic staffs with different features.

Staff of Bubbles

As you might have guessed, this staff fires bubbles. After being hit, your enemies not only take damage but also begin to fly up but only to fall down to the ground.

Staff of Gales

With this staff, you will be able to move around the game world very quickly. It will be enough just to click the RMB, and you will fly forward like the wind.

Staff of Flames

This staff emits fireballs that set both the victim and the territory ablaze.

Staff of Earth

It is the only staff that does not deal damage. Instead, it heals those you shoot at by creating a small regeneration field that resembles a bunch of green particles.

Images GeoSmelt (Neoforge 1.21.1+)

This element has no dependencies.

Download GeoSmelt (Neoforge 1.21.1+)

Available for next versions: 1.21.1, 1.20.4, 1.20.1, 1.20, 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19, 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.18, 1.16.5, 1.16.4
Game versions
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geosmelt-3.7.4-NEO1.21.1 11.03.2025 neoForge R 3 MB 1.21.1 15 Download
geosmelt-3.7.3-NEO1.21.1 27.02.2025 neoForge R 3 MB 1.21.1 16 Download
geosmelt-3.7.2-NEO1.21.1 25.02.2025 neoForge R 3 MB 1.21.1 6 Download
geosmelt-3.7.1-NEO1.21.1 20.02.2025 neoForge R 3 MB 1.21.1 11 Download
geosmelt-3.7-NEO1.21.1 20.02.2025 neoForge R 3 MB 1.21.1 1 Download
geosmelt-3.6.9-NEO1.21.1 24.01.2025 neoForge R 3 MB 1.21.1 37 Download
geosmelt-3.6.8-NEO1.21.1 22.01.2025 neoForge R 3 MB 1.21.1 2 Download
geosmelt-3.6.7-NEO1.21.1 22.01.2025 neoForge R 3 MB 1.21.1 1 Download
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