Do you think the vanilla world is a bit boring? Do you want to add some more creatures to Minecraft? In this case, we invite you to install Familiar Fauna, which will help you do that. It is a rather popular modification that introduces only 6 new creatures. All these mobs are made in the classic style and blend perfectly with the vanilla world. In addition, each mob has its special characteristics and habitat. Therefore, you can meet at least one new creature in each biome. So, let’s take a closer look at the characteristics of each mob added by the mod.
As mentioned earlier, the mod adds 6 new creatures, and one of them is a deer. There are two types of deer – male and female. Male deer have antlers, while female have not. This is how you can easily distinguish between them. Deer are passive mobs that will never attack the player. If the player starts to approach the deer, the animal will run away very quickly. However, you can easily catch up and kill the deer since it has only 9 health points. When killed, it drops venison, which can be cooked for food. Besides, you can breed deer with apples. But remember that both types of deer, i.e. male and female, must be involved in the process of breeding. If you have two deer of the same type, you won’t be able to breed them. Deer most often spawn in forests, but you can also find them in certain colder biomes.
These animals spawn in forests. Sometimes they can also be found in the plains if there is a forest nearby. Turkeys are passive mobs, and they will not attack you even if you attack first. When meeting a player, turkeys will not run away unless they are damaged. However, killing turkeys is not difficult at all since they have only 7 health points. Thus, you can kill a turkey with one hit if using a diamond sword. Upon death, they will drop feathers and turkey legs. This new product can be cooked and used for more satisfying food. Turkeys are also divided into males and females. It is very easy to distinguish between them: unlike male turkeys, female turkeys have tail feathers. You can also breed turkeys by feeding them with seeds.
Snails are new creatures most commonly found in swamps. The animal consists of a small purple body and a small shell. Snails are passive mobs that do not touch anyone, only crawl slowly through the swamp. This little harmless creature has only 3 health points. When killed, it drops a shell that doesn’t serve any purpose.
Pixies are small magical creatures that can be found in warm biomes. Besides, they are very rare and hence valuable. The pixie consists of only one tiny square, has white wings, and emits pixie dust. The dust is dyed the same color as the pixie. Moreover, pixies may be of different colors – pink, light blue, and light purple. They differ only in color and the shade of their dust particles. This little creature has only 2 health points. However, pixies can fly, which makes them hard to kill. They drop pixie dust upon death.
The mod also adds dragonflies and butterflies. They can be found in warm biomes and come in a variety of colors. They will peacefully float above the ground and serve as a world decoration. It makes no sense to kill these insects since they drop nothing. But you should be careful. One hit is enough to kill a dragonfly or butterfly. These creatures have only one health point and will immediately die even if you attack them with your hand. However, the insects can be caught and placed in a different location, for example, in your building to serve as decoration.
To catch an insect, you need a bug net and insect container. The bug net is crafted from two sticks and three strings. To create a container, you will need glass and a glass panel of any color. Both of these items are required. Otherwise, you won’t be able to catch anything. So, place a container in your inventory and take a bug net in your hand. If you catch an insect, it will end up in your container. After that, place the insect in any location by right-clicking on the container. Remember that one container can accommodate only one insect. Therefore, create multiple containers if you want to catch several insects. You can catch a butterfly, a dragonfly, and a pixie.
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