Exline's Baking Mod for Minecraft

  • Author: exlinegames
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 27.04.2023
  • Last version 1.21

Review Exline's Baking Mod

New Types of Pastry Minecraft

Every character in Minecraft needs to replenish their health and restore saturation over time, as these are the main parameters that must be controlled all the time. But the vanilla game version isn’t very diverse in terms of food and ready meals, although there are plenty of them too. Indeed, as a huge number of different mods are created for Minecraft, offering a wide range of food, you’ll feel like installing one of them and playing with this add-on. So, if you prefer to try pastry meal, for example, then you’ll need a mod, which we’ve made a detailed review about.

Exline’s Baking Mod adds a lot of flour-based dishes to Minecraft. Accordingly, the player processes wheat into flour first, and then uses this type of resource to make dishes with various ingredients. Here, the developer of Exline’s Baking Mod has added a large set of items so that each player could craft certain dishes. Several types of dough, many ovens, nicely looking food, a wide selection of recipes. This is only a small part of what awaits you after installing this mod. So, if you are ready to try something new, then let’s go through our material…

Do you agree that the standard food system in Minecraft can’t please players with a decent selection? Basically, different types of meat and bread should be used to restore the character’s saturation, but if you wanted to play it around, you had no choice! This is when such mods as Exline’s Baking Mod come to the rescue, adding a large selection of dishes right away. The main goal of this add-on is to add more dishes that can be made with flour or baked in the oven, that is, it’s mostly about baking. Some of the dishes can be cooked in ovens only, while the others can be made using a regular crafting recipe.

New Types of Dough

Dough will be introduced into the game, so you’ll have to process wheat into flour to craft various dishes from it in the future, but at the same time, a few different types of dough will be available to the player (actually, just like in real life, right?):

· Standard dough – a basic option, which is used for most dishes in this mod, as well as for many other standard recipes;

· Cookie dough – this is a separate mass that is mainly used for making cookies, which in Exline’s Baking Mod differ from those that you craft in the vanilla version of the Minecraft;

· Pizza dough – make one of the best dishes in the game by preparing a special dough for it.

It’s up to the player to decide which option they need, depending on the task to solve, but such a large selection of dough opens up the opportunity to use many recipes.

As we’ve already mentioned, flour is the main ingredient for Exline’s Baking Mod, so you’ll constantly have to grow wheat, build huge farms, cultivate soil, and harvest a lot of plants to provide yourself with the necessary amount of wheat.

Different Types of Dishes

As soon as the player processes wheat into flour, they’ll be able to create the first types of pastry in Minecraft, and a selection of dishes is really large here: pizza, bread, pies, cookies, and so on. At the same time, you can also add salt, sugar, and various types of additional products that will appear in this mod. If you’ve never interacted with them in other mods before, then this will be a real discovery for you.

After installing Exline’s Baking Mod, you’ll be able to grow olives, pears, bananas, and make cheese, which isn’t a full list of new types of food added to the vanilla game world. Most of these items will later be used in crafting. For example, you need bananas to make a pie; you can get pepperoni from several types of meat; if you add cocoa beans, you can make a new type of cookie and so on.

You can use almost all types of cookies together with dyes to make colorful sweets that will delight you and everyone who eats the cookies. The game will now get salt, which is one of the main ingredients you need for many types of pastry. Moreover, the developer of Exline’s Baking Mod has even added a separate salt block, which you can use for convenient storage, although craftsmen will install it even as a decorative element. Of course, it’s up to you to decide which dishes to cook, but such a food system significantly expands the players’ opportunities in the game, so be sure to install Exline’s Baking Mod in your build!

We’ve added some crafts for different dishes for you, but these are only a small part of the items available to you after installing this mod. Try crafting all types of pastries; be sure to test how much health each dish restores, so that you can understand which ones to take on hikes and adventures. If you install Exline’s Baking Mod on the server, you’ll be able to sell some of the products, which is a separate sidelline for those users who prefer to do farming and similar activities without paying much attention to PvP and other Minecraft game mechanics.

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Download Exline's Baking Mod

Available for next versions: 1.21, 1.20.6, 1.20.5, 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.19, 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.18, 1.17.1, 1.16.5, 1.12.2
Game versions
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Show only last mod versions
bakingmod-v1.0.1-fabric-1.21 26.06.2024 fabric R 357 KB 1.21 48 Download
bakingmod-v1.1.1-fabric-1.20.5-1.20.6 31.05.2024 fabric R 362 KB 1.20.6, 1.20.5 8 Download
Baking Mod - [Fabric] [1.19.3] [v1.0.6] 06.02.2023 fabric R 361 KB 1.19.3 14 Download
Baking Mod - [Forge] [1.12.2] [v1.0] 04.11.2022 forge B 143 KB 1.12.2 420 Download
Baking Mod - [Forge] [1.19.2] [v1.0.6] 04.11.2022 forge R 327 KB 1.19.2 196 Download
Baking Mod - [Fabric] [1.19.2] [v1.0.5] 01.11.2022 fabric R 361 KB 1.19.2 31 Download
Baking Mod - [Fabric] [1.19] [v1.0.4] 04.07.2022 fabric R 361 KB 1.19 6 Download
Baking Mod - [Forge] [1.19] [v1.0.3] 25.06.2022 forge R 327 KB 1.19 172 Download
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