Etched for Minecraft

  • Author: moonflowerteam
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 16.12.2024
  • Last version 1.21.1

Review Etched

Create Your Own Music Records

The boundless world of Minecraft offers you not only to surf the expanses of the game world, mine ore, fight mobs, but also to build unique and colorful houses, entire cities, your own fortresses, some tricky schemes and logical chains. You can use various items for decoration, which allows you to make your house really cozy so that it is comfortable to live in. These include paintings, flower pots, improvised furniture objects, and certain decorative details. One of these items is a Jukebox, which allows you to listen to music records.

There are a certain number of LPs in Minecraft, which are all mined in different ways. There are even rare series that you can get in other dimensions. Many players on the server are willing to pay several stacks of diamonds or a couple of Netherite ingots to get such artifacts into their collection. But we offer you more: to become a sound engineer in Minecraft and create your own LP or a full-fledged collection. Sounds interesting, right? In this review, let’s look at the Etched mod, which allows you to create music records with your sound.

Making your own LPs in Minecraft is a completely new gameplay for players. Unlike most mods that offer you a bunch of different biomes, hundreds of animals and mobs, different types of new crafting recipes, here, you have a completely different «development path». It’s more for those players who just want to «chill», relax, and enjoy this gameplay. Since Minecraft is a many-sided project where you can actually do almost everything that exists and even doesn’t exist in our world, so, the music industry also appears to be the case.

The Etched mod adds several unique and elaborated Jukeboxes for players, which you can use to listen to LPs, both created from scratch and available from the vanilla game version. The approach is a little different here. The following items are added to the game:

· Minecart with Jukebox (a trolley with a Jukebox);

· Album Cover (an album with songs);

· Etching Table – a table for creating music records, on which all the «magic» of this mod takes place;

· Music Label – a label for an LP so that you can understand which track is recorded there;

· Album Jukebox (a Jukebox for 9 LPs)

· Black Music Disc – an LP obtained by firing in any of the furnaces or purchased from civilians for emeralds (a new profession of bard appears);

· Boombox – a new Jukebox in the game;

· Radio – a kind of radio in Minecraft.

Now, let’s take a look at each item one by one and tell you how to record your own versions of music in Minecraft, what are the main difficulties, how you should do it, and what’s the right order. However, first you need to understand which items are most important here, and what are their features:

Album Jukebox is a completely new device – one of the Jukebox versions, which can store 9 records at once. That is, the player loads the necessary number of «blank LPs» into it, using the GUI interface, and then they are played in a certain order set in the interface. It supports both standard records from the vanilla version of the game and those recorded by you.

Jukebox Minecart is a Jukebox in a trolley. This is another version of the music device, integrated directly into the trolley. You can use it as a trailer installed on any kind of rail. All you need is to put any LP inside and enjoy the process. Moreover, if the music is over, you can use rails and red dust to activate the replay function.

Radio – play music on the go using a radio or other Jukeboxes in the Etched mod, enjoying listening to the music inside the game. At the same time, you can use funnels to install LPs, which can interact with any of the items added by this mod.

Etching Table – a table for creating new LPs in the game. You can use the URL to set a link to download a track from the Internet, for example, from SoundCloud and other services.

How to make your own LP

The process of creating your own record is quite simple, but you need to understand the entire procedure and the right order:

· Fire the «blank LPs». Since you can’t create an LP from scratch, you’ll need to erase the data from the old one that you get somewhere in the Minecraft dungeons. To do this, put it in any oven, lay coal or wood, and get a resulting blank;

· Craft a label. It’s a small emblem attached to an LP. Thus, you’ll then be able to navigate through the records you have. It’s made from several sheets of paper. Here you can set the name;

· Create an LP. Now, you need a new workbench (Etching Table) to create music. Put a «blank» into it, add the label, and insert a link to the track at the top. The mod supports the SoundCloud service, but you can copy a link here from almost any resource with a downloaded Mp3 file in one click. You just need to insert a link to the page where the track is posted, not the direct one.

Upon meeting all the conditions, you’ll have a new record in the GUI interface. If the link is wrong, you’ll see a crossed-out arrow, which indicates that you need to either replace the URL or use another service. But that’s not all! Now you need to listen to the track, and the system also needs to upload it to the Minecraft game for this.

Take any player, even a standard one from Minecraft or a new one from the Etched mod will do, and add a new record there. You’ll see a notification on the screen that the track is being loaded. As soon as the process is completed, the music will start playing. If you don’t hear anything, look in the game settings to turn on the sound effects, as players often turn them off.

The Etched add-on offers a unique gameplay for Minecraft. Now, you can arrange full-fledged discos, create your own song collections, play them in a certain order, sell them to other users, or collect unique compositions. Moreover, you can even record your own track or just a sound, and then transfer it to the game. The sound quality is the same as on a PC, both with headphones or speakers. So, it’s a really cool mod that allows you to enjoy the sound anywhere. The possibility to play musing in a certain order is also pleasing, so, be sure to use trolleys with music devices and many other options of this add-on.

But that’s not all! The Etched add-on adds a new profession for civilians to Minecraft – bards who will sell blanks to you. For this, you’ll need to upgrade the NPC a little to gain access to new items. The average cost starts from 28 emeralds, but here applies the same discount system as in the vanilla version of Minecraft: if you infect and then cure a villager, you’ll receive items by times cheaper.

Images Etched

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Download Etched

Available for next versions: 1.21.1, 1.20.1, 1.19.2, 1.18.2, 1.16.5
Game versions
Version type
Show only last mod versions
etched-3.0.4 17.12.2024 neoForge, forge R 611 KB 1.20.1 3 k Download
etched-4.0.0 17.12.2024 neoForge R 614 KB 1.21.1 101 Download
etched-3.0.2 14.05.2024 neoForge, forge R 610 KB 1.20.1 1 k Download
etched-3.0.1 28.01.2024 forge R 605 KB 1.20.1 658 Download
etched-3.0.0 26.01.2024 forge R 604 KB 1.20.1 20 Download
etched-fabric-2.3.2 26.01.2024 fabric B 597 KB 1.19.2 130 Download
etched-forge-2.3.2 26.01.2024 forge R 640 KB 1.19.2 1 k Download
etched-fabric-2.3.1 26.07.2023 fabric B 595 KB 1.19.2 58 Download
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Ху;%;, а не мод. С компа музыку не вставить. По сылке из интернета, ничего не создаётся. Возни много, а толку нет. Одни текстурки того стоят, и ничего более.
у меня получилось запустить трек с bandcam, но и вроде можно запустить с soundcloud (я не пробовал, сайт не грузил почему-то)
норм мод я вставлял ссылку на трек всё норм работает
подскажи сайт пожалуйста
Когда на 1.20.1 fabric?
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