Dynamic Trees for Minecraft

  • Author: ferreusveritas
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 14.02.2025
  • Last version 1.21.1

Review Dynamic Trees


Project Goal

     To create more dynamic, aesthetic, fun and natural looking trees while respecting the Minecraft graphic stylization and enforcing a narrow project scope that keeps things simple.


     A growing tree is a multi-block structure of rooty soil, branches, and leaves blocks that has many advances over the Vanilla Minecraft tree structures. The formation of the tree starts with a seed. This seed is either planted by hand much like a Vanilla sapling or the seed has a chance of planting itself if left on the ground in a suitable location.  The tree then grows from a sapling, slowly increasing it's size over time, into a full sized tree. The tree can then be chopped down at it's base and all of the wood claimed at once.


  • Grow progressively from seeds to mature trees over time.
  • Grow in natural ways loosely modeled after real world trees and tend to grow in unique, believable ways.
  • Grow around obstacles in a natural way.
  • Are not just reskins but grow using different algorithms per species.
  • Have growth rate and mature sizes that are biome, temperature and rainfall dependent.
  • Drop seeds at random that can potentially plant themselves.
  • Won't grow in darkness. Leaves not connected to an outer tree branch or starved of light will die. Outer branches without leaves slowly rot away.
  • Will die and rot in a dark place (some species produce mushrooms when they rot).
  • Walking on leaves blocks is slow and sinking. Falling on to leaves prevents fall damage and destroys the leaves.
  • Vanilla Tree Fruits(apples, cocoa beans)
  • Thin branches can be climbed like ladders.

mature oak tree

Rooty Soil

  • Provides nutrients to trees and can be depleted over time
  • Applied with bone meal will increase soil fertility and allows the tree to grow past its mature state
  • Applied with various brewed potions for different effects(see next section)
  • Special effect particles are created on the entire tree when an acting substance is applied to the soil or bottom-most trunk block
  • Comparator can be used to sense soil fertility level


  • [Biochar Base: Base tree potion for brewing
  • [Potion of Depletion: Depletes soil completely so tree stops growing
  • [Potion of Burgeoning: Fully fertilizes the tree, then grows faster until it runs out of fertility
  • [Potion of Transformation: Changes an existing Dynamic tree into another tree species
  • [Potion of Gigas: Transforms a tree into it's Mega variant (if available). By default it works with Spruce and Jungle trees.


  • Take the place of vanilla saplings
  • Are randomly dropped from trees(configurable)
  • Can self plant if setting on a dirt/grass/podzol block in a forest with a clear view of the sky above it(configurable)

Saplings(Above: Oak, Spruce, Birch Jungle; Below: Acacia, Dark Oak, Crimson Fungus (1.16.5+), Warped Fungus (1.16.5+)) and their respective seeds.


  • Vanilla trees function normally.
  • Worldgen can be disabled to allow Vanilla trees to still spawn.
  • All drops from growing trees are vanilla leaves, sticks, and logs. Branches are not obtainable in survival. Shears only obtain vanilla leaves.
  • Vanilla textures are used for wood and leaves making it resource pack friendly.
  • Seeds can be crafted from vanilla saplings and vice-versa by using a dirt bucket.
  • Fire spreads and burns at the same rate as vanilla tree fires.


  • As trees drop seeds the forest line spreads.
  • Trees compete for sunlight when placed near each other and grow taller and skinnier than trees in the open. This produces a forest canopy effect.
  • Canopies block skylight producing dark forests where mobs can spawn during the day and saplings fail to thrive.
  • Podzol forms from dirt or grass under the dark forest canopies of some tree species. Podzol is meant to emulate forest leaf litter appearance.

at the edge of an oak forest


oak forest by the plains


a savanna sparsely populated with acacias


taiga near the coast with a mega taiga behind it


spindly birch trees in a dense forest


the canopy of the tall jungle trees produce a dimly lit forest floor


crimson forest

A gloomy crimson forest next to a smaller warped forest (1.16.5+)


  • Cutting the tree at it's base will fell the entire tree
  • Thicker branches take longer to harvest
  • Whole branches can be removed from the tree without disturbing the main body of the tree
  • Harvesting results in vanilla logs and sticks the number of which is calculated as the total volume of wood in the tree or branch
  • Fortune enchantments on axes are actually useful and work to increase log yield
  • Tools are damaged by the number of logs harvested(configurable)
  • Leaves grow back when destroyed if outer branches are left undamaged
  • Trees fall over when harvested(configurable)

The Woodland Staff

     The woodland staff is a multi-function tool intended for use in creative mode(can't be crafted). In the most basic usage it can be used to copy a tree. Right click on any dynamic tree with the staff to pull it's JoCode. Next, right click on viable soil to recreate the same tree. The tree is also rotated based on the player direction. If the player right clicks a tree with the staff while sneaking then only the tree specieswill be copied, leaving the JoCode unchanged. In this way you can for instance create an acacia tree that is shaped like a tall jungle tree. Another feature for the Woodland Staff is that any JoCode pulled from a tree is also copied to the system clipboard as text. This enables a player to share tree models with others easily.

Dynamic Trees Plus (1.16.5+)

     Dynamic Trees Plus is an extension to the Dynamic Trees mod exclusive to the 1.16.5 version and up, which aims to add dynamic versions of other vegetation that would not fit the scope of this mod, such as Cacti and Huge Mushrooms.

Saguaro Cacti in a badlands biome (feature of Dynamic Trees Plus 1.16.5+)

What will happen to the existing cactus?

  • In the 1.12.2 version of Dynamic Trees the cactus will remain as a feature and will not be removed.
  • In the 1.16.5 version, the dynamic cactus is a feature of Dynamic Trees Plus, which fits much better with its scope, and is not a part of base Dynamic Trees.

Mod Compatibility


     Add-ons are mods that do the work of including modded trees in a more modular and maintainable fashion using the Dynamic Trees API. This prevents bloat in the base Dynamic Trees mod which only includes vanilla Minecraft trees. Below is the current list of add-ons graciously developed by other modders. Refer to their individual project pages for information on which trees the mods are able to provide.


1.16.5 Add-Ons:

1.12.2 Add-Ons:


Compatible Mods

     Mods where features mix well with Dynamic Trees, the compatibility is notable or has been explicitly provided. Mods not on this list are not necessarily incompatible.

  • Better Foliage: Leaves blocks will be enhanced as expected (does not work with trunk rounding feature, this won't change)
  • Better Beginnings: Can't chop down a tree with your bare hands, tools work as intended.
  • Optifine: I know, right? Can you believe it?
  • Quark: The grass color of the Rooty Dirt Block and the dynamic leaves foliage is changed by Quark's greener grass option.
  • Passable Leaves: Dynamic Tree leaves become passable when this mod is installed.
  • Serene Seasons: Dynamic Trees fully implements a season system for its trees, which is by default compatible with Serene Seasons. Trees will respond to the climate and slow / stop their growth accordingly. Fruits also have a specific harvesting season. 
  • Better Weather: As of 0.10.0 Beta 23 in 1.16+, DT also has built-in compatibility with Better Weather's seasons (see Serene Seasons information above for more details). 

Incompatible Mods

  • Applied Energistics 2: Meteor generation ruins dynamically generated trees.
  • Tree Chopper: issue
  • Liquid Luck: Dynamic Trees are known not to drop logs and sticks when this mod is installed. 
  • Cave Biomes API: Changes to chunk generation make Trees generate incorrectly

Project Scope

Examples of in scope features

  • Trees and only trees.
  • Provide advanced growing versions of vanilla trees
  • Zero to minimal configuration. Should work out of the box with sane settings or defaults
  • Provide interfaces for other mod developers to expand the mod with add-ons, new trees, effects, mobs and other things. If you need a hook then lemme know :)
  • Response to seasonal changes
  • To achieve compatibility with other popular mods when appropriate
  • Stylization should not deviate from the Minecraft aesthetic. All parts of a block model should be comprised of rectangular prisms with each face aligned to 1/16 meter(a standard minecraft texel)

Examples of out of scope features

  • Species of trees not implemented in vanilla Minecraft(such as those in Forestry, Pam's Harvestcraft, Natura, Biomes O' Plenty). For compatibility with these please refer to the Addons section.
  • Creature entities, mobs, and/or particles(ents, squirrels, monkeys, fireflies, etc)
  • Fruit(other than vanilla Minecraft tree fruit products: apples, cocoa beans)
  • Dungeon loot(pointless for this mod)
  • Tree villages, villagers and/or trading posts
  • Swings or other gadgets commonly attached to trees
  • Magic, energy systems, XP drops, enchantments
  • Tools and/or apparel(in survival, admin tools might be okay)
  • Grafting
  • Tree genetics and/or pollination, such as that in forestry
  • Automatic fertilizers, detectors, or any kind of machine for interacting with the tree

     Features like these will never be implemented. I'm not suggesting that these are bad ideas or wouldn't be fun but they are indeed outside the scope of what this project is meant to accomplish.

     Those wishing to implement out of scope features are welcome to do so in a separate expansion or compatibility mod. Popular mods tend to experience scope creep and featuritis. Ultimately you end up with jet packs, metal ore trees, nyan cats, flaming super death cactus swords, and 15 kinds of creepers. I won't have it.

Technical Details

Under the hood

  • Trees grow using a combination of a cellular automata algorithm for leaves and branch network logic for trunk and branches
  • No tile entity rendering is used. Rendering is done with BakedModels for better performance with large numbers of tree nodes
  • Leaves are only updated with updateTick() so chunks are re-rendered when dirty no more than with vanilla crops
  • A DropCreator interface is used for creating seed drops and other items. New drop creators can be registered by other mods to expand existing or new tree behavior
  • Worldgen uses a custom variation of Adaptive Incremental Stippling(AIS) using the PoissonDisk Distribution for high quality and non-overlapping tree placement
  • Season data available here

License, Permission and Modpacks

     Permission is hereby granted to use this mod in ANY mod pack or server. Please don't ask for permission to use the mod in your mod pack after I've already told you that you can, it's annoying. Attribution would be nice but I don't require it. You are not allowed to re-publish this mod to other sites without providing a CurseForge download link and my permission.  Did I mention that you have permission to use this mod in your mod packs?.. Good! You were paying attention!

Bugs and Issues

Use the issues link at the top of the content section for reporting bugs. The comments section was removed because it was abused.

Images Dynamic Trees

This element has no dependencies.

Download Dynamic Trees

Available for next versions: 1.21.1, 1.20.1, 1.19.2, 1.18.2, 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.11.2, 1.11, 1.10.2, 1.7.10
Game versions
Version type
Show only last mod versions
dynamictrees-neoforge-1.21.1-1.5.0-BETA03 15.02.2025 neoForge B 3 MB 1.21.1 1 k Download
1.20.1-1.4.1 23.01.2025 forge R 3 MB 1.20.1 43 k Download
dynamictrees-neoforge-1.21.1-1.5.0-BETA02 22.01.2025 neoForge B 3 MB 1.21.1 490 Download
1.20.1-1.4.0 21.01.2025 forge R 3 MB 1.20.1 1 k Download
dynamictrees-neoforge-1.21.1-1.5.0-BETA01 21.01.2025 neoForge B 3 MB 1.21.1 50 Download
1.20.1-1.4.0-BETA01 10.01.2025 forge B 3 MB 1.20.1 6 k Download
1.20.1-1.3.6 09.12.2024 forge R 3 MB 1.20.1 8 k Download
DynamicTrees-1.20.1-1.4.0-ALPHA03 27.11.2024 forge R 3 MB 1.20.1 204 Download
Discussion (23)
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ужс мод деревья не восстановить после удаления данного мода
Иногда крашит игру,ставьте версию старее
Мод параша, крашит игру
hola, no me esta dejando instalarlo, directamente desactive todos los mods que estaba usando, aun y asi, no me deja jugar :(
мод хороший, деревья легко добываются. Только жалко то какао бобы не растут на тропических деревьях, я надеюсь что это недоумение исправят :D
помогите пожалуйста, с Тлаунчера я скачал этот мод, потом я скачал на атернос только бета 3 и теперь мне говорят что бы я скачал бета 3 хотя там такого нет
забей буй на атернос и играй через хамачи или радмин впн
как деревья в доски переработать? спасите
рубите деревья сразу.Потом как построили дом живите с ними.Ведь играл с другом он болбес пошёл рубить дерево,и что? дерево в размер 16+ блоков упало на наш уютный домик.И дом как корова слизала.Дом развалился на блоки как будто крипер взорвался внутри! НЕ РУБИТЕ ДЕРЕВЬЯ ВОЗЛЕ ДОМА.ПЛОХИЕ ПОСЛЕДСТВИЯ БУДУТ
Comment deleted
не совмещается с модом Mine Colonies. Лесоруб не воспринимает дерево. Или только у меня так?
А вообще есть только 2 жителя и всё:( больше не отображается((((((((
*А у меня*
help exit code -1
На версии 1.20.1 краш игры при падении дерева на игрока. Пожалуйста, исправьте
Add on 1.20.1 pwease!!1!
добавьте на 1.20.1
Автор молодец, сразу видно не первый мод) Надеюсь что он и дальше будет выпускать на моды :3
выдает ошибку на 1.16.5 и 1.19.2 автор исправляй
Как использовать зелья? ПОМОГИТЕЕЕЕ ААААААААААА