Extended Lights for Minecraft

  • Author: polyvalord
  • Downloaded: 18 k
  • Updated: 31.03.2022
  • Last version 1.18.2

Review Extended Lights

Extended Lights

The vanilla Minecraft world cannot boast a particular variety among the light blocks, and one has to be satisfied with only a few options. Indeed, there are only torches and lanterns, including sea and redstone, in the game. So the choice is scarce, and the player has to rest content with the available content. Would like to add diverse light blocks, which would not only provide lighting but also ensure a cozy atmosphere? Then we suggest you install an add-on called Extended Lights, which will help in this task. It adds a wide range of light blocks to the game world. All the blocks are made in the vanilla style and thus will perfectly fit with your structures. Moreover, you can take advantage of them not only in creative mode but also in survival mode, as all the blocks are craftable. Let us dwell on the lighting options added by this mod.

Candles With Iron Sockets

They are candles of a new kind that resemble the vanilla candles but have acquired a socket below. Besides, the candle itself has become thicker and now looks a bit nicer. They are crafted from the ordinary candles. The recipe is very simple: you need to use an iron nugget and a candle of any color. That's it — you can use an updated candle with the iron socket.

Candles With Golden Sockets

They are similar to the above candles but made from a gold nugget, not iron. Of course, they have a different appearance, and you will see a beautiful golden socket at the bottom of such a candle. Such candles look a bit more attractive and luxurious and thus can be put on a table to make it look more beautiful. As for their crafting, you will need a vanilla candle of any color and a gold nugget.

Iron Beam

It is a new kind of block that allows you to put any light block on it. Any such block will nicely stand on this iron beam. So it is a great option for decorating courtyards and streets near your house or any other structure. The beams come in three varieties, which differ in terms of size. Their height is the same, though, but only the width of the beam differs. An ordinary candle or candles with supports can be placed on the thin iron beam, and they will perfectly match it. On thicker beams, you can place lanterns and other light blocks. They are crafted very simply: only iron ingots and nuggets are used. The thin iron beam can be made from two iron nuggets and an iron ingot. To craft the iron beam post, you will need an iron nugget and two iron ingots. If you want to create the thick iron beam, use three iron ingots. It will be enough just to place the respective ingredients in one row.

Golden Beam

It is a block used in the same way as the iron beams. They are identical to the latter in size, but their color is different. They are crafted similarly but from gold. Such beams look more beautiful, as their material is precious.

Candle Support

It is an equally interesting block on which you can also place candles. You can try to place other light blocks on it, though, but they will not perfectly match it — all because this support is very thin and slightly lower than the beams. They can be crafted from two materials: iron and gold. They will differ only in color. The recipe is very simple: you will just need two nuggets of gold or iron.

Lamp Bulb

Lamp bulbs are a great option for a table that will nicely fit with your interior. They come in two types: iron and gold. They differ only in terms of the stand, while the light bulb itself is the same. To create a lamp bulb, you need a respective ingot, a respective nugget, and the glowstone bulb. The latter item is new and created from three glass panes, a glowstone, and an iron ingot.

Iron and Golden Lanterns

The mod adds four types of iron lanterns: the lantern bulb, square lantern, caged lantern, and fancy lantern. All of them require the glowstone bulb, so you should have this new item in advance. Similar lanterns can be made of gold. They are identical and differ only in terms of color and crafting ingredients.

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Available for next versions: 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.18, 1.16.4, 1.16.2, 1.16.1, 1.16, 1.15.2, 1.15, 1.14.4, 1.14
Game versions
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Show only last mod versions
extlights-4.4 01.04.2022 forge R 420 KB 1.18.2, 1.18 5 k Download
extlights-4.3 28.03.2022 forge R 420 KB 1.18.1, 1.18 80 Download
extlights-4.2 30.01.2022 forge B 355 KB 1.18.1, 1.18 3 Download
extlights-4.1 23.01.2022 forge B 265 KB 1.18.1, 1.18 1 Download
extlights-4.0 20.01.2022 forge B 240 KB 1.18.1, 1.18 3 Download
extlights-3.3 20.12.2020 forge R 684 KB 1.16.4, 1.16 3 k Download
extlights-3.2 19.12.2020 forge R 605 KB 1.16.4, 1.16 651 Download
extlights-3.1 06.09.2020 forge R 600 KB 1.16.2, 1.16 676 Download
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