It is a magic mod that consists of alchemy and theurgy. Yes, these things are creepy. But if you want to be a dark magician and create unusual rituals, you will certainly like this modification.
The Lead Ore: by processing the lead ore, you will get the lead ingot; by combining 1 iron and 1 lead , you will get the Pewter blend. Smelting this blend will produce the Pewter Ingot.
The Arcane Goldis crafted at the Crucible from a Soul Shard, gold ingot, and redstone dust.
The Zombie Brute has forty health points and is hostile to the player. It is much bigger than regular zombies. It is stronger and moves faster. When killed, it sometimes drops the Zombie Heart.</p >
The Necromancer is initially neutral to the player. When attacked, it attacks you back with magic. It will summon mobs that will attack you. It has a hundred health units.
The Wraith is hostile to the player. When attacked, it freezes the player’s regeneration for fifteen seconds. It has twenty health points.
The Brazier is the most important part of any ritual. It is crafted from pewter ingots, a coal block, and sticks. To start the ritual, place the main component on the brazier and put it on fire.
The Soul Crystallization allows you to materialize the souls of dead creatures. If an undead creature dies, it will drop a Soul Shard. The Soul Shard is later used to enchant items.
The Apothecary Stand is crafted from a stick and pewter ingots. It is powered by the boiling water crucible.
The Crucible is powered by fire. It is crafted from pewter ingots and is used for alchemical transformations.
The Magic Workbench is almost no different from a regular workbench, except for additional slots on the sides.
The Soul Enchanter is powered by soul shards and increases the enchantment level from the lowest to the highest one.
Theurgy: for the best effect of the ritual, it is better to use a wither rose, cup, candle, and wither skeleton skull. Fill the cup with blood. To do that, you need to kill an animal or a villager.
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