Flowerful for Minecraft

  • Author: y4z0n y4z0n LunaPixelStudios
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 15.05.2023
  • Last version 1.20.1

Review Flowerful

Flowerful: Improving Vegetation System in Minecraft

The Minecraft game environment can be improved with the help of a wide range of texture packs, shaders, various datapacks, mods — and plugins when it comes to a server. And most of the visual effects are often ensured by various shaders and resource packs. However, all this is not enough if you would like to change significant minor details that cannot be fixed only by changing textures. When it comes to the vegetation system, you can take advantage of a mod called Flowerful, which brings several important innovations and fixes numerous shortcomings made by the developers of the vanilla game version.

Thanks to the Flowerful mod, you will be able to increase the detail level of Minecraft, improve grass, enhance vegetation, and, on top of that, take advantage of a large list of settings that allows you to choose which parameters to enable and how to adjust them in the game world. The modification cannot boast a high number of downloads but can already provide you with high-quality and convenient functionality for improving vegetation in Minecraft.

Review of the Flowerful Mod

The vegetation and environment of Minecraft will transform after you install the Flowerful mod, although you may not notice that in the first minutes of the game. This add-on replaces the standard grass blocks with taller ones, generates mossy blocks in the game, changes the appearance of water lilies, changes mossy stone bricks, enhances the detail level, and just saturates the game world. So there is no need to install some shaders or texture packs if you would like to slightly transform the graphics and get aesthetic pleasure. However, you can still additionally enable some shaders if you have a powerful PC.

Mossy blocks will now generate all over the cubic world. So while previously that was a rarity, now anyone will be able to mine them using any available pickaxe. These blocks look great in most buildings and have an eye-pleasing appearance. The mossy blocks will appear in all the biomes, so to find them, it will be enough just to run in any direction from your spawn point.

The sea grass is another salient feature of this mod. It will now grow in most aquatic biomes, although previously it was rarely found in Minecraft, and the player had to run thousands of blocks to a particular biome to get such a plant. So after you install Flowerful, the seagrass will generate in rivers, lakes, and small reservoirs, and you will certainly not have a shortage of it. However, if you are going to install this mod on a server, be ready for the fact that the vegetation-related economy will slightly shrink since there will be a little more rare materials.

Different grass types are also among the features of this add-on. All the grass now will differ in height. Suppose you went into a flower forest and found yourself in a clearing. You will be able to see the standard, one-and-a-half, and double grass there. These changes will be immediately noticeable, so you even feel like you find yourself in a real world where there is not just one type of vegetation but different. Such significant details affect the overall game perception, and no texture pack will be able to ensure that. However, the designers of the Flowerful mod took these points into account and tried to implement them.

This mod enhances the detail level of the in-game vegetation, and it is one of the few add-ons for Minecraft that provides a small but important set of options that mainly concern minor details. Indeed, most of the modders try to create something global and completely forget about trifles. In contrast, the add-on under consideration focuses precisely on them. In general, the designers have managed to transform the game world while retaining the vanilla style. It can be used not only for playing solo but also on a server. It is always nice to get together and explore forests, mountains, and new dimensions, isn't it?

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Download Flowerful

Available for next versions: 1.20.1, 1.19.2
Game versions
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flowerful-0.5.2-1.20.1 27.02.2024 forge R 58 KB 1.20.1 3 Download
flowerful 0.5.0 1.19.2 15.05.2023 forge R 57 KB 1.19.2 23 Download
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